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HP Wingfoot

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Posts posted by HP Wingfoot

  1. Thank you to all. To my former alliance mates, NATO was the only home I ever knew. To say it was hard to leave is an understatement.

    Also, have your therapists read your OP yet?

    I was the last to fire my therapist and that was a few months ago. The SOB wouldn't give me the good drugs.

    Just got around to this...sorry for the delay. been blowing things up with the kids all weekend.

    Congrats on the new alliance. I wish you all the best.

    Also, glad to see Tithan reappear. Was wondering what happened to him. Never got a message at all....

    I hope you got the good stuff. Snakes and sparklers suck. You have no idea how happy we were/are with Tithan's reemergence.

  2. Wentworth et all,

    God loves you like he loves Jacob. Sorry I couldn't join you, but without you I had to go back. And since the NATO response to this has been non-existant let me be the first to say thank you for everything all of you have given to us and may smokey protect you and guide you. In purple hands you with so many past friends you'll prosper and grow, congrtulations, our friends.

    Thanks Anu. It means a lot. NATO meant a lot to all of us and it was hard to leave. You guys have an embassy set up already. Get over to our place.

  3. Let me post a few words too then.

    1) We come at this hour because such was the plan, not because we chose so. The decision to automatically attack whoever touches INT was taken immediately after INT went to war. Without specifying anything about the size of the enemy or the odds. LSF doesn't care about that stuff. LSF honors treaties. It has always done so. We wouldn't ruin it now, would we?

    2) MDoAP is MDoAP. Notice that this particular MDoAP doesn't even have a cancellation clause. Our relation with INT is incest.

    3) NATO in the past harbored some LSF refugees when all other doors were closed. NATO also tried to obtain peace for us, when NOV was hitting us without anybody else caring about it. LSF has memory. We will keep this clean. We wish for you to get a peace as quick and honorable as possible. And i personally wish that our roads may cross again under better circumstances in the future.




    I can get behind this. Welcome to the party. You guys no doubt bring the universal herbs needed to mend the broken fences. I must say, your last point in #2 worries me a bit. For that, I will leave you with the redneck thought of the day: Drinking non-alcoholic beer is like going down on your cousin. Sure it taste's the same, but it ain't effin right.

    Good luck, hopefully I'll find one of you when a war expires.

  4. Oh my goodness! We were so fooled! You guys coordinated so much as to even post your DoW with everyone else coming back!

    I'm tempted to say you were. I think it took 27 pages until someone pointed out only individual MADPs were canceled, not Mobius Accords or other treaties between the alliances. I'll be the first to admit I know next to nothing about FA and the treaty web but I do know we are still tied to NPO in 3 ways. Just remember one thing as you come back at me, 27 pages of "cowards, cowards, pathetic, pathetic" "mommy, mommy, they took their ball and went home" before someone realized, wait, they have other treaties with NPO.

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