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Posts posted by youwish959

  1. Mostly Harmless Alliance- 1 Useless, ghost bloated, politically inactive alliance
    Green Protection Agency- 0 No matter how many times you explain it to me, I still don't understand how you have fun.
    Fark- 3- Sup?
    Independent Republic Of Orange Nations-1 - At my current state of mind I do not remember what happened. I do however remember something happened.
    Sparta- 1 Useless, ghost bloated, politically inactive alliance
    World Task Force- 0 No matter how many times you explain it to me, I still don't understand how you have fun.
    Orange Defense Network- 2 - Did you really let Schatt get to you? You pull the same stuff Pacifica did when she was in power, but now that you have some power you do the same thing. (By stunts I mean reactions to leaks) Try learning from the damn past.
    The Order Of The Paradox- 5 Make the game more interesting, but holy hell how do you switch sides that many times and save face?
    Umbrella- 10 Good job, you're so efficient you are now halfway useless in warfare.
    New Pacific Order- 10 Sup?
    Global Alliance And Treaty Organization- 1 If you have a problem with this speak with Omnicienttone1
    Viridian Entente- 6 You do stuff, but you disbanded
    The Democratic Order- 0 No matter how many times you explain it to me, I still don't understand how you have fun.
    New Polar Order- 7 No !@#$@#$ comment
    FOK- 6 Hi. Your german or something. You guys are kinda cool.
    R&R- 6 You guys are kinda cool, except that Dunder Mifflin show. I hate Steve Carrell.
    Mushroom Kingdom- 8 Play well and actually do stuff.
    Nordreich- I feel as if I should not comment
    LoSS- 6
    Nusantara Elite Warriors- 10 Aren't scared of !@#$, know how to fight, and frankly don't give a $%&@.
    The Legion- 1 Need I say more?
    Valhalla- 7 Sup?
    Multicolored Cross-X Alliance- 4 Go to hell
    Nueva Vida- 8 You guys are competent, Centurius is a hoss, competent, and I like you.
    The Foreign Division- 5.5
    Federation Of Armed Nations- 6-7 I like you guys for some weird reason.
    NATO- 7 We ended on good terms and remain on good terms.
    Global Order of Darkness- 1 lololololololol
    The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons- 5
    Legacy- 1 What the hell is this !@#$ show? I don't even know who you are.
    The Templar Knights- 1 When you joining SF to make up for the rather large SF power vacuum?
    The Order Of Light- 7
    Asgaard- 7.5-8
    iFOK- 1
    Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations- 1
    Athens- 4 Would be 6-7 but didn't you have a !@#$%* fight with MK and then get over it and sign a treaty all within like 2 weeks?
    World Federation- 3 lololol you got rolled
    Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism- 8 I wish your forums would load more often.
    Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics- 7 We ended on good terms and remain on good terms.
    Global Democratic Alliance- 3
    Argent- 6
    Guru Order- 5
    Christian Coalition Of Countries- 5
    Ragnarok- 8 You are good rivals. Can we quit being friendly.
    The Phoenix Federation- 10 sup allies?
    Random Insanity Alliance- 3.14159265

  2. I find all this complaining by people (EgoFreaky/Xiphosis) about this not being adequate protection to be laughable at best. If you look through history there are numerous examples of a bio being considered adequate protection and even more so an alliance announcement accompanied with a protection message in a bio. Probably one of the most notable examples of this would have been Pacifica's protection of Warriorconcept following the Unjust War.

  3. [quote name='Mason' timestamp='1303710169' post='2699053']
    Repeating the word "conveniently" implies that I purposefully left out derogatory periods of my past in an effort to make myself look better. This thread is just the opposite, calling myself out for things I've done and trying to start a new path. I have nothing to hide, and in regards to NSO, I have no issue with them, either. Haven't for quite some time.
    Meh, you were a good guy until I found out what I found out. Now that you apologized for all your past actions though, I guess we can be friends again.

  4. [quote name='Mason' timestamp='1303702777' post='2699000']
    Thanks for the reminder. I didn't spy, nor did I condone it, as pointed out in that thread. I was accused of it by NSO and evidence was never presented to back the claim. But, again, you're talking about something from 2 years ago which has long been resolved and has no bearing on this thread or its purpose. Obviously, things could've been handled differently during that time, and everyone has made mistakes in their CN careers. I've made plenty. This thread is me admitting that and turning the page. I'm not clear on why you would want to drum up conflict from way back when and make an issue of it now.
    I am drumming up no conflict, just simply including what you have conveniently omitted.

  5. [quote name='Mason' timestamp='1303681388' post='2698708']
    I'm not purposely omitting anything. I've been all over and my memory is clouded. Spying isn't something I condone, and I'm not sure what I would've gained by doing it, but I'm curious to hear more. What I do remember is getting upset over many of us trying to move up the ranks and Ivan continuing to bring in his buddies and put them in the top spots we were working so hard for. I publicly stated my disapproval in the forums (which we were encouraged to do in NSO), and it landed me in trouble. At this point, it doesn't really matter. This whole thread is about admitting to many mistakes made and people wronged, and my apologies for doing so. I can assure you I'm not the person I once was and spying, whether I actually did or didn't, isn't something I have a taste for these days.
    How nice of you to not condone [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=53726]spying[/url] now.

  6. [quote name='Style #386' timestamp='1303521066' post='2697264']

    Also, who are we meatshielding for this time? Our dizzying lack of independence makes it difficult to tell, but with paragons of intelligence and logic such as yourself afoot, we figured we could let you just fill in the details. :)
    Mushroom Kingdom

  7. [quote name='Style #386' timestamp='1303510111' post='2697049']
    Voted "ODN are the biggest bullies".

    I don't think either are bullies. In the case of CoJ, I think that if one resorts to unconventional tactics, that one can expect an unconventional responses (an apology! Crikey, ODN are the bullies here!), and in the case of Methrage, he's spent a ridiculous amount of time gloating about beating up on smaller nations as if he's some sort of superior tactician, and [i]not[/i] a formerly large nation knocked down into the lower ranks, where his wonders and improvements come into play.

    Most of us don't have a problem with the fact that Methrage is fighting less-prepared nations than his own: it is a war; it's his incessant gloating that grates on the nerves. Most of us don't take it too personally that Schattenmann is reduced to annoying PMs and spying to achieve his aims: it's a war; it's his incessant complaining about very light terms (especially in light of the spying) that we take issue with.
    Sounds like ODN needs to close their eyes.

  8. [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1303366836' post='2695349']
    Strange, recently relyt92 was in Athens attacking TPF, then in The Mushroom Kingdom and at war with NPO?

    Are you hiding off AA to try and rebuild out of PM or did you abandon MK during wartime?
    This is an interesting point, and one that makes you think this guy knows what he's doing.

  9. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1303363475' post='2695306']
    I also kept my mouth shut while I was still in GATO out of the willingness to be courteous even when I did not agree. Since I am no longer GATO I can now tell everyone how I feel. Of course, if my opinion counted in GATO then we wouldn't be in Synergy, however the gov guys want to stick with it and that's fine but c'mon next it'll be you guys they bail on Iron and these kind of actions show how they like to deflect blame and take no accountability for their own actions. Remember this Iron.
    Actually, I see GATO bailing on Synergy before Synergy bails on GATO.

  10. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1303275346' post='2694320']
    It is a sad day in CN history when an alliance that is fifty times smaller than the smallest alliance that is listed on the Display All Alliances tab takes up this much of the Alliance Announcements forum.
    It is a sad day in CN history when the great Viridian Entente is destroyed by someone so petty as Damsky. What happened to the great, awe-inspiring Viridian Entente? How the mighty have fallen.

  11. Now normally I would appreciate someone being able to learn from their mistakes, but in a case like this I think it is a bit cowardly to back out of your obligations after one simple tech raid. Now, I recognize you all learned from your mistakes and what not, but Ryan Greenberg still attacked Thriller while they were under your protection, and the way I see it that makes you obligated to protect Thriller from Ryan Greenberg's tech raid.

  12. [quote name='joracy' timestamp='1303195634' post='2693413']
    Hey, he $%&@ed up the post, and used only low grade screen shots. I'd call that slipping, unless my memory from karma is wrong.
    TWiN always uses the highest quality products. Those screenshots are .png format and your lies and slander will not stand in any court of public opinion.

  13. [quote name='Drai' timestamp='1302884799' post='2691135']
    Get the stick out of your $*&. There are few alliances that had the impact on the game at the time they existed like NAAC did. That warrants an anniversary thread.
    There are many alliances that have had a changing impact on the game. NAAC was not special.

  14. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1302809929' post='2690703']
    inb4 MK members bash Triumvirates as ineffective and outdated.

    Oh wait, that's only for Triumvirates on the other side of the treaty web.

    Carry on.
    I will do it for them.

    Triumvirates are ineffective, slow moving, dumb, and for the weak.

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