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Posts posted by Joe32320

  1. In a time long ago, in a month called November, in a year called 2008, TPF and SNAFU first made their respect and love of each other known to the world through a treaty. It was only SNAFU's second ever treaty, in those early days TPF's help and support helped us build up into the alliance we are today. Though those days are gone, our relationship has grown beyond that and today I am very happy to annouce the following treaty:

    [b] [center][size=5] The Tango & Cash Accords [/b][/center][/size]


    [b]Article I: Did you bump uglies with my sister?[/b]

    TPF and SNAFU realize that any good partnership starts with understanding. Should either party happen to do anything to raise the ire of the other, or by chance forget to mention that night with the other's sister, they vow to not resort to violence and instead sit down and discuss their differences.

    [b]Article II: As long as you're only touching one wire and you're not touching the ground, you don't get electrocuted, right?[/b]

    Through the course of our partnership we may happen to wind up in some challenging spots. We realize that the best way to overcome this is to constantly be sharing our vast amounts of worldly knowledge with each other.

    [b]Article III: Aw, c'mon, how come yours is bigger than mine?[/b]

    Should one partner find themselves in need of financial assistance the other is encouraged to help out.

    [b]Article IV: I don't know about you, but I have an aversion to getting FUBAR[/b]

    While we recognize that our chiseled good looks, suave personalities, and meticulous fashion sense provide us quite the sway over the fairer sex, it can also cause those less fortunate to become jealous or even hostile. Should any hostility be shown to one of us, the other will be there at his side ready to take out the trash.

    If one partner happens to get into an off-duty ruckus defending one of his other friends the other partner can choose to drop the date he is on and come join in the fun.

    [b]Article V: Blowing a man's head off with a !@#$@#$ hand grenade is a touch much, don't you think?[/b]

    Ok, so we may have different ways of handling a situation sometimes. In the event that one of us decides to employ some aggressive techniques, the other has the option of partaking or can simply decide to sit back and enjoy the show.

    [b]Article VI: Pleasure doing time with ya.[/b]

    If it comes to the point where one of us feels that the partnership is no longer working we have the ability to put in for a transfer. The other partner needs to be informed and it will take 72 hrs for the department to process the paperwork.


    For TPF:

    The Crimson King (aka: Gabriel Cash) - Evil Overlord, Peddler of Death
    Desperado - High Magistrate
    mhawk - Minister of Complacency
    Beernuts - Ember
    Great Lakes Union - Ember
    JBone - Ember
    chaz9055 - Minister of Foreign Affairs
    auto98 - TPF resident Def Leppard fanatic

    For SNAFU:

    Stetson of Axeland (aka: Raymond Tango), Grand FUBAR
    Madam CaVi of Spehan, the Power Behind the Throne
    thoughberry of Newest Amsterdam, In House Leader
    Joe32320 of Lealand, Out House Leader
    Brunes of Brunston, Director of Illicit Affairs
    Heheurfunny of Land of Hehe, Director of Damage Control
    Mista Wigga of Silios, Director of Making Nations Rich
    Raithen of Cataclysm, Director of Alliance Relations

    Tl:dr for the lazy folks, it's a MDoAP

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