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HP Wingfoot

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Posts posted by HP Wingfoot

  1. [quote name='Warden' timestamp='1292534975' post='2541116']
    1.3.9 Members have the right to be free of all taxes unless the Charlie Foxtrot alliance is forced to pay Reparations as part of peace terms from a war.

    Tax free? Mick, you agreed to this? What happened to your principles? Good luck fellas.

    [quote name='Njero' timestamp='1292553878' post='2541416']
    Apparently some of our friends are mad at you. I just love your OP.

    Best of luck guys.

    Love you Mick, and I'll miss all our bromosexual fights in comms.
    Hog, you are one of the best leaders NATO has ever had, and are in my Trinity of MoDs.
    Warden, thanks for taking up the Justice reigns when RL called me away from active duty. Wish I'd run against you in the elections so you could say you'd beat me. :)

    Take care, and I'm glad to see you got yourselves a quality protector.


  2. 153 days ago, a group of friends embarked on a journey. We had great aspirations and dreams. We set our goals very high, possibly too high. The night of our DoE was great. Our IRC channel was buzzing, we were having a grand ol' time. Along the way, we've had our ups and downs. The highs were great but the lows bring me to you today. Today, Vires Noctu ceases to exist. There are too many obstacles to overcome with the cards we hold. NATO has generously agreed to accept any of our membership. NATO, along with Tristan the Hammer and myself, will protect the Vires Noctu AA for the next 10 days. I want to send a huge thank you to all who helped us along the way. There are far too many to list. You know who you are.


    The only fitting way I can think to end this is to say Good Morning!

  3. Congrats to two great alliances!

    Front Yard, hanging halfway through the downstairs window I left open, next doors prize winning flower beds, all are fine options

    I have dabbled in the art of passing out in a front yard. It was surprisingly comfortable. However, considering the level of intoxication I was at, I could have passed out on a bed of broken glass and would have been perfectly comfortable.

  4. I'm a man of few words so I'll get straight to business.


    All parties involved in this treaty are to remain sovereign and shall not be governed by the other party. They shall remain separate unless stated in another treaty. This treaty acts to bind the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Vires Noctu in a state of mutual defense, furthering our alliances commitment to one another.


    Both signatories agree not to attack, or commit and actions of espionage on the other party. Such actions are regarded as a breach of this treaty.


    Both signatories agree to share all relevant information of worth. It is agreed that this information shall not be falsified, or changed in any way, to mislead the other party. Such falsifications shall be regarded as a breach of the treaty.


    Both signatories agree that should the other come under attack, it is mandatory that all available aid, be it military, financial or diplomatic, will be made available should it be requested. This clause is not relevant if an undersigned party is the aggressor in a conflict. This treaty is exclusively between NATO and Vires Noctu and as such will not automatically activate any other treaties either signatory may have.


    Both signatories shall agree that they will endeavor to contribute financial aid to the other party. Such aid must be within the limits of reality, and not without reason. Such requests for financial aid shall be placed in the other party's embassy and the leader shall have to acknowledge the aid request. An acceptable reason must be stated, or the requested aid will not be given. Also, aid requests may be rejected, though the other party must have a valid reason. Any aid requests made under false pretense shall be viewed as a breach of this treaty.


    To cancel this treaty any time, one party must post a thread on the other party's forums and get acknowledgment from the other party, or post a thread on the official CN forums. Following cancellation, a 48 hour grace period shall begin, during which neither party may breach any of the above listed terms.

    Signatures for NATO

    High Councilor Potentia, Mick Jones

    High Councilor Externus, Iskander

    High Councilor Augmentum, Pollexter

    Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuhrer

    Signatures for VN

    The Eye of Midnight, Tithan

    The Soul of Midnight, HP Wingfoot

    The Wrath of Midnight, Tristan the Hammer


    We love NATO. NATO loves us. MDP above

  5. Article XI: Withdrawal and Expulsion

    If any member of Pegasus finds that this agreement is no longer in their best interest, they may withdraw from agreement with seventy-two (72) hours written notice, or immediately by mutual consent.

    A little more than 72 hours ago, we informed BAPS we would be withdrawing from the Pegasus treaty. We would like to thank BAPS and every other member of Pegasus for their help and support. Vires Noctu strives to maintain and continue building relationships with our purple brothers and sisters.

    signed for Vires Noctu,

    Tithan – Eye of Midnight

    HP Wingfoot – Soul of Midnight

    Tristan – Wrath of Midnight

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