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Baron Lightbeard

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Posts posted by Baron Lightbeard

  1. to be honest, exporting Tech will only hold well for a little while. if you wish to focus on something like that, i would highly suggest following Gremlins model. They started off as a successful tech exporter but soon turned into a tech importer. That is the route i would suggest that GATO takes. And as a side note, Gremlins are an influential and successful alliance.

    I think thats the General Idea. The Money from Tech trading has to go somewhere. :awesome:

    GATO as the next Gremlins? I like the Idea, but uh, doubt it'll happen in my lifetime. Also, pardon the lack of my normal eloquence.

  2. Please identify an existing example of an internally focused export based alliance that could be considered successful/influential.

    This I cannot do, But I firmly believe that it is possible. Also, I believe the evidence of growth within GATO can back this up.

    Despite our policy of Recruiting every Tom, Dick, and Stanley, GATO's NS is growing at a Rate Much faster than that of its membership. Most of this growth is from nations that have/are participating in the Tech Corp Program. With this Growth will come Military and economic strength, and with that strength will come what I would consider to be success for an Alliance in GATO's position.

    Despite #3 on the OP, I do not believe that GATO as a whole or within its leadership has the desire, let alone wherewithal, to become as influential on the international stage as it was/perceived itself to be at its zenith or even prior to the 1V war.

    I hate to be pessimistic, and other GATOans will disagree with me on this, but I think that even a sanction at this point is well beyond our grasp. Success is/will be measured by survival and self sustainability.

  3. WalkerNinja, while I agree with you on almost all over your points, (I apologize for finding it unnecessary to quote them) I most disagree with your assessment of GATO becoming a Banana Republic if it continues to deal in the Tech industry.

    While you make RL Comparisons to colonized nations, I prefer to think of GATO as an Occupied Nation (I mean that in the best way possible C). I personally would draw comparisons to a defeated and occupied Japan. Japan at the end of WWII was stripped of its military, and most of its ability to sustain itself with out trading for outside resources. Japan has made its mark in the modern world by becoming a major exporter, not of Raw goods, but of Technology.

    On a side note, I also Think GATO's Military future should reflect that of Contemporary Japan. A well equipped, well trained fighting force that can respond at a moments notice and likely fight as well as any other developed nation, without the worry of having an offensive force.

    In short, I think GATO can grow more powerful, both economically, and in international weight, as an exporter and under the NPO's blanket of protection. I do not think this makes/would make us weak, merely unaggressive.

  4. While Isolationism at this point is probably good for growth, the issue is, Pacifica has worked closely with you. No other unfriendly alliances have worked as closely. I would say, while isolationism is fine, if GATO wants to be seen in a new light, then GATO must make some effort towards this. We should not just suddenly change our opinion with nothing to base it off of. GATO needs to make some effort in this endeavour if it is ever to change the opinion of CN.

    This same can be held true for any alliance that wishes to change the opinions of CN.

    So you see the recent successes within GATO as The Work of NPO rather than of the GATO membership itself?

    I'm not arguing your point, I just want to make sure I read it clearly.

    Assuming I'm right in reading it, I can see and appreciate this point of view. I will admit that probably the greatest hurdle faced by GATO at the moment is finding its own Identity, While there are many "traditional" GATOan values, our alliance evolves at an extremely quick pace. Before we can endeavor to find a new place within the international community, It is imperative that we find ourselves.

    Be assured if GATO has anything to say about it, there will be a strong GATOan presence on the boards again soon. And I do believe it will be a far more positive presence than it ever was before.

    I just find it unfair that one would think an Alliance currently under the Viceroyalty of the Pacifican Empire would be nothing more than a legacy of Walfordites.

  5. Well by having radio silence (or an informal policy that runs close to it), no-one ever gets their impressions of GATO refreshed. If the last time anyone remembers a major GATO presence on the forum is GW3, you will be associated with CK and Vincent Xander forever. It doesn't help that you got rolled for GW3-related matters, which brought all the old stuff to the fore again.

    So by maintaining a policy of isolationism, while under the blanket of protection of our once so called "sworn enemy", we are by all accounts still the same threatening Sick Old Man of Cybernation that we were over a year ago?

    I was a member of the VX/CK Administration, and I learned to Hate the NPO. Now in the post 1Vwar era, I work closely with them to help GATO not only grow back to its former strength but to keep us on a path that won't earn us the ire of thre greater population of Planet Bob.

    Now if The Pacificans themselves can learn to see GATO in a different light, I fail to understand why it seems so difficult for others to reevaluate the GATOan situation and do the same.

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