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Posts posted by Aeternus

  1. Down with the EVIL Murder Inc. elitist empire! Down with you! Come brothers, unite with me against these corrupt warlords and disrespectful, ignorant, elitist fools! We must start the Vox Populi of CN:TE and amass against our primary enemy! We will undermine them and destroy them! Quickly brothers, Join Vox Populi and Set yourselves to peace mode! We must destroy them! Down with the evil hegemony of Murder Inc.!

  2. ^^^^Actually pretty funny for an elitist^^^^

    I, good sir, am not an elitist! I am working alongside my alliance-mates to tear down this alliance full of elitist pigs and powerful snobs! We can do without MI. Join with me, Panic King, and bring UW and anyone else you can muster to fight the powers that be and bring a revolution to TE! We must not let them go unchecked or they will progress into an alliance of murderers, tech raiders, and people who post random nonsense in the forums! Join with me and fight!

  3. Elitism?! We have no reason to be elitists, we know we are the best, there is no sense in us running all around the forums proclaiming it. You all should be thanking us for not rolling you yet which we so easily could do. We aren't Elitists, elitists don't allow mere peasants to speak like we allow you.

    That makes you elitists! How ignorant are you people at Murder Inc.! You roll anything that looks roll-able. You always prize yourself as the best in CN:TE. You just wait! You will get what's coming to you soon enough! We just won't be the ones to topple your elitist throne...We'll umm...form some sort of power bloc...to umm...roll you..and...yeah! Take that!

  4. another elitist... so noone can post other than agovernment official? I thought this is OWF where all can post and read.

    Elitism?! We have no reason to be elitists, we know we are the best, there is no sense in us running all around the forums proclaiming it. You all should be thanking us for not rolling you yet which we so easily could do. We aren't Elitists, elitists don't allow mere peasants to speak like we allow you.

  5. Congratulations on your three achievements! I hope you continue on and surpass them. I thought the Codex was amazing, very respectable, I would love to see other alliances, as well as my own, form this kind of policy. Overall extremely impressive announcement, good work!

  6. Despite the fact that I may not agree with Vox Populi's cause, I commend and respect you all for establishing a government, charter, and new flag (which is very purdy :)). It seems I can always count on Doitzel and the others for consistently good reads. "The Prerogative of Vox Populi" and all the Personal Perspectives were very interesting. I look forward to what the future holds for Vox Populi, as well as all of Planet Bob.

  7. Hey Guys, I'm setting up the following Trade Guild. You must have two of the open resources and there cannot be doubles. First come, first serve. Purple-Team only. I will announce to everyone via PM's in game when to cancel your current trades and propose trades to the other trade-partners when this circle is full.


    Trade Partners:



    Fish--Lord Nytmare



    Marble--Aetherius Princeps





    Water--Lord Nytmare

    Wheat--Aetherius Princeps

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