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Posts posted by Cokekila

  1. This goes out to all members of the Cybernations Universe. The Cokekilan Empire has been under a great deal of stress lately. We are offering 12 Million Dollars to the nation OR nations that rid the Cokekilan Empire of this current annoyance. If you would be willing to do business let me know with an INGAME PM!

    Mr. Cokekila

    (If anyone objects to the content of this post or it is posted in the wrong area I am sorry in advance and was unaware that I would cause any trouble)

  2. Simply send me a message IN GAME with an offer and once I get your offer and your EMAIL I will send you your Graphic. I have taken Graphic Design Class and I should be able to make you proud. Simply state what kind of look your going for and I will get that to you ASAP!


    PS: I am on here pretty much all the time so no worries about me not responding ASAP!

    Double PS: If you have a good trade set we can discuss something in lines of that too.


  3. Cattle - Cokekila

    Spices - Cokekila

    Aluminum -

    Fish -

    Gems -

    Iron -

    Lumber -

    Marble -

    Pigs -

    Sugar -

    Water -

    Wheat -

    I dont care what color you are. I am black and I cant change that. If you want to change to get the happiness bonus then go for it but if you dont want to I dont think its a big deal. This set will grow your nation the fastest in the game.

    Send me a message at this link...


  4. Diplomats or people wishing to join come by our forum we love the company.

    I just went to the forum. I had a reply in minutes about being unmasked. I think The Dark Evoultion is the place to be for Black Group Members and I see nothing but greatness from this point on. Long Live The Dark Evoultion!

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