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    Mostly Harmless Alliance
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I am withdrawing from the circle...my alliance has found me one on my team, sry for the trouble. You can cancel ur trades with me im going to keep them up until my new trade circle starts
  2. ' Yeah i dont know whats up with ragnorok, im going to go out and look for people with iron/gold. I want to get this circle completed asap so i can start working on my nation.
  3. Ragnoroksbringer.. im still waiting for ur trade approval, and we need to find one last person to fit the trade slot, u guys have any1 in mind?
  4. Hey guys so u might uv noticed i cancelled the trade and resent that is because i/u werent getting the team bonus so i just cancelled changed teams and resent, so now well all get the bonus so just accept asap =D
  5. So what's the color were all changing to? and sry for the last person i couldnt send an offer to ill have my harbor by tuesday and ill send u an offer then.
  6. Hey , San Carlos sent me i have Lumber/Rubber, i am missing a harbor but i am just 400 cits away from getting it a tech deal on the first with a friend should allow me to buy it =D. Plz msg me back if the spot is still available
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