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Emperor Brutus

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Posts posted by Emperor Brutus

  1. 15 minutes ago, DeathAdder said:


    NpO isn't involved in the war as a combatant.. If they are willing to host the negotiations, I don't see why that would be an issue, though.


    My weekdays are fairly busy. Could you please advise if NpO will be providing individual time-slots for Non Grata Rogues to sign up to discuss threat levels and emotional damages sustained? What would be the best way to get a hold of LoD, would a DM on Discord or in-game suffice? For my personal meeting I would like at least one senior government official present from every Oculus member in the spirit of promoting a unified and democratic bloc. Also, I would like my counsel, caustic present. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Stewie said:


    I mean at the same time, we are apparently a collection of rogues not an alliance as well..  Even though we have more nations than several "alliances" currently on bob.


    Oh wait..








    I see your point... by being rogue nations we are all separate entities. Therefore, every individual whos AA shows Non Grata and currently feels threatened by Oculus should also partake in any negotiations, help us all collectively move forward.

  3. Wouldn't going solely to LoD contradict your charter in a way? Apart from this being a coordinated joint offensive... as you claimed, we attacked your allies. I saw a small article which read they "shall" partake in diplomatic assistance. Additionally, you state NG was threatening to Oculus alliances, it would be fair if all threatened members took part in any discussions, help us all collectively move forward.

  4. The last of many years in this universe has been a journey. I find no better way to step down as the Ruler of the Roman Federation once our financial stockpile runs out, and our citizens fought until the last man. I am especially grateful that in our final moments we were able to face our enemy head on, instead of being stabbed in the back, as many of those who hail to The Spineless Coalition must eventually face in the months to come, once we are gone.


    Looking back over the years, at past interactions, it has definitely been a ride, and a fun one at that, from sharing moments of our universes leaders attending High School, the pride which came with their acceptance into University, and growing into their families. From the moments they bought their first cars, and seeing the interactions we shared with one another. We slowly evolved into our adulthood, and some into their grand-hood, but no matter what we enjoyed our time here.


    There was always a time when the strong preyed on the weak, and formulated coalitions in order to undermine any viable future threat. However, this is not on of those times. Above all, the alliance Non Grata resembles, the bond it shares, and the standard it stands for, won’t be upheld by any other alliance found in this universe any-longer once our fight here is done. The spineless are left to rule the world, and avoid confrontation, living on a foundation of lies, deception, manipulation and their shared cowardice to confront those notions… dedicated to stabbing one another in the back.


    In these end times, the friendships formed, won’t be forgotten, and in spite of popular belief, for the Band of Friends who left IRON and joined NG, it was never about becoming rogues. It was instead the acceptance of the fact that this universe was no longer for us. It was about making one last stand again the pitiful and fundamentally weak treaties you have signed. Our perception of the way the universe evolved resulted in the decision of parting ways with it all-together, for one last fight, wherever we would have found it… and we did. Outnumbered, outmatched, with an endless supply of enemy reinforcements,  Cydonian Knight, RearviewRover, and SeaBeeGipson and myself will stand together and make this final fight worthwhile for our enemies.


    This will now be my last post on this forum. You can find me in your local war-mode enabled screen in 7 days.


    friends > infra

  5. Stay tuned for further warchest updates.


    FTW - Ranked in terms of $$$.


    Ruler: Garageland of ClashCityRocker: $12,464,522,048 - 134k NS

    Ruler: Wolfy of wolfy den: $10,949,588,966 - 305k NS

    Ruler: Twistland of SirTwist: $10,566,110 - 1k NS

    Ruler: andrewb619 of Brennana1: $7,415,123,183 - 181k NS

    Ruler: pjk11 of BOOM HEADSHOT: $7,256,321,068 - 136k NS

    Ruler: Valdroth Kai of Khand: $6,498,717,648 - 95k NS

    Ruler: RedCommunist of DDR: $4,003,149,879 - 105k NS

    Ruler: Wobblies of Pile Butts: $3,189,963,726 - 22k NS

    Ruler: BLITZ1 of BLITZKRIEG THE FIRST: $2,967,438,751 - 121k NS

    Ruler: Lorien of Wing Zero: $2,690,785,790 - 77k NS

    Ruler: Siderz of Oursiders: $2,230,253,503 - 40k NS

    Ruler: Camelia of Lemac: $1,883,773,242 - 86k NS

    Ruler: VitaminTHC of St Lucia: $1,188.467.205 - 79k NS

    Ruler: BmK812 of Eisenherz: $1,173,668,731 - 104k NS

    Ruler: Galerion of Blighty: $1,140,591,846 - 127k NS

    Ruler: Stanovoy of Zawisza Czarny: $800,100,165 - 22k NS

    Ruler: Nihon Koku of Hakaisha: $860,507,572 - 22k NS

    Ruler: Femocratic Lands of Greatest Mothers: $873,775,474 - 78k NS

    Ruler: slmarsch of Rio Grande: $839,903,092 - 123k NS

    Ruler: stageidea of Provinz Sachsen: $332,210,141 - 64k NS

    Ruler: Democracy of UnitedNation: $300,391,439 - 101k NS

    Ruler: Sanctus of Ventus: $290,193,015 - 23k NS

    Ruler: Lulzist of Land of Lulz: $85,130,550 - 72k NS

    Ruler: Abscondia of schmutte693: $69,419,04 - 8K NS

    Ruler: Backdoor of Paraculia II: $47,000,115 - 15k NS

    Ruler: VelocityVIP of Galcorian Republic: $35,701,274 - 2.4k NS

    Ruler: Voustia of Junkieturtle: $2,529,244 - 9k NS

  6. In speaking with VelocityVIP of Galcorian Republic, who holds the government position of Deputy Archon of Foreign Affairs, I brought up the case of FTW stealing Non Grata's Flag.


    Here he clearly admits that during the design phases, an individual had pointed out that this flag did in fact resemble Non Grata's Flag, but those concerns and legalities were dismissed.







  7. Tis funny that all you post is how much you dont care, yet you take the time posting all over the place saying you dont care, so imo thou protest to much and you are only trying to convince yourself, as we really dont care that you care or do not care and if you truly did not care apathy would be your state, and that is certainly not what your actions show or portray.


    Have fun not caring though! ;)


    Unfortunately you didn't get the message. It is our superior genetics that allow us to overlook plebs such as yourself, therefore any and all statements made by you & co. are obsolete. Making you and your opinions of little to no concern to our pure and greater cult alliance.

  8. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1358889199' post='3083937']
    Now tell me, is Anarchy Inc the oppressor of old here? I doubt it because they haven't been around even more than a year. So then, I'm guessing you were probably talking about NPO or IRON there, but you didn't attack those two now did you? Why was that?

    Truth be told... there is just something about NPO and IRONs war machine that is terrifying, we want to preserve as many pixels possible this war and declaring on them would go against our motto. There was also the fear of getting countered by MHA, could not risk that. You were unto something, but were looking in the wrong corner, now I hope I have shined the light on you.

  9. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1358794024' post='3082461']
    Not all of us sold our souls for power, some of us still live by the same Ideals we fought for in the Great Wars.

    Fortunately however, we got a good deal as most of us didn't have souls to start off with :ph34r:

  10. [quote name='Ocracka' timestamp='1323155590' post='2865497']
    Some whiner telling me someone else likes to whine?.. Awesome.

    Does a whiner accuse a whiner of whining or did the whining of a whiner make him whine?

    [quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1323314461' post='2868201']
    How could you even think this was a good idea?

    What made it a bad one is the question to the question you ask.

  11. [quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1315951662' post='2799965']
    This is all just a clever ploy by TOP to get their upper tier down to Polar's NS level, by mass-roguing GOD, then once GOD gets rolled by Mj, these freed rogues goes and takes on Polar's lower-tier!

    full-proof plan, I tell ya.

    We have a winner.

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