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New Reverie

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Posts posted by New Reverie

  1. 10 hours ago, drugsup said:


    Think i found your video from an old post of mine, unfortunately it was hosted on google videos before they aquired YT. It would appear this video is long deleted sadly.



    @New ReverieIt appears you created this video do you have any trace of it? 🙂

    I'll look around.  Honestly I think it may have been @Trace that made the video.  He was our big AV guy at the time.

  2. I'm experiencing similar odds disparity against opponents.

    In my last 3 wars there have been 0-5 intercepts before a hit.  Successful attacks against opponents were 14/37

    Successful attacks against me were 



    In my current war, my opponent has had 4/10 successful attempt.

    I have had 4/20?, and possibly more except I ran out of nukes today.  The ? assumes my next attempt would have been successful.  I had 3 in a row intercepted before running out.

  3. A national that I am at war with had troops deployed from the previous day.  The national does not have a fallout shelter.  After a nuclear weapons attack which eliminated their ground forces I followed up with a subsequent ground attack.

    This attack forced redeployment of their forces and returned them home to defend.

    Later on the same day, the nation was able to buy new forces and redeploy them.

    Does automatic returning forces home not count as a deployment or does each nation get one in game deployment per day no matter what?

  4. On 8/17/2022 at 12:43 AM, lilweirdward said:


    You...might want to check what NoR, Fark, and RIA all have in common that FAN doesn't. 

    We're not on teams that are primary colors?


    Although what we do have in common is that we're on teams that are printer colors.  If you squint and pretend maroon and magenta are the same thing.

  5. Hello,

    The description of the Moon Colony states that 6% of citizen count will be stored there at time of purchase.

    My citizen count at time of purchase was approximately 152,000

    6% of that population would be about 9,120

    The Moon base population after purchase is 4,768.  This number is closer to 3% of my population.

    Can you please correct my base population and fix the bug.

  6. Does one of these even exist anymore or is it too complicated?

    I've started looking up all the treaties and blocs on the CN wiki, but I doubt it is up to date or complete.

    I'd like to make one or find one like we used to have.


  7. 3 hours ago, Shadow Slayer said:


    Oh damn, congrats dude! I managed to shape up, get through college, and became a cog in the system back in Washington haha. I log in occasionally to see how my bills are doing, but that's about it. I think I have the highest unpaid bill in the game, but no one will confirm it for me

    Maybe we need to have declare bankruptcy added as a feature.  Declaring bankruptcy allows other nations to buy your infra, tech, and wonders for a period of 1 week.  Then your bills reset to zero.

  8. The hit limit and message limit was added because of me in late 2006 and early 2007 along with a change in the TOS.  You can search the red senate debates for more back story.

    Back then most of the major alliances had departments dedicated to collecting game statistics.  There was no option to download statistics like there is today.

    The departments would have their members click through the war, foreign aid, alliance stats, and other nation statistic pages and pull all the info from each page.  This would result in thousands of clicks and tax the CN servers.  To stop the practice, admin created the nation statistic download links and also added the click limit.

  9. 6 hours ago, Shadow Slayer said:

    Shadow Slayer here, what's up man? It's been a long time! 


    My aside, I went through Middle School -> Employed playing this game. Joined during the end of GWI

    It has been a very long time.  Since this forum is technically IC.  The ruler of my nation abjugated his throne, got married in 2009, and had a few kids.  I do wish I spent more time with RIA.

  10. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1291311189' post='2528076']
    I shall wait for some folks to come here and berate you for shoring up the current hegemony by handing them a potent tool of war.

    It shall be a sordid spectacle, one that is a tad familiar, but entertaining nonetheless.

    Good luck in your chosen home, the one with the running cactus thing.
    I thought MK was still the holding the puppet strings these days.

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