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Alpha Wolf

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Posts posted by Alpha Wolf

  1. Now before you decide to flame me take the time to think of how many times this has failed I just think it will be fun to try and if you don't like it NPO and friends go ahead and attack me for my 9 infrastructure it's all I have.

    I hate NPO so lets destroy them. They were The Initiative so they should die. Send a pm to join me I won't tell anyone who you are.

    Edit:Changed speech

  2. As the creator of The New Future (TNF) I would just like to take a moment of you time to explain what this alliance will be about when it grows larger. We will look to bring peace to CN and work with other alliances to maintain that peace. To create a brotherhood among our members during times of peace to help during times of war. There are many opportunities to learn and hon ones skills diplomatically as well as a master strategist in times of war. I want members who are willing to give input into how the alliance will function. Freedom of speech will be encouraged on TNF forums but be careful of what you say on the CN forums for speech is costly there. If you want to fight for peace, justice, and honor than TNF is for you!

    When it comes time to make a stand you don't have to stand alone!

    Edit: To say that there is a link in the sig it's underlined

  3. No way you must be a clone, what did you do with the real FAN we all lived in fear and in huddled masses praying for you to go away like the Santa Claus on Futurama. But anyways Hail the New less violent but still as deadly FAN


  4. They don't. Brave men try and make things happen. They try to make things better. They do not make long blathering speeches from unassailable positions about how life sucks and they are going to quit, make things harder on their friends, and generally whine about the unfairness of it all.

    So than when I tried to stand up to Valhalla and got destroyed your saying that was bravery are you kidding me it was utter foolishness that got me nothing but ZIed. I decide that I'm going to try to make things better and I'm met with insults and threats. As for my friends most of them abandoned me. Yet if it wasn't for all of this when I eventually succeed my victory won't be well earned. But what happened to me was different than Legion they could have at least took a stand together while I stood alone. Bravery and stupidity walk hand in hand. But all greatness will come to an end.

  5. So I come to you as ex-legion well more like a prisoner of the Legion, and I am about to tell you what is going on(in my view and only my view). Right about now I do not care.

    Everyone wants to know why we can't leave and all these wonderful theories keep popping up. Let me tell you that the main reason why we are no longer allowed to leave is not to stop any chaos that might happen but to insure that Legion can pay the 300million to Valhalla, TPF and NPO every 10days. Period!! They could care less about reforming Legion and making us into a "respectful" alliance. They just want the money and only the money. Shame on the new leadership for allowing this to happen. I know many of us would have rather gone down fighting then be prisoners in our own alliance. Before any of you say, "well you could have left when they disbanded." My response to you is no I could not have for I have things to worry about in RL and I am not going to be 100% concerned about this game. Never have been and never will be if I join in the future.

    Another thing that gets me laughing many times over is the smugness of Vahalla and NPO thinking that they have every Legion member where they want them. How wrong you are. There are some of us out there that do not care about our nation, Me for example. You wont let me leave and find an alliance that I respect and want to fight for fine, I delete myself. Oh know, what have I have done? Oh I know, I have been able to throw off Vahalla and NPO without worries of perma-ZI :P Looks like you loose that battle. I would rather loose my country then be built back up and destroyed because someone over in "The Order"(said with sarcasm and annoyance there) doesn't like what we have done, yet again.

    Don't worry Valhalla and NPO and TPF, your day will come when that smugness gets wiped right off your face and you look around and realize that you have finally fallen and no one cares for you or wants you. It will happen. Every great power does fall and it is only a matter of time for that to happen.

    Do I say these things out of bitterness, of course I do. The alliance I once loved and cheerished is gone and will not rise out of the ashes like a Phoenix. But I must say the game was played well and for that I can not be mad about. For it was only a game and only a game it will ever be. Goodbye my Legion friends that got out in time and for those that are still stuck and want to get out, I urge you to go out fighting or just delete. Think of it as a band-aid that needs to be taken off, rip fast and quickly and the pain is over quicker.

    Truly amazing speech :lol:

  6. @Alpha Wolf: You sound suspiciously like Vader. Crackpots such as yourself have repeatedly called for and repeatedly failed to incite an uprising against The Orders, but I very much hope you succeed where others have failed.

    Sorry to disappoint you I'm not Vader(President Yasha) He was once in my alliance when I was in the IAA but your right I don't like NPO but lately my hate is directed to Valhalla which by the way hasn't ZIed me like they promised and even funnier is the fact that a Legion member has just attacked me for what I believe is for everything I have posted. I highly doubt I will make a difference like so many others I'm just simply stating some possibilities and if NPO/Valhalla/Legion don't like what I say than they can do as they have before and attack my nation. It's only a game and you win some and you lose some isn't that what makes it fun.

    @chefjoe I don't care what Valhalla thinks I know that I defeated 2 of them in GW4 and that they surrendered to my alliance and my nation has been destroyed for stating this.

    @bigwoody I never said they were going to be stopped as of the moment they are going to enforce it my nation won't stop them (to small to even try) I just offer an alternative in The New Future thought they won't have protection from attacks yet but maybe someday.

    @HordeOfDoom Yes I do just like every other alliance does.

    Link to my nation

  7. I think this policy is meant to supersede treaties. They will be fired on regardless of alliance, and considered a ghost rather than an alliance member regardless of what the other alliance thinks...if the alliance they fled to has an issue with it...seriously, what are they going to do?

    It all depends on the alliance they flee to as well as the number of alliances involved. If there are enough people willing to stand against the orders than they can't enforce it. From what I have seen and heard the Orders believe they are invincible and that no one will ever stop them, but in the end that type of attitude is going to bring them down. The fact is the Legionaries should be given a window of time were all who want to leave can and than the reform will be possible until that happens no matter what they do if they manage to keep everyone there how many are actually loyal to Legion and not staying to save them self. You can always push people around but how long you can push till everyone else says that you gone to far and decide that it's time to stop them.

  8. Protip #2: The sort of people who post on these forums and are likely to respond to an open borders no matter what policy are generally not the sort of people you want around when starting up a new alliance. More often than not they will come with baggage.

    So your saying that the only people to join have problems, but when a recruiter spams out 50 messages to random nations that they won't have any problems.

  9. Alpha Wolf's post has got to be a joke. Doesn't it? Please say it is.

    Anyway, Viceroyalty obviously had mixed results at ONOS, but NPO's motivation seems clear to me: If NPO allows people to leave now, virtually everyone will. If they require folks to stick around a few weeks before opening the gates to emigration, they have a chance to win the hearts and minds of the rank and file and may win enough of them to build a major ally for the future. And if not? NPO has lost nothing but time, has saved its infra from war, and Legion will be destroyed all the same.

    Lol sadly it's not and I highly doubt any Legionaries will be joining my ranks. They might as well stay or try to slip away during the confusion unless the viceroy did a smart thing and wrote down everyone's name or saved all there nations on his nation list. At least that way they might have a chance to stop them from leaving. But ya open boarders to anyone to join The New Future and it's one were small nation. Link in the sig :popcorn:

  10. Also, there are two reasons why the Legions exists today. One is from the compassion of her former enemies to allow her to exist, and the other is from the loyalty of the remaining Legion members who agreed to these terms in order to exist. These members saw what needed to be done to survive and to keep the Legion alive and they just did it. I don't know how that's not being loyal in your book, because it certainly is in mine.

    The rest of your comment seems just largely anti-NPO slander, despite the fact that this thread was, originally, an announcement on how the NPO and Z'ha'dum were going to help rebuild the Legion. By implying Z'ha'dum is going to only further destroy the Legion means you either didn't read the OP or you're claiming the Viceroy and the New Pacific Order is lying.

    I hope for your sake it's the former, not the latter.

    Ya your right I guess I'm a little anti-NPO since I was originally against The Initiative and they are one of the few alliance left that was(is) in charge of it(what's left) and I guess if it offends them they can have the scraps left by Valhalla. They may have loyalty to the name of Legion but how many are still loyal to Legions cause. They may say there loyal to avoid war but yet they aren't the true Legionaries that were once there. I do believe the viceroy may want Legion to prosper but I don't think the NPO does. If people would stop watching the pinstripes they might see the big paranoid picture of CN and wonder what does this new Legion stand for? Are they gonna replace the position GOONS, \m/, or FAN held for the Orders?

  11. Except, once again, the remaining members of the Legion voted for and requested a viceroy. If the people oppose that so much, they should not have asked for it.

    And what are the principles and ideals that it would be devoid of? Is it dedication to the protection and growth of its members, like all alliances, which is hardly unique? Or is it the type of ideals that involve breaking treaties, spying, and corrupt elected officials?

    I may be wrong but the truly loyal members of Legion are gone. There are still loyal members but don't get me wrong the Legion will never be the same once NPO is done with it. The viceroy is going to look after NPO's best interests in replacing there GOONS with someone else. So long Legion don't forget that loyalty can't be forced or bought it has to be earned

    Edited: Correcting my spelling so people don't take each word for what it is but instead how they sound. I was to lazy to fix it earlier but I guess some people have a mental retardation that they can't understand what I meant.

  12. we have been through alot, us LOYAL Legionnaires, and we will get through this.

    you see, the important thing is that we stayed destruction; The Legion can breathe another day.

    i can also tell you that Z has been very fair and intelligent. so far we believe his good intentions.

    things change rapidly in CN as we all know and therein lies our hope.

    May Legion continue to prosper but do not change to much or the Legion I once fought beside will be dead along with all my respect for them. Legion once stood proud and I fought with them may the day they can stand proud and free be glorious and untainted

  13. I have to say that this is going to be interesting to say the least to see a new Legion made out of NPO's image. I hope they can hold on to there values and not fully be changed by NPO. At least there is a somewhat peaceful end to what would have been a bloody conflict

    @BastardofGod you are an uninvolved party so according to you "you can STFU"

    @King Srgt your right my grammar sucks but my spelling isn't bad

  14. This is why any successful alliance has allies and learns the ways of combat. As pointed out previously, that combat need not take place against NPO. You might even find being a relatively friendly terms with Pacificia is possible when your leadership isn't obsessed with them like a rival cheerleader....

    Also, honor is worth dying for, but no one said that it has to be today. <_<

    Sometimes the most honorable thing to do is to simply get up and walk away.

    But what do you do when your allies won't help and walking away isn't an option. To avoid a fight hasn't been an option for me. I choose not to fight back for I wasn't in the wrong. My alliance turned there back to me to avoid the fight our allies of the alliance pretended nothing was happening. And the only thing said of what I did was I broke the terms and my posts were filled with asshatery. There was no honor in me fighting back there is no honor in my defeat. There is only anger and the promise of vengeance. What good are allies that only look out for them self. Very few of the nations I have seen know what honor is, very few of them actually have any at all, but seriously how many would actually risk there nation to save a friends nation. I know that I have on more than one occasion put my nation to the brink to save someone when I could have done nothing. I would willingly sacrificed my nation for my alliance and ask nothing in return. Allies are good until you need them.

  15. OOOH NOOOES not 1412 infra thats tragic! anyway my point is thats not hard to rebuild from and you don't even have to like the orders just don't be an idiot about not liking them.

    and as a side note I am unaware of any alliance turning people into goats thats just silly.

    You obviously have not seen that terms before which basically means that they insult you to get a responce and your response is considered an act of war, and it is hard to rebuild to my former glory if I'm technically on Valhalla's perma-ZI list but I just don't think they noticed my 8 new infa or they just don't care. I will continue to openly state that I don't like the orders because I have 8 infa, 0 tech, 0 purchased land, and 0 soldiers. What do I really have to fear anymore. There is nothing more they can do to me that isn't going to be done by Valhalla.

  16. :ph34r:

    Who are you?

    Who I am is irrelevant so are my goals. What matters is that NPO is like a dictatorship that everyone hates and fears but in the end follows because they're afraid of being destroyed. I no longer have that fear as my nation only has 8 infa left out of 1420 infa. But the Orders have established there rule in CN and I fear that they will never fall.

    @ChairmanHal many nations have tried to prosper in peace but some alliances out there pull the peaceful into war by goating them into a situation that the peace loving nation has no control over and in the end gets destroyed because he made the mistake of saying anything even if it was defending alliance honor, and to some of us playing this game honor and integrity is more important than our nation for a man with out honor has nothing at all.

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