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Posts posted by Utracia

  1. I think it is because of you that I shed my neutral skin and dived into this alliance of debauchery. I don't know whether to thank you or kill you. 'Grats on a year either way, you've been making this game a bit more interesting for me of late :D

    *obligatory desu~*

  2. Oh, he was fun. Glad I got to pound his $@! to the ground before I left.

    As for theending's rapid demise, the global intelligence taskforce must have caught him red handed in his scam and dispatched him before we could reach him. [OOC Translation: He was prolly a multi, as we expected at the end, and was no doubt caught by the almightly Admin and his crew.] Bah humbug I say. He stole mah monies.

    You don't seem to be able to get a break, it would have warmed my heart to see a tech scammer slapped down but this is rather anti-climatic, oh well.

  3. Well, that's your own opinion. I suppose you don't like visiting #mushroom and others as well, but because that affects your sensibilities doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't be allowed to joke when we want.

    And well I've pointed out the lack of a contradiction to you and others several times in this thread, so I'd recommend actually reading this whole thing before making an uniformed opinion as you just have.

    The OP itself is a contradiction, I suppose one could find some smooth way to wave that off, to explain away reality but whatever. I don't find this issue to be important enough to argue about so I'll just leave you all to it ;)

  4. I think you're misunderstanding. Visitors should be forewarned that it is what goes on in their channels. However foreign officials when requesting a formal discussion being met with that is not tolerated and that is what the apology was for.

    I suppose its too much to wish that such juvenile behavior wouldn't occur in any venue whether in public or in official chats? But I suppose an alliance like this purposefully cloaks itself in 13 yr old boy antics, where saying dirty words and bigotry is "cool". Whatever, up to them it is their channel, I don't ever intend to go there anyway.

    I still find their OP to be a contradiction as was pointed out by others as well, which I haven't caught a response to (though I admit I had no desire to examine all the posts in this thread)

  5. I disagree about how "half-assed" this is having talked to them about it. You're entitled to your opinion however.

    They say that such inflamatory comments happen on their channel on a regular basis and visitors should be forewarned etc, it can't be much of an apology if there is no attempt to restrain their members. Apologies need to come with an intent to change or they are meaningless

  6. Well, it's actually a rather common behavior of scammers. Invicta had a similar scammer in their ranks not long ago by the name of DragonFyre, who had apparently done so before and planned to do so again, it was a game to him. His sole purpose on Planet Bob was to help make others' lives difficult. Rather sad, really. -_-

    I understand that some rulers decide to have this peculiar mindset and decide to scam or rogue on people, seems rather counterproductive to me, it doesn't allow one to grow and experience Bob like they could once past being a micro nation. While I was at GPA we also experienced an annoying rogue known as Wampler, so I am aware of the lemming instincts some rulers on this fair planet of ours seem to have. <_<

  7. No ones going to go to war over the colorful language members of \m/ choose to use in their public channel. The mere fact that \m/ feels the need to politicize the incident in order to garner positive PR for being a "classy" alliance is amusing as hell.

    A "classy" alliance wouldn't have members making such comments to begin with anyway ^_^

  8. I'd think losing your identity as an alliance and needing to join someone else would be worse than getting rolled, infra can be replaced after all but ZH is now gone for good. Or is that too sentimental for this crowd?

    Still, it could have been much worse for you guys, I hope you don't tempt fate again in wherever you choose to go from here

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