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Captain Flinders

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Posts posted by Captain Flinders

  1. Pretty much the same as any other. Regardless, this idea is like vox...and we saw where that went, regardless of the influential nations IC that joined.


    Vox Populi is/was a reactionary alliance founded by some infamous characters. Hardly the same thing as the OP is suggesting. I must echo the other sentiments above. It would be a neat idea but a charter and treaties exist for the protection and interest of the members. Not having either is a dangerous thing in this predatory world.

  2. This is the strongest and best balanced economic trading circle in the game. This is a circle for those who are looking to be an economic power in cybernations. The circle will look like this:

    Aluminum - Molholt1

    Cattle - Captain Flinders

    Fish - Andrian

    Gems - Dark Zero

    Iron - Dark Zero

    Lumber - Andrian

    Marble - Molholt1

    Pigs - slingshot

    Spices - nicknero

    Sugar - nicknero

    Water - slingshot

    Wheat - Captain Flinders

    Bonus Resources


    Fast Food


    As you can see, this circle maximizes population happiness (and in turn income), number of citizens, and greatly lowers infrastructure cost and upkeep. If you are newer to the game, infrastructure is arguably the most important aspect of an economy. So having reductions on its cost is hugely beneficial as this frees up more of your income for military and tech purchases.

    Anyone with two of the needed resources (resources without an assigned name beside them) may submit their ruler name and resources they wish to contribute to the circle. You must have a harbor as all available trade slots will be needed to complete this circle. This circle does not currently have a defined color but if you are required to stay on your current color please let that be known when you submit your resources. We will work together to decide on a color that works for everyone in the circle.

    Do not cancel any of your current trades as this circle will not be in effect until it has been completed in full. This is a long term trading circle so please keep that in mind when you apply your resources. Feel free to seek out nations with fitting resources using the in game nation search. Please direct them to this thread so we can coordinate in one organized place.

  3. Excellent stuff. All available buyer slots are closed for the moment and in ten days nadabethyname and Widev77 will receive their first batch of 50 tech. Pleasure doing business.

  4. I'm selling 100 tech for 2.2 million (2,200,000). No fancy circles or giant pyramids. You send me 2.2 million and in ten days I send you 100 tech. If you want to organize a middle man feel free to but I will not be responsible for that. You won't find a better tech price anywhere else. I will accept the first two buyers who post in this thread.

  5. Why are you so invested in ITA's circumstances, though? Do you feel speaking on these forums in this fashion is conducive to your acceptance into your alliance, or the security of your alliance? Shouldn't you have messaged moderation from the start, and not spoken publicly, if you have read the ToS like you said you did?

    I have no investment in ITA. GGA were the ones who, in my mind, made an action that was questionable under the governance of the ToS. I thought asking them and the CN audience first in the appropriate thread would be the best way to find out general opinion and whether GGA had contacted moderation about this previously. It served that purpose. I'm not sure how my acceptance into an alliance has anything to do with it.

  6. Discussing moderation is against the rules for these forums, as someone previously noted.

    I understand that which is why I have dropped it and messaged moderation for clarification.

    Also, you seem a quite knowledgeable leader for a nation so young and undeveloped! Good to see such experience at play here!

    When I signed up for cybernations I had to agree to the Terms of Service as everyone else did. I take the time to read what I am agreeing to.

  7. I'm sorry, I must respond to these points because they are absolutely ridiculous.

    1) His alliance membership mask is not OOC... it's based on him being a ruler on Planet Bob.

    Anything that is not in game or in an IC forum is OOC. That includes forums and forum accounts.

    2) His mask is not a real life possession. It's 1's and 0's.

    Then would it be alright if I threatened to modify your credit rating if you didn't remove a member from your alliance? Of course not. Those 1 and 0's are your property just as the forum and in turn forum account are property. Whether something is digital or not does not exclude it from being used in extortion.

    3) You quote the ToS using the term "real life", then slip in your own "OOC". I assume you did this because you know it's full of !@#$.

    Out of character is real life...

    I agree that this is not the place to discuss this and will leave it at that but those points were rather juvenile.

  8. No one said he couldnt be apart of the forums but he shouldnt be masked as a member anymore. A visitor mask or non member mask would do.

    (OOC) That is the point I'm trying to make. Here is the quote from the ToS I'm talking about, "Users agree not to engage in extortion of real life possessions of other players in response to in game situations and vice versa". GGA attacked in response to ITA not demasking, banning, or making a certain change to someones OOC possessions. Unless I'm mistaken, that is the exact instance this portion of the ToS is ruling against. I don't intend to argue on this and will leave it at that in hopes of hearing a moderation rule on this. (/OOC)

  9. If you go re-read the CB, it is because ITA did nothing to remedy the situation and kick out the member. It isn't because they didn't demask the former member, it is because they didn't completely kick them out of ITA.

    (OOC) I understand that. The ToS states that off site property (a forum or forum account being someones property) cannot be used against them in game. Telling someone that you will attack them in game if they do not modify an out of game construct is called extortion. At least that is how I understand term 2. Can I assume moderation has not made a statement on this yet? (/OOC)

  10. (OOC) I'm sorry if I'm interjecting inappropriately or if this question has already been answered, but section 2 of the Terms of Service (by my understanding) states that you cannot use OOC property for blackmail, to gain an in game advantage or in game leverage over a players. Yes, GGA could very well launch an attack simply for being raided but the reason stated in the OP is that their attack was prompted because a member was not demaksed on an off-site forum. Is this not a violation of the ToS? Has GGA consulted moderation already to ensure this was not a violation? (/OOC)

    Good luck to all who bravely march into battle in defense of their sovereignty.

  11. Depends on how much freedom their protectorate agreement gives them over their foreign affairs department.

    Greatest idea ever: Get around 12 alliances to join this microalliance bloc, then everyone merge. Repeat.

    Twelve different governments forming to make one? I should hope not. Either you would have the largest, most dysfunctional government in CN or you will have a half decent government with seething former government members wanting to start their own alliance or usurp the current government. I believe this micro bloc is a very smart idea. As suggested you should definitely let raiders know of this agreement in your nation bio. It will act as both deterrent and fair warning.

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