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Posts posted by 19thSpecOps

  1. Hello fellow citizens and nation rulers of CN. I come before you today to offer a great proposition in a young but opportunistic alliance with a great future. That is the Knights of Cydonia, we are a thriving alliance with an active govt which strives for the best in members and its PR as a whole. If you join the alliance we will work together to provide the most fun and caring experience in an alliance then ever before. We do various projects from aid all the way to military and govt. We have positions open in the alliance as well, just when you join work hard to pass the academy or get special granting rights if your very active to lead something for a change. THis is your chance to reside with one of the close knit communities online as an alliance. We strive for peace and equality for all, we also strive for to become one of the elite alliances out there today. SO come one come all join us in our quest to be one of the best alliances here on CN. You wont regret it at all.

    Also if you have RL obligations and you love CN at the same time, we understand greatly upon the deal with RL presiding over an internet game, we will still accept you without a problem just tell us this when you first join and we will be happy to accommodate you in this alliance. As for anyone else that does not have this problem we will still also like to accommodate you too in any way possible, just say the word. We are here to help :)

    Here is our current Govt set up:

    Government of KoC

    Emperor - jho007

    Cleric of Interior - Sheerasended

    Cleric of Foreign Affairs - Andorra 3

    Cleric of War - kamil


    Secretary of Banking - Sheerasended

    Secretary of Academy - Winouh

    Secretary of War - David Edwards

    Secretary of Foreign Affairs - 19thSpecOps

    Secretary of Recruitment - General Grievous

    Here is the site shall you want to join: Knights of Cydonia

    Here is the register part of the alliance shall you already want to join by this message satisfying you: KoC Forum Registry

    Here is the sign up thread after you register or want to actually join: KoC Membership sign up thread

    Also all ambassadors and MoFAs and SoFAs are welcome from all alliances to join to become one of the most distinguished diplomat to our alliance.

    Here is the link for those: Diplomat/ambassadorship Sign up thread

  2. Congrats guys! Hope your furniture can uphold well in planet bob. I know it can in the RW. Anyhoo Congrats on the creation and your protectors!



    AiD has your back and we support your creation :)

    P.S. Wheres my damn order of the Swedish meatballs ehh? lol

  3. Alliance of International Defence Party


    Yes that's right folks, you've read the topic correctly. For 2 years, this alliance has had its ups and downs and seen many wars come and go. But through thick or thin we are still here and alive. Ive had the pleasure to finally announce this glorious achievement AiD has accomplished. Our 2 year birthday was Nov. 28th, but we finally got together to have this grand ol party today and tomorrow to celebrate this fine achievement.

    There will be orange cake, and every cake you can imagine. Tacos and a buffet style place setting for this glorious party. We invite you all to the #aid channel on coldfront to celebrate this fine achievement with us.


    Enjoy the cake folks! Theres more in the chan #aid :)


    Alliance of International Defence President

    P.S. On behalf of the GoV of -AiD- We are proud to present this to the general public of Planet Bob

    o/ AiD

    o/ Planet Bob.

  4. Well Apocalypse On behalf of AiD and myself we congradulate you on this milestone of success, we hope for many more for you. Keep on kicking and growing. See ya on the other side of the light.

    o/ Apocalypse

    o/ BadOmen

    o/ Jewel

    o/ Auctor

    o/ hail the others I fogot (sorry lol)

    P.S. No huggling aloud CN. Otherwise youll be on Omens hitlist.

  5. Alright as of now everything is cool between GATO, NPO, and AID. Nothing is going to happen and this wasn't meant as a sign of aggression. We forgave them and they forgave us. Everything is peachy seriously.

    Anyway it was a simple mistake that wont happen again and I was rest assured from both alliances that this wouldn't happen again. Anyway on the matter at hand, relations between GATO, AID, and NPO are fine and nothing to worry about folks. :) I am glad to state that matters are being dealt with in an orderly fashion and swiftly in a good way. Now let us all rejoice and be happy.

    Now Good Day CN.


    VP of AiD

    o/ GATO

    o/ NPO

    o/ AID

  6. Well people I come before you today with an international incident that had happened in the #AiD IRC channel a few days go. Read all about it! AiD and NPO go at it :P with only one gov member defending an entire alliance :P


    <%Matthew117> Unless you're in "private channels", talking about something obviously serious, it is a joke :|

    <+Walling[ODN]> alright, ttyl

    <~SpecOps> OK ITS A JOKE!


    * +Walling[ODN] () Quit (Quit: )


    <+Folkminister[gre]> LOL

    <~SpecOps> there satisfied...

    <~SpecOps> XD

    <+Folkminister[gre]> I will put that in my sig

    <~SpecOps> oh jesus

    <~SpecOps> god no...

    <~SpecOps> dont...

    <~SpecOps> ill get my $@! kicked

    <~SpecOps> not to mention

    <+Folkminister[gre]> well see where that goes

    <~SpecOps> NPO down my throat....

    <~SpecOps> jesus it was a joke...

    <~SpecOps> oh god...

    <+Folkminister[gre]> Spec i will leave that 1 alone

    <+Folkminister[gre]> <~SpecOps> NPO down my throat....

    <~SpecOps> Matthew117: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    <%Matthew117> Yeah...

    <~SpecOps> i NEED HELP!!!!

    <~SpecOps> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    <%Matthew117> Help? Okay, I'll add it to my sig to promote your cause

    * ~SpecOps goes to quickly draft a NAP with NPO

    <%Matthew117> [14:50] <Folkminister[gre]> well see where that goes

    <%Matthew117> [14:50] <SpecOps> NPO down my throat....

    <+Folkminister[gre]> LMFAO

    <~SpecOps> jesus

    <~SpecOps> you two are nice...

    <~SpecOps> <.<

    <~SpecOps> meh fine

    <~SpecOps> if i burn

    <~SpecOps> then i burn

    <~SpecOps> oh well

    <~SpecOps> ill just

    <~SpecOps> meh

    <%Matthew117> Nothing will happen to you :P

    <+Folkminister[gre]> Spec look at it this way if we didn't give u a hard time, we don't like ya

    <%Matthew117> However, "<SpecOps> NPO down my throat...." is hilarious XD

    <~SpecOps> 0.0

    <~SpecOps> ok if its that hilarious

    <%Matthew117> ^^ Exactly, if I didn't like you, you would know about it ;)

    <~SpecOps> then put it down..i suppose

    <~SpecOps> true

    <~SpecOps> I would def. know ;)

    <+Folkminister[gre]> oh its already on my sig

    <+Folkminister[gre]> ;)

    <~SpecOps> OHHH FOLKY!

    <+Folkminister[gre]> better start the quality control


    <+Folkminister[gre]> sweet


    <~SpecOps> there satisfied now?

    * %Matthew117 assassinates SpecOps

    <+Folkminister[gre]> ya i think i can fit that there too

    <~SpecOps> thanks you just killed my counsin...

    <%Matthew117> o.O

    <~SpecOps> yes....i made clones of myself matt

    <+Folkminister[gre]> that is scary

    <~SpecOps> well gee

    <~SpecOps> gotta have protection

    <+Folkminister[gre]> 1 of u is enough

    <~SpecOps> over assassinations

    <~SpecOps> there is about

    <~SpecOps> above 9000 of me...

    <~SpecOps> of course

    <~SpecOps> you dont see them until necessary

    <~SpecOps> an ARMY OF ONE!

    <~SpecOps> MWHAHAHHAAAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    <+Folkminister[gre]> u r an army of 1.....just 1

    * ~SpecOps has evil smirk as he plots to take over planet bob....echelon..gremlins.....LEN........NV.....ODN


    <~SpecOps> Last but not least pit the two giants together!

    <~SpecOps> IRON AND NPO

    <~SpecOps> MWHAHAHAHAA

    <~SpecOps> and then

    <~SpecOps> the new and improved AiD

    <~SpecOps> Will step in

    <~SpecOps> and Kick SERIOUS ARSE!

    <+Folkminister[gre]> k talk bad about me as i go get another beer and smoke.....also SPec I hope yourr still here when I get back as I posted your comments on CN forum lol

    <~SpecOps> 0.0

    <~SpecOps> .......................................

    <~SpecOps> are u dead serious...

    <~SpecOps> urr....

    <~SpecOps> ur.....

    <~SpecOps> oh god....

    * ~SpecOps goes to scour the CN forums

    * %LM|away () has left #AiD

    <~SpecOps> Matthew117 ^^^^^

    <%Matthew117> Hang on, lemme read up...

    <%Matthew117> LMAO XD

    <~SpecOps> 0.0.............................................................................


    <~SpecOps> give me the link

    <~SpecOps> i must hve the link

    <~SpecOps> ITS NOT TRUE!!!

    <~SpecOps> ITS ALL A LIE!!!

    <~SpecOps> CAKE IS A LIE!!!!

    <~SpecOps> give me the linky...

    <~SpecOps> 0.0

    <%Matthew117> Check Folky's profile and sig first of all >_>

    * ~SpecOps starts to hyperventilate for real...

    <%Matthew117> lol dw, it's there for the humourous sexual content, not for the threats :P

    <~SpecOps> can i haz

    <~SpecOps> link to his profileon there?

    * %Matthew117 goes to look

    <+Folkminister[gre]> damn u see the replys already from NPO

    <+Folkminister[gre]> better get into defcon 1 Spec

    <%Matthew117> OSHI--

    <%Matthew117> Looks like they want to attack AiD as well, cause you're govt. and represent the whole alliance O.O

    <~SpecOps> 0.0.................

    <~SpecOps> crap

    <~SpecOps> fine

    <~SpecOps> ill get to defcon one and drop aa...

    * ~SpecOps goes to do that...

    <~SpecOps> X.X

    <~SpecOps> fine

    <~SpecOps> ill accept my resignation....

    <+Folkminister[gre]> nah go out with stile

    <~SpecOps> 0.0

    <~SpecOps> srly...

    <~SpecOps> is this all going to happen...

    <+Folkminister[gre]> did u read the DOW

    * ~SpecOps starts to hyperventilate again for real....

    <~SpecOps> OMG

    <~SpecOps> there it is...

    <~SpecOps> ohhhh shi....

    <~SpecOps> i did it now

    <~SpecOps> daves going to kill me

    <~SpecOps> .....

    <~SpecOps> wait

    <~SpecOps> give me the lin

    <~SpecOps> i need to have the link....

    <+Folkminister[gre]> i really dont think he will have a chance to kill u before NPO

    <~SpecOps> gotta draft up a NAP....

    <~SpecOps> fast.....

    * ~SpecOps waves white flag...

    <%Matthew117> Don't worry, you're both allied to Echelon... You've got however long until the grace period expires after they cancel the treaty :)

    <~SpecOps> X.X

    <~SpecOps> i need to see the linky...

    * +Kalus|NpO () Quit (Ping timeout)

    <~SpecOps> wheres their channel

    <~SpecOps> I need to say sorry...

    <~SpecOps> give me the channel...someone...

    <~SpecOps> x.x

    <+Folkminister[gre]> .....gettingmyasskickedasap.com....

    <~SpecOps> X.X

    <%Matthew117> O.O

    <%Matthew117> They even posted a DoW video :

    <%Matthew117> :/

    <+Folkminister[gre]> i have to tell you that was a great announcement

    <%Matthew117> www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2b1D5w82yU

    <~SpecOps> OH JES....

    <~SpecOps> ZOMG

    <+Folkminister[gre]> lol

    <~SpecOps> NOT THE VIDEO

    <~SpecOps> .........

    <~SpecOps> yup

    <~SpecOps> were **** outta luck

    <~SpecOps> I gotta dissappear...............

    * ~SpecOps goes to delete his nation for real

    <+Folkminister[gre]> <~SpecOps> ANNOUCFEMENT FROM AID!!!

    <+Folkminister[gre]> * +Walling[ODN] () Quit (Quit: )

    <+Folkminister[gre]> <~SpecOps> WERE DECLARING WAR ON THE NPO!!!!

    <+Folkminister[gre]> reposted for the few that didn't read it

    <%Matthew117> Also

    <%Matthew117> <SpecOps> NPO down my throat....

    <+Folkminister[gre]> oh ya forgot that onre

    <+Folkminister[gre]> *one

    <~SpecOps> can i haz linky to ur profile on CN fourm

    <~SpecOps> along with that thread

    <~SpecOps> linky

    <+Folkminister[gre]> well u might be able to pay me off with some tech to withdraw the statement

    * Kalus|NpO () has joined #AiD

    <~SpecOps> 0.0............................................

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v Kalus|NpO

    <~SpecOps> LINKS!

    <~SpecOps> I NEED LINKS!!!!!!!

    <~SpecOps> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


    <+Folkminister[gre]> spec u still there

    <~SpecOps> yea?

    <~SpecOps> im about to go to sleep

    <+Folkminister[gre]> I have NPO pinging me all ove rthe place

    <~SpecOps> but yes watcha need?

    <+Folkminister[gre]> hang on

    <~SpecOps> I see

    <+Folkminister[gre]> no sleep they might want to talk with u

    <~SpecOps> 0.0............................

    <+Folkminister[gre]> i am trying to tell them it was just a joke

    <~SpecOps> but...but.....

    <~SpecOps> it was a joke man...

    <~SpecOps> come on....

    <~SpecOps> it was a joke..

    <+Folkminister[gre]> i know hang on!

    <~SpecOps> x.x

    <%Matthew117> :|

    * Bilrow () has joined #AiD

    * Bilrow is now known as VoiceMe

    * VoiceMe is now known as Bilrow

    <+Folkminister[gre]> Spec I think Bilrow is here to talk with ya

    <~SpecOps> X.X

    <%Matthew117> O.O

    <~SpecOps> err Bilrow...

    <~SpecOps> twas a joke jesus...

    <~SpecOps> did u actually think aid would do this?

    * Bilrow is now known as VoiceWouldBeAppreciated

    * VoiceWouldBeAppreciated is now known as Bilrow

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v Bilrow

    <~SpecOps> i cant do it over mibbit..

    <%Matthew117> Not a good start, Spec :/

    <+Bilrow> First, introductions, I'm Bilrow, NPO High Command.

    <~SpecOps> yes.....

    <~SpecOps> hellooo.....X.X

    <~SpecOps> I am SpecOps from AiD MoI of AiD.....

    <~SpecOps> humourous guy and guy who usually gets his chops busted

    <+Bilrow> 3 Nations over 50,000+ only and you get a wild idea to declare war on us?

    <+Bilrow> Are you insane or just stupid?

    <~SpecOps> errrr

    <~SpecOps> twas a joke....

    <+Bilrow> Do I look like I am joking?

    <~SpecOps> folky u took this too far damn it...

    <~SpecOps> no of course not

    <+Folkminister[gre]> i tried to apologixe

    <~SpecOps> sorry

    <+Folkminister[gre]> *apologize

    <+Folkminister[gre]> sry

    <~SpecOps> <.<

    <~SpecOps> well Bilrow

    <+Bilrow> Well.

    * Severus () has joined #AiD

    <~SpecOps> as you can see I am sorry for this foolishness...as several people told me...IRC is a joke,,,and the private chans are for real

    <~SpecOps> so plz excuse

    * Moo-Cows () has

    joined #AiD

    <~SpecOps> my joke...

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v Moo-Cows

    <+Bilrow> Voice Moo-Cows please

    <+Bilrow> :)

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v Severus

    <+Bilrow> So Moo knows where we are ..

    <+Bilrow> [00:30] <Bilrow> First, introductions, I'm Bilrow, NPO High Command.

    * DarkMistress () has joined #AiD

    <+Bilrow> [00:30] <SpecOps> yes.....

    <+Bilrow> [00:30] <SpecOps> hellooo.....X.X

    <+Bilrow> [00:31] <SpecOps> I am SpecOps from AiD MoI of AiD.....

    <+Bilrow> [00:31] <SpecOps> humourous guy and guy who usually gets his chops busted

    <+Bilrow> [00:31] <Bilrow> 3 Nations over 50,000+ only and you get a wild idea to declare war on us?

    <+Bilrow> [00:31] <Bilrow> Are you insane or just stupid?

    <+Bilrow> [00:31] <SpecOps> errrr

    <+Bilrow> [00:31] <SpecOps> twas a joke....

    <+Bilrow> [00:31] <Bilrow> Do I look like I am joking?

    <+Bilrow> [00:31] <SpecOps> folky u took this too far damn it...

    <+Bilrow> [00:32] <SpecOps> no of course not

    <+Bilrow> [00:32] <SpecOps> sorry

    <+Bilrow> [00:32] <Folkminister[gre]> i tried to apologixe

    <+Bilrow> [00:32] <Folkminister[gre]> *apologize

    <+Bilrow> [00:32] <Folkminister[gre]> sry

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v DarkMistress

    <~SpecOps> meh

    * Moo-Cows is now known as EmperorRevenge

    <%Matthew117> I think he previously made a peaceful gesture...

    <%Matthew117> [14:50] <Folkminister[gre]> well see where that goes

    <%Matthew117> [14:50] <SpecOps> NPO down my throat....

    <%Matthew117> :/

    <+EmperorRevenge> We seem to have a problem here

    <+Severus> Indeed.

    <~SpecOps> ehh not really folky took this too far and spread a false statement that wasnt really true at all

    <~SpecOps> as you can see i was misinformed as the public chans

    <~SpecOps> of IRC

    <~SpecOps> was a kjoke

    <+Bilrow> So you did or did not say..

    <+Bilrow> <~SpecOps> ANNOUCFEMENT FROM AID!!!

    <~SpecOps> so we jokingly talked bout some crap

    <+EmperorRevenge> Saying you are going to declare war on the NPO

    <+Bilrow> <~SpecOps> WERE DECLARING WAR ON THE NPO!!!!

    * Xantha () has joined #AiD

    <+EmperorRevenge> is not the best idea of a joke

    <~SpecOps> as u can see its purposedly

    <+Severus> How is that funny?

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v Xantha

    * hawk_11 () has joined #AiD

    <~SpecOps> misspelled

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v hawk_11

    <+EmperorRevenge> You might want to ask the guy who "jokingly" said he had spies in NPO

    <%Matthew117> Wow SpecOps... In 5 minutes you got more people in this channel than I did in a year >_>

    <+EmperorRevenge> and see how funny we thought that was

    * Waterana|NPO () has joined #AiD

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v Waterana|NPO

    * muffasavil[NPO] ()

    has joined #AiD

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v muffasavil[NPO]

    <~SpecOps> OK OK PEOPLE plz....

    <~SpecOps> folky why the hell did u have to do this....

    <~SpecOps> i told you it was a damn joke

    <~SpecOps> u think i would be stuoid enough

    <~SpecOps> to actually do this to them

    <~SpecOps> no damn it

    <~SpecOps> <.<

    <+Bilrow> I would say Folkminister[gre] did the right thing as a good ally of the Pacific.

    <~SpecOps> allright I apoligize for all this srly

    <~SpecOps> twas a joke

    <~SpecOps> and was only a joke

    <~SpecOps> do not include aid in on this

    <~SpecOps> as they do not have any affliation with this

    <~SpecOps> was only a joke to begin with and thats all it was

    <+Severus> How do you consider this a joke, exactly?

    <+Bilrow> So tells us about you and your history?

    <~SpecOps> ok well

    <+Bilrow> Do you always put your alliance in the path of a train to die?

    <~SpecOps> no

    <+DarkMistress> heh

    <+Severus> So this is a new thing for you?

    <~SpecOps> yea

    <~SpecOps> didnt actually think anyone would take this seriously

    <~SpecOps> as these two

    <~SpecOps> matt and folk

    <~SpecOps> knew it was a joke

    <~SpecOps> to begin with

    <~SpecOps> and both specifically informed me

    <+EmperorRevenge> and how are we to know it is a joke?

    <%Matthew117> Don't mention my name, I like my nation just fine <_<

    <+EmperorRevenge> we do not know you

    <+Folkminister[gre]> I had nothing to do with this statement

    <~SpecOps> ok well simple enough im not stupid enough

    <%Matthew117> So... What sort of consequences follow a statement of this caliber?

    <~SpecOps> to go against someone that is our treaty partner

    <~SpecOps> and a good relations one too

    <~SpecOps> another is that

    <+Bilrow> Why does your nation have such low tech to infra ration, out of curiosity.

    <+Bilrow> *ratio

    <~SpecOps> doing a tech program within aid

    <~SpecOps> he;ping my alliance grow sir

    <+Bilrow> Helping them to grow while also declaring war on NPO in the same breath?

    <+EmperorRevenge> this isn't a great way to have your alliance grow

    <+Bilrow> Kind of counter-productive.

    <~SpecOps> ok well

    <+Waterana|NPO> a good way to commit nation suicide though

    <~SpecOps> once again

    <~SpecOps> I am sorry for this trouble it was a joke to begin with...if i actually wanted to do this

    * Teeters () has joined #AiD

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v Teeters

    <~SpecOps> i would go through the proper channels to do it correctly...but once again I have no and i mean NO INTENSION of declaring war on anyone....

    * Crohl () has joined #AiD

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v Crohl

    <~SpecOps> hello xantha....

    <+Bilrow> So you have intentions of declaring on us, but since it wasn't proper channels you are trying to back out of it?

    <~SpecOps> no....

    <+Bilrow> Waiting for another time perhaps?

    <~SpecOps> i do not have intentions at all...

    * +hawk_11 () Quit (Quit: )

    <~SpecOps> no i do not

    <~SpecOps> not waiting for another time

    <+Severus> No intentions?

    <+Severus> Doesn't seem that way.

    <~SpecOps> no intensions at all

    <~SpecOps> folky

    <~SpecOps> allright this thing was in caps

    <~SpecOps> it was a joke

    <~SpecOps> and misspelled

    <~SpecOps> as well

    <~SpecOps> in these logs as matt can show u because I am on mibbit right now

    <+Folkminister[gre]> please don't include me in this....thanks

    <~SpecOps> i cant copy one for one

    <+Teeters> Declaring war is not a joking manner

    <+Crohl> Threats of war are no laughing matters

    <+Bilrow> In Caps no less.

    <+Teeters> indeed

    <+Bilrow> That's like yelling it.

    * +EmperorRevenge () Quit (Client exited)

    <~SpecOps> Do you really think I would hurt our treaty partner..,...thats absurd

    <+Bilrow> So...

    <~SpecOps> to even think about

    <+Bilrow> I have no idea what you are thinking.

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> Well you just did. So yes

    <~SpecOps> declaring war on such a prestiguous alliance

    <~SpecOps> much less

    <+Teeters> damn right!

    <~SpecOps> our treaty partner

    * +KaiserMilch[TGE] () Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092417])

    <~SpecOps> ok

    <+Bilrow> If I had an idea what you were thinking I would not be here and we would have be in your nation already attacking.

    <+Severus> You put yourself in a very, very bad position with your "joke." If it really was a joke.

    <~SpecOps> allright i admit i should have not jokingly put it that wayu

    <~SpecOps> considering something like this is not to be taken lightly

    <~SpecOps> ok I am sorry

    <+Bilrow> Even worse than attacking you...

    <~SpecOps> AiD and myself have no intensions watsoever

    <~SpecOps> and I can swear on this and hope to die

    <~SpecOps> in RL

    <+Bilrow> We could just have DarkMistress sit on your alliance and that is a fate worse than death.


    <~SpecOps> I understand that.

    <+Crohl> She's a big one

    <+Bilrow> She is huge!

    <+Severus> Squish.

    <~SpecOps> I get it. ok....I said I was sorry allright....

    <~SpecOps> I shouldnt have said it as a joking matter

    <~SpecOps> its a joke

    <~SpecOps> I would never

    <+Bilrow> Just one butt check would kill all 50 nations at 1 million NS

    <~SpecOps> at all do this

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> Like squishing a jar of nutella.

    <~SpecOps> allright........

    <~SpecOps> allright

    * Moo-Cows () has joined #AiD

    <~SpecOps> i get it

    <~SpecOps> i said once again

    <~SpecOps> sorry for the joke allright

    <+Bilrow> I think there is only one course of action...

    <~SpecOps> it shall never happen again

    * Matthew117 sets mode: +v Moo-Cows

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> do you get it in all caps.

    <%Matthew117> In all fairness, he did say -

    <%Matthew117> [14:49] <SpecOps> OK ITS A JOKE!

    <%Matthew117> [14:49] <SpecOps> ANNOUCFEMENT FROM AID!!!

    <%Matthew117> [14:49] |<-- Walling[ODN] has left irc.coldfront.net (Quit: )

    <%Matthew117> [14:49] <SpecOps> WERE DECLARING WAR ON THE NPO!!!!

    <%Matthew117> [14:49] <SpecOps> there satisfied...

    <%Matthew117> >_>

    <%Matthew117> <_<

    <+Moo-Cows> ....

    <%Matthew117> Maybe you can leave AiD out of it...?

    <+Severus> Hmm. Are you sure those logs aren't doctored? Its rather easy to do, you know.

    <+Folkminister[gre]> Bilrow......would u just nuke him and get it over wit

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> PHOTOSHOPPED

    <+Folkminister[gre]> *with

    <+Bilrow> I see pixels.

    <+Crohl> I've seen many shoops in my day

    <~SpecOps> I would never lie on my soul

    <~SpecOps> i can swear on this

    <+Bilrow> I hope not wouldn't get much rest.

    <~SpecOps> those are the exact words

    <+Folkminister[gre]> alright NPO....U guys are the BEST! I think he has had enough......

    <+Bilrow> [14:49] <SpecOps> I'M A LITTLE TEAPOT SHORT AND STOUT

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> The exact words of you declaring war on the NPO. yeah

    <+Bilrow> [14:49] <SpecOps> HERE IS MY HANDLE AND HERE IS MY PRANKED!

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> IN CAPS!

    <+Severus> Pwnt

    <~SpecOps> allright.......i said I am sorry

    <~SpecOps> allright

    <~SpecOps> allright

    <+Bilrow> :P

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> not in all caps thogh

    <~SpecOps> i said i was sorry..

    <~SpecOps> god im shaking badly

    <~SpecOps> barly

    <+Folkminister[gre]> Spec read the prior posts

    <+Bilrow> read what I posted :P

    <+Severus> Dude got punk'd

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> I want a sorry in all caps dammit!

    <~SpecOps> typing corecdtly

    <+Folkminister[gre]> PUNKED!

    <+Moo-Cows> ROFL

    <+Severus> PUNK'D

    <+Moo-Cows> ENOUGH

    <+Bilrow> ROFL

    <+Folkminister[gre]> LMAO

    <+Moo-Cows> ENOUGH

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> lol

    <+Bilrow> PUNKED

    <+Moo-Cows> NOW HERE THIS

    <+Severus> ZOMG

    <+Moo-Cows> NOW HEAR THIS

    * +Bilrow dances

    <+Folkminister[gre]> thanks guys from NPO

    <+Crohl> lololololol


    <+DarkMistress> XD


    <~SpecOps> x.x

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> {in caps}

    <+Severus> :)

    <+Xantha> :-D

    <+DarkMistress> \o/

    <+Severus> ownt

    <+Bilrow> You can thank Folkminister[gre]

    <+Moo-Cows> :D

    <+Bilrow> o/

    <+Waterana|NPO> LMAO

    <~SpecOps> god man........im shaking so badly........

    * +Teeters takes off his clothes and throws them at SpecOps

    <+Xantha> hehehe

    <~SpecOps> nice joke

    <+Moo-Cows> sesriously?

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> :D te he

    <~SpecOps> yes

    <+Severus> SpecOps, you're a good sport

    <+Moo-Cows> it was fun

    <~SpecOps> i am shaking badly

    * +Xantha pours SpecOps a really big ale

    <~SpecOps> cant u see i nca barely type..

    <+Moo-Cows> well, drink some scotch

    <+Moo-Cows> then you really can't tpe

    <+Moo-Cows> type*

    <~SpecOps> that and i drank two bawls...

    * +Severus passes glasses around

    <~SpecOps> earlier

    <~SpecOps> which could be it

    <+Crohl> When moo tells you to drink scoth, you drink scotch

    * +Bilrow dances around.

    * +Severus grabs a bottle of scotch

    <+Moo-Cows> that's why

    * ~SpecOps drinks scotch

    <+Moo-Cows> it was the bawls

    <+Severus> best. drink. ever.

    <+Crohl> severus loves bawls?

    <+Severus> Yep

    <+Bilrow> Severus loves balls.

    <+Crohl> lol

    <+Severus> Die.

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> its true

    <+Folkminister[gre]> OMG i can barely see the screen my eyes are still watering from this!

    <~SpecOps> wow nice joke guys..


    <~SpecOps> but u srly have me shaking lol

    <~SpecOps> either that or the drink

    <+Teeters> wheres ashton? wheres ashton?

    <+Bilrow> o/ Moo-Cows for coming along :)

    <+Severus> Or both

    <~SpecOps> lol

    <+Moo-Cows> hehehe

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> Bilrow> We could just have DarkMistress sit on your alliance and that is a fate worse than death.

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> [00:50] <Bilrow> FATE WORSE THAN DEATH I TELL YOU!

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> ha ha

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> OMG

    <+Moo-Cows> wouldn't have missed it Bilrow

    <~SpecOps> lol


    <~SpecOps> gotta admit it got this chan alive more then

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> JUST ONE CHEEK!

    <~SpecOps> ever in a yr...

    <~SpecOps> lol

    <+Severus> Heh

    <+Bilrow> Well worth the time to stay up just to have some fun :)

    <~SpecOps> yes of course fate worse then death lol

    <+Severus> Definitely

    <~SpecOps> yup

    <~SpecOps> yup

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> NUTELLA EVERYWHERE

    <+Bilrow> To think I almost passed it up

    * Teeters is now known as MMTAssassin

    <+Bilrow> I blame Waterana|NPO

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> oh yes

    <+Severus> I blame Bilrow

    * MMTAssassin is now known as Teeters

    * KaiserMilch[TGE] () has joined #AiD

    * ChanServ sets mode: +v KaiserMilch[TGE]

    <~SpecOps> lol

    <~SpecOps> hello kaiser

    <~SpecOps> im being zied by the great NPO

    <~SpecOps> take a picture

    <~SpecOps> :P

    <~SpecOps> you missed

    <~SpecOps> one hell of a party

    <~SpecOps> srly

    <~SpecOps> o/ NPO

    <+Moo-Cows> \o

    <+Bilrow> o/

    <+Xantha> \o

    <+Crohl> o/

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> \o

    <+Folkminister[gre]> o/

    <+Waterana|NPO> o/

    <+Severus> o/

    <~SpecOps> well lets have a nice round of drinks to toast to longevity and existance!

    * ~SpecOps holds up glass full of ale

    <%Matthew117> SpecOps, I hope you've learned something today...

    <%Matthew117> You should NEVER take on any foreign affairs assignment...

    <~SpecOps> aye...never to joke ever again

    <+Folkminister[gre]> lol

    <~SpecOps> lol ur funny mate

    <+Severus> lol

    <+Bilrow> if you do spell Announcement correctly

    <+Bilrow> Has more effect

    <+Bilrow> :P

    <+Folkminister[gre]> i really did it because you said u were tired

    <+Folkminister[gre]> LMAO

    <~SpecOps> lol true

    <~SpecOps> i was typing it so fast

    <~SpecOps> because walling of ODN was leaving

    <~SpecOps> but he didnt see it

    <~SpecOps> lol

    <+Bilrow> NPO sees all. :P

    <+Bilrow> Especially when you yell it in capslock.

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> including fake war declerations

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> capslock = serious biusness

    <+Bilrow> Si.

    <+Bilrow> I needed that good laugh for today.

    <~SpecOps> lol

    <~SpecOps> yeah that was a good laught

    <~SpecOps> you guys practically had me scared so bad

    <~SpecOps> i was shaking badly

    <~SpecOps> thinking OMFG what haave i done to the alliance...

    <~SpecOps> :P

    <+Severus> Remember. It's just a game.

    <%Matthew117> I also believe this means you're now compelled to sign a treaty >_>

    <~SpecOps> true

    <~SpecOps> lol

    <~SpecOps> hmm dont we have one? i belive so right?

    <+Moo-Cows> and yes, it is just a game

    <~SpecOps> thought we did? didnt we?

    <+Moo-Cows> you would do well to remember that

    <~SpecOps> true but a game with peoples lives in the game hehe

    <~SpecOps> since they spend like

    <~SpecOps> 5 min to hrs a day on it

    <~SpecOps> :P

    <+Bilrow> Does NPO have a treaty with AID

    <+Crohl> Cybernations is not just a game

    <+Bilrow> I can't remember

    <+Bilrow> <-<

    <+Crohl> if you zi in CN you die in real life!

    <%Matthew117> Nope, I don't think you do <_<

    <+Bilrow> Cybernations is real

    <+Bilrow> I bury a soldier in my backyard everytime one dies

    <%Matthew117> Wow... Big backyard O.O

    <~SpecOps> aye

    <+Xantha> yea lol

    * ~SpecOps salutes

    <~SpecOps> so

    * +KaiserMilch[TGE] () Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092417])

    <~SpecOps> shall we get a treaty started since were all here :P

    <+Xantha> REALLY big back yard .. Bilrow has 2,254,722 casualties

    <+Crohl> :P I'm beating bilrow in casualties

    <+Crohl> I'm surprised

    <~SpecOps> yeah a big $@! backyard

    <~SpecOps> unless

    <~SpecOps> he digs down

    <~SpecOps> wayyy down

    <+Moo-Cows> it's......real?

    <~SpecOps> then thats a different story

    <+Bilrow> I'm not looking forward to get a navy

    <+Bilrow> not sure where I will put those when they get blown up

    <+Xantha> Nah Moo - they all just ate the Red Pill ;)

    <+Bilrow> running out of room in my backyard

    <~SpecOps> lol

    <%Matthew117> As SpecOps said, keep digging... Then they're China's problem

    <~SpecOps> lol

    <~SpecOps> true

    <+Bilrow> I hid my WMDS in Ira

    <+Bilrow> Iraq

    <+Moo-Cows> whew.....I took the Blue Pill

    <+Xantha> :-D

    <~SpecOps> lol

    <~SpecOps> yeah the BP is a placebo

    <~SpecOps> its just sugar

    <~SpecOps> dont worry ur safe

    <~SpecOps> hehe

    <+Crohl> Moo, that was nyquil

    * +muffasavil[NPO] this is just a dream

    <+Bilrow> my nyquil is green

    <~SpecOps> lol

    <+Xantha> Nyquil is green

    <+Moo-Cows> my nyquil is green

    <+muffasavil[NPO]> so its a roffie, dont spoil the surprise

    <+Crohl> damn your nyquil. I've got blue capsules

    <~SpecOps> lol

    <+Bilrow> I've got blue popsicles

    <+Severus> Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill...

    <~SpecOps> yeah and i got tyelnol to stop my shaking lol

    To the following readers.....THIS IS A JOKE ANNOUNCEMENT!

    TL :DR: I made an joke with two members in the channel and a prank came onto me by the NPO. No real war happening.





    Thank you for you time folks.

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