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Posts posted by thaisport

  1. JE once had a real dream,

    But by Trouble they totally got creamed.

    Marcus just failed.

    Now Eddy pays bails

    and hopefully JE can RESTART it clean...

    Though in truth...

    Just had 8 beers and 5 shots indeed

    and my on words I should heed.

    If you read in too much,

    you find it all sucks

    And wonder was is worth the read?!?

    Anywho, best wishes to JE and Trouble.

  2. ** Updated CLOSED**

    RIng is complete

    3 BR Trading Circle

    Base Specs:


    Population Boost: +30.6%

    Income Boost: +$7.5

    Buying Infra Discount: -29%

    Buying Land Discount: -14.5%

    Land Bonus: +8%

    Environment Bound: +1

    Paying Bills:

    Infra Upkeep Discount: -19.7%

    Nuke Upkeep Discount: -50%

    Navy Upkeep Discount: -5%

    Soldier Upkeep Discount: -$0.50

    Tank Upkeep Discount: -5%

    Military Effects:

    Soldier Eff: +30%

    Soldier Cost: -$3

    Navy Cost: -5%

    Aircraft Cost: -8%

    Aircraft Limit: +10 more planes

  3. harmfulannouncecopy.jpg


    Mostly Harmful Alliance

    Declaration of Existence

    Round 8 is upon us and so we extend our welcome to everyone and join our alliance.

    Going into our 7th round of existence, there are 7 things we would like you to know about us:

    • We welcome everyone with open arms
    • Always helping new members learn the game
    • Rich in TE tradition
    • Committed to excellence
    • Dedicated to our members
    • Loyal & Dedicated members keeps us strong
    • Always looking for bright minds to do great things

    This is who we are, Harmful, nothing more nothing less.

    Visit us at www.mostlyharmfulalliance.org



    Executive Director

    Mostly Harmful Alliance

    Website: www.mostlyharmfulalliance.org

    IRC Chat: irc.coldfront.net #mostlyharmfulalliance

  4. Several things I want to mention here:

    1. To TPF - Congrats on #1 alliance. You guys rock.

    2. To RE - Glad to see you guys back up and running after the craziness this round.

    3. To Fark - It was nice to see you guys switch to aqua and I look forward to establishing stronger trade circles with you guys. You bring beer, I bring steak :P

    4. To Rodentia Dominatus - You guys rock and fight hard. I know, I ate a few nukes and realize my SDI was made by Farkers. I think they make better beer than SDI. You guys have my respects and I'm glad the whole war slotting issue was resolved.

    5. To AI, SOS, Black and others that we have fought this round, you all fought hard and fight well. Maybe in the future we will fight together. Regardless good show to all of you.

    6. All other alliances, I hope everyone had an exciting round and I look forward to the next round.

    7. Lastly my senior staff, you guys did an amazing job.

    o/ Everyone playing in TE and making it to the end of the round.

  5. LW isn't going anywhere far for those who want to try and rejoice him stepping down as he will still be one of my Executive Advisors.

    That said, I will keep it short...

    o/ LW for the job he's done.

    o/ Harmful for staying in the top 3

    o/ Friends & Foes alike

  6. Please post your comments here. I trust everyone to be respectful to other when making constructive comments/criticisms.

    For me, I gave myself a personal grade of "C" as my my resources I should have found a trade circle which never put me into contention of being in the top 10 nations.

    My alliance grade is a B. I think Harmful did quite well this round but doesn't deserve an A grade. There are room for improvement in activity and other things but we did fight very well this round and it was quite fun.

    Leadership grade for harmful, A. Lonewolfe and his team played this round very well both from a waring and planing aspect. The more accurate grade would be A-/B+ as there were a few things that could have been better as mention above.

  7. Please share your experiences about TE here.

    For me personally, this is a like a welcome home round and getting back into the swing of things. I personally enjoyed this round in Harmful and will be leading next round. It was nice to see old schoolers still around and playing. This round was awesome as I reconnected with past TE friends, mend past issues, and enjoyed conversations with friends and foes this round.

  8. At our peak, we had some 280 nations, with a alliance score of 65ish. The only alliance to ever beat that was Murder Inc., who at their peak had some 300 plus members. I don't remember if they had a higher score then 65 though.

    Oh for gods sake man, get over yourself!

    Harmful peak at 350+ members in round 4, were were over 320 in round 3. Round 4 was when you saw an attack on Harmful which out-shadowed this RE war and even the recent JR war. So yeah, Harmful actually beat MI as well. MI peaked at 330ish. and came close to 340.

    In both those rounds I was personally leading the alliance. LW did a great job in my absence and the size of our alliance now is mostly core members who have been with harmful for many rounds.

    Elborador would probably know the exact number for MI which could have been larger.

  9. harmfulannouncecopy.jpg

    WHITE PEACE Officially begins at AFTER Update tonight.

    As of 12:01am October 11th 2009, we will be at WHITE PEACE with Aeonic Imperium.

    All Members on BOTH sides are to peace out of their respective wars.

    Again Harmful does not believe in surrender terms or any stipulations. White Peace is the standard for all our wars.

    My Respects to Itsuki-Sama for leading a small alliance and having the courage to fight an alliance of Harmful's size when few would dare. I wish AI members all the best in the future.


    Chairman of Harmful - Thaisport

    Executive Director - Lonewolfe

  10. harmfulannouncecopy.jpg

    WHITE PEACE Officially begins at AFTER Update tonight.

    As of 12:01am October 11th 2009, we will be at WHITE PEACE with Aeonic Imperium.

    All Members on BOTH sides are to peace out of their respective wars.

    Again Harmful does not believe in surrender terms or any stipulations. White Peace is the standard for all our wars.

    My Respects to Itsuki-Sama for leading a small alliance and having the courage to fight an alliance of Harmful's size when few would dare. I wish AI members all the best in the future.


    Chairman of Harmful - Thaisport

    Executive Director - Lonewolfe

  11. Hahaha...


    99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall!

    99 Bottles of Beer!

    Take one Down!

    Pass it Around!

    98 Bottle of Beer on the Wall!!!

    Quit Lying Folger and trying to throw people off your whiskey trail...

    It's really:

    99 Bottles of Jack on the Wall

    99 Bottles of Jack

    He takes one down

    then CHUGS it all DOWN

    98 Bottles of Jack on the Wall...

    (for those that don't know it's Jack Daniels whiskey)

  12. harmfulannouncecopy.jpg

    AS OF 00:00 (12am) on October 9th, 2009 WHITE PEACE will officially be in place. NEITHER SIDE is to continue hitting each other and BOTH sides are to peace out with each other. Both sides are to offer peace in their respective wars.

    ANYONE STILL FIGHTING RE or HARMFUL by October 10th, 2009 will be considered open season and fair game to anyone should attacks continue. Each side has 24 hours to get their side in order.

    We commend RE for a tough fight. It's been hell the past two weeks with so much going on for RE. That said I wish RE and Folger all the best. Cheers to everyone.


    Lonewolfe - Executive Director of Harmful

    Thaisport - Chairman of Harmful

    Emperor of the Roman Empire: Folger

    Praetor of War, Pro-Consul: TiredT (Ed)

    Legatus: Rand alThor

    Praetor of Internal Affairs: Carpatus

    Praetor of Recruiting: ADude

    Praetor of Trades: AndrewBird

    o/ to everyone who fought.

  13. sure

    -_- Read comment below

    First off, don't insult me by treating me as someone who knows nothing. Second, I know what destroying an alliance means, which is why what i posted was a joke based off a movie quote. You apparently took it as me being serious, which I wasn't. I was kidding. I don't hold anything against MHA. And no I probably won't carry baggage into the next round either.

    Wasn't intended as an insult so if you took it as such then I apologize. I take it serious because there are too many people on both sides that sometimes can't tell the difference between a joke and reality. The joke thread was a great example. My comments I won't take back as there are many in both sides that feel the way that quote was expressed. So by all means it was nothing against you as a person.

    I'm glad you are not carrying it over :D I consider Folger a good buddy actually.

  14. Don't be so proud of this war coalition you've created. The ability to destroy an alliance for a round is insignificant next to the power we can muster next round. (that and my beer caek)

    You forgot to quote this section from me:

    ... Harmful stop carrying treaties since round 4 when we dropped all treaties towards the end of that round. It also doesn't mean we won't fight again. IF/when we fight in the future it will be just for fun and without all this extra BS baggage. Problem is you can't control other peoples' emotions, ego, fear, hate, and anger can you...

    We have no coalition. No alliance attacking RE is mandated to attack by any kind of treaty or bounded by agreement. It is of THEIR own free will in which they attack RE. They can stop their attacks at their own accord.

    I am neither proud or ashamed of harmful actions. It is just another action in a series of actions. People will believe that they will. People's reactions are always one way when they are getting hit hard and always another when they are hitting hard. There are too many hypocrites. We've been hit hard and have hit hard. You will never see me whining when we get hit hard. I never personally carry baggage from one round to the next. Sadly most everyone else does so when that happens, you just act and react accordingly.

    Also, if you think this is destroying an alliance you are sorely mistaken and haven't been around TE long enough. Harmful has been hit with MUCH worse odds than this in the past and have lived to see another round. If you want to see what getting destroyed is all about, go back to the beginning of round 3 and research the first Judgment war or asked those involved in that war. You will learn what it mean to pissed off most of TE and what destroying an alliance truly means.

    This probably could have been just like Judgment 1 in round 3 has Tiberius12 stayed in power. That was how pissed off a lot of people in TE were at RE.

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