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King Xander the Only

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Posts posted by King Xander the Only

  1. CDT had many alliances with terrible flags.  For example:




    Commonwealth of New England








    Union of Global Nations




    My photoshop skills circa 2007


    Some of the other terribles ones already posted include Menotah and Invicta.


    Threads like this always make me want to go read Cirrus' old threads on how to design a good flag here and here.

  2. Well I am someone that went to war last year solo against NG, won the war, called in some favours to get a nice tribute done for them, some awards cause they rocked... and was repeatedly banned from #nongrata by piss-poor little general members that had no understanding of the situation at all. Someone that attempted to give some medals to the better members of the alliance that actually did something to improve their situation and found it impossible because of interference from idiots that never had any stake in the fight and had no part in it. Whiny little jackasses that would have run away screaming rather than face me, rendering judgement against their betters who DID face me and took their punishment without complaint. Two sides, one alliance.


    So  yes in a nutshell I am someone who knows what she is talking about. Unlike you.

    What on Earth are you talking about?

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