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Posts posted by Damned

  1. Oh give me a ****ing break. I think, first of all, that he's giving them the chance to first and foremost act as their own alliance and make a sovereign decision to either let NpO get involved or not. Above all that shows that he has more of an interest in peace than Genmay does, because I'm willing to bet there's a hell of a lot more they could have done to resolve this situation.

    What we have a case of here is war-mongering. It's amazing how just as one situation that could've escalated is resolved, we find that the ever-so-clever Unjust Path suddenly has a reason to declare war on a protectorate of NpO, which theoretically not only stops many of NpO's MDPs from activating, but also gives you the excuse for war with sponge that you've been desiring for so long.

    I'll hand it to you that it's not exactly what I would've expected, but I guess you're bigger cowards than I would've thought as well.

    wow, thats pretty harsh.. :unsure: and isnt npo allies with genmay?

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