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King Zombie

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Posts posted by King Zombie

  1. terran1.gif

    Official Terran Flag

    Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen of planet Bob. The Terran Empire is founded upon the Might of the ancient empires of old. We believe if Creating a Powerful Military force, and a Strong Economy. The Terran Empire Is a Yellow Team alliance. We will be in talks to set up treaties with other alliances preferably on the Yellow team soon. Now without further delay, I present the Terran Charter to you

    Article I: Admission

    Any nation joining the Yellow team and admitting an application to the Terran Empire in the Terran Empire Recruitment thread requesting membership will be admitted, provided the nation does not belong to any other alliances and does not present a security risk to the Terran Empire. The Application shall look like the following:

    1. The name of the nation

    2. The name of the nation's leader

    3. The team in which the nation resides

    4. The user name on the Cybernations Forum

    Further, once a nation is a member of the Terran Empire they are forbidden to join any other alliance in the game under threat of expulsion by Council.

    Article II: Structure of the Order

    1. The General Populous.

    All member nations of the Terran Empire will automatically have a seat in the General Populous. These nations make up the Terran Empires majority.

    2. The Terran Council

    The Council of the Terran Empire will consist of Four Terran nations. They of these nations will be appointed by the Emperor. They shall be appointed for life, until resignation, or until removal by the Emperor.

    Each of the four appointed Councilors will take on a role as the leader of one of the Terran Empires Sectors:

    1. Minister of War

    2. Minister of Internal Affairs

    3. Minister of Recruitment

    4. Minister of Foreign Affairs.

    3. Imperial Staff

    The Emperor may appoint any member nation of the Terran to his Imperial Staff, who will serve purely as an advisory Council to both the Emperor and the Council.

    4. The Emperor

    The Emperor is the leader of the alliance. The Emperor will lead the Terran Council. The Emperor is empowered to appoint a Imperial Admiral to conduct affairs in his/her absence and to represent his/her interests on the Council and abroad. The Imperial Admiral will be the designated successor to the Emperor. The Emperor serves for life or until resignation. In the event the Emperor resigns he or she will take up the title Imperial Royal and serve as counsel to all levels of the Empire. If the Imperial Admiral is unable or unavailable to become Emperor an Imperial Royal can be recalled from retirement by the Council to re assume the duties of Emperor. In such circumstances the Council must be of majority accord and must have the approval of the sitting Emperor and all other Imperial Royals.

    The Emperor has emergency powers to eject any person he/she deems is a threat to alliance security.

    Article III: Expulsion from the Empire

    Any nation can submit a motion to expel a fellow member from the Empire. The Council will review the case and may dismiss the case if it is deemed to be frivolous or not made in the interests of the Empire. The accused nation will be given 24 hours to respond to the accusations. The Terran Council may extend the time for response, investigation, and deliberation if it so wishes. The Emperor cannot be expelled from the Order. Likewise, the Emperor can pardon any nation from expulsion.

    Article IV: Declaration of War

    The Emperor is the only body that can declare war on another alliance. If the Emperor is absent the Terran Council can bring it to a vote, and needs a majority vote to pass.

    Article V: Treaties

    Treaties can be approved by the Emperor, and the Terran Council.

    All hail the Empire o/

    All hail Yellow Team o/

    Signed: King Zombie


  2. terran1.gif

    Official Terran Flag

    Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen of planet Bob. I will make this short. The Terran Empire has come into existance and we look forward to gaming with you all. Another announcment will come later on.

    All hail the Empire o/

    Signed: King Zombie


  3. Call me old fashioned, but I thought that the point of war is to destroy the enemy's fighting force, and when that is done they surrender, and you declare victory. I can see why this is happening tho. Times change, alliances don't want to surrender, and so the tactics of war and terms has also changed.

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