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Everything posted by Stazzi

  1. LOL You're right; I totally forgot about that. OK, that works for me.
  2. I will purchase all your remaining tech deals. Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=119883
  3. Dude! GRAN wasn't named after you. We are the Global Republic of Allied Nations. Get over yourself and go bother someone else.
  4. We were not informed of Psyko quitting CN. Your alliance will be punished anyway. End of story.
  5. There is no other reason that Jhog was created. It was created before I joined GRAN and Jhog's IP, email, and forum number were hidden. Psyko also used a chat box that he made and pretended to be people he wasn't and called us liars and backstabbers. He also created another fourm account when told directly not to under penalty of treason. If you side with Psyko then you should be punished as well.
  6. The reason your alliance, Guardians of the Rabid Caterkillers, has been attacked by GRAN is because you are hiding a nation who has spyed on GRAN and told false and harmful accusations about GRAN's leaders. Psyko was formerly a member of GRAN. When he resigned his account was banned and his Admin powers were removed. Just a few weeks ago Shang Tsung, Emperor of GRAN, found an account named Jhog on the GRAN forums with admin access. Psyko had been using this to find info limited to GRAN leadership. When the Guardians of the Rabid Caterkillers refused to expell Psyko or allows us to punish him we had no other choice than to delcare war on your entire alliance. You are being punished for the actions of your alliance member not your own. Expel Psyko and the war will be revaluated. ChiefRantu, Triumvirate of GRAN
  7. Welcome to the Global Republic of Allied Nations (GRAN). We currently have 56 members and tons of open government seats. We are a newer White Sphere alliance and are growing quickly. GRAN is also a protectorate of The Phoenix Federation. We have only a few rules about joining and leaving GRAN: 1. No nation at war will be accepted into GRAN. 2. White team color is preferable. We will work with you to rearrange your trades if needed. 3. Upon resignition from GRAN all you need to do is post it on the GRAN forums. New members will receive a bonus of at least 50k. To join GRAN contact Shang Tsung, King Alaric, Tom08, or ChiefRantu via PM on Cyber Nations or sign up on the GRAN Forums under "Member Applications." GRAN Forums
  8. Join the Scourge of God. We are a fairly small alliance but your voice will be heard and you will become one of the family. Visit our forums at scourgeofgod.forumco.com Thank you!
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