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Posts posted by Badbrownies

  1. Although the Rosko Union is extremely disappointed as to how this military operation proceeded, the Rosko Union congratulates the Arenellian government on a successful operation. However, the Rosko Union wishes to condone these actions as far too violent towards the Islamic population. We wish to send relief funds to any displaced muslims and offer them a peaceful home within the Rosko Union only at the discretion of the Arenellian government.

  2. The Rosko Union wishes to fully thank everyone for recognizing our sovereignty. We are currently working on construction of new embassies to fight the incredibly high architectural standards of the Rosko Union. We will send out notices to the world once our embassies are finished.

  3. Just out of curiosity, the Rosko Union wishes to know if the outcomes of this can be used with foreign news sources such as the Union Gazette. Our people are very interested in events such as this.

  4. assuming your nation is recognized by the world community, are not in territory disputes, and are currently not pissing anyone off (particularly in your region of existance), then an invitation will be considered. Get squared away first;)

    My nation is currently located on the map. We are southeast of the Kingdom of New Saharani and East of Irish Mainland.

    Here is the map to prove it. Whether people acknowledge The Rosko Union's existence or not is their own personal belief. However, if the map acknowledges us and our people acknowledge us, I believe we are a full-fledged nation.

    OOC: The Rosko Union is located where Oman would be.

  5. The Rosko Union is preparing an Imperial Suite in the elegant five star Union Hotel located on the scenic coast of the Arabian Sea. Upon entry, a black limo will be waiting on the air strip for the esteemed Imperial Religious Advisor.

    The Rosko Union wishes to invite any other nations in the world to send an ambassador to the Rosko Union to help draft the new constitution. Our goal with this document is to make it an evolving work that can be amended when it is needed to be. After all, Saddam Abdwahid bin Al-Ahad is seventy-five years old and will not be around to rule the country forever.

    As a reply to the esteemed Katchiro Utuma's message:

    Dear Imperial Religious Advisor Katchiro Utuma,

    We will take your advice to heart while we are drafting up the constitution. When you arrive, we will be careful to not use the terms Sunni and Shi'ite in the document and refer to everyone as Muslims. However, we feel it would be in our nation's best interest to preserve the culture of both the Sunni and Shi'ite faiths and still keep both faiths equally represented. After all, in our beliefs, being blind to the differences is no better than hating them. We look forward to your arrival.

    ~Saddam Abdwahid bin Al-Ahad and Amir Abdmuqtadir bin Al-Ahad.

  6. Hearing of the great news, President Amir Abdmuqtadir bin Al-Ahad of the Rosko Union wishes to send congratulations over to the entire family and wishes them many years as a healthy family. On behalf of the Rosko Union, a package of jabne and falafels to Neo Japan.

    If Neo Japan doesn't mind, The Rosko Union would appreciate an invite to the wedding. Saddam Abdwahid bin Al-Ahad wishes to personally attend in hopes of starting a bright diplomatic future with Neo Japan.

  7. Uberstein has returned from his vacation, and his house has been fully redone to his new standards.

    When Saddam Abdwahid bin Al-Ahad heard the news of Baron Uberstein's house, Saddam began to think about rebuilding his own house to fit the high standards of the Rosko Union.

  8. With the current problem with the Jamahiriya being the top priority, Presidents Amir Abdmuqtadir bin Al-Ahad and Saddam Abdwahid bin Al-Ahad was late to hear about the Dalai Lama's shooting. Both presidents decided to send a silver ring engraved in arabic that says "Have a comfortable and speedy recovery." They also send over a package filled with halva and baklava. A note is attached to the box which reads:

    We are extremely sorry about the injuries you have faced and we are sorry for having this care package sent late. We hope you forgive us.

    ~Sincerely, Saddam Abdwahid bin Al-Ahad and Amir Abdmuqtadir bin Al-Ahad

  9. A couple hours after the grand speech took place, the Al-Ahad brothers received an in depth report of the events that have occurred with the Jamahiriya. Smiling about the great success that took place in the former caliphate, they also realize that their intelligence indicates that Abdil Malik is still at large. As a way to try to make a positive diplomatic measure with the Jamahiriya, Amir Abdmuqtadir bin Al-Ahad starts composing this message to the Republic -

    Congratulations on the great success of your revolution. Your people have done the Islamic world proud. However, we are also informed that Abdil Malik escaped from the MPV and that is something that doesn't exactly do the revolution much good. That is why the Rosko Union is willing to work with you if Abdil Malik escapes the country. If he leaves the country, we will offer him 'safe' refuge in our country. During that time, we will ship him back to you. If you are interested in this necessary diplomatic action, please contact Amir Abdmuqtadir bin Al-Ahad. We shall plan more.

    ~Signed Amir Abdmuqtadir bin Al-Ahad, President of the Rosko Union

    He then tells his secretary to mail this letter to the Jamahiriya A.S.A.P. Amir realized that soon this crisis may become global.

  10. The Rosko Union wishes to vocally support Stangnation with its assertion of sovereignty.

    President Saddam Abdwahid bin Al-Ahad has this to say - "I speak for both my brother and I when we wish Stangnation the best in luck with dealing in any territorial disputes. May Allah guide their judgment and hope they may choose a more peaceful means of sovereignty in the future."

  11. *Nation Name: IrishMainLand

    *Ruler: Galacticalliance

    And I would like that big white spot that is the south part of the Saudi Arabian peninsula.

    If you would be so generous to allow half of Yemen to the Rosko Union, we would be most appreciative.

  12. The Rosko Union, a very small nation located in the a remote region of the Middle East, has held a meeting with its most powerful citizens to

    discuss the nations future. Two brothers lead discussions with the people of the Rosko Union in hopes of unifying the Sunni and Shi'ia faiths in order to bring a brighter future to the Islamic world. As a result, the Sunni brother Saddam Abdwahid bin Al-Ahad and his Shi'ite counterpart, Amir Abdmuqtadir bin Al-Ahad have been unanimously voted to lead the nation in politics. [saddam] Al-Ahad and [Amir] Al-Ahad are hoping to bring some of the best and brightest minds from the world to help draft a constitution which will be voted upon by the general population of the Rosko Union.

    [Amir] Al-Ahad said, "What we are hoping to do is unify the Muslims of the Rosko Union under a single banner. To do this, they need equal representation by both faiths. That is what my brother and I are trying to do."

    [saddam] Al-Ahad said in regards to [Amir] Al-Ahad's quote, "There is no better person for the Shi'ite world to choose. Hopefully, this coalition between faiths will help the rest of the Islamic World come together and fight for a better future," he continued to say, "The Qu'ran teaches us that the reason Allah created the human race in different communities was that we should be able to relate to each other peacefully. Whether people are Christian, Buddhist, Atheist, or Islamic, they should still take that lesson from the Qu'ran to heart."

    By Samad Abdsalaam bin Al-Razzaq

    The Union Gazette. Copyright 2008.

  13. The Rosko Union is looking to open up trade with people. We contain a steady supply of silver and marble and are looking for anyone who has gold, iron, lead, oil, lumber, iron, or aluminum. If you are interested, contact the Rosko Union here.

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