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Lucky Shot

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Posts posted by Lucky Shot

  1. We are doing that as well, but are covering our bases. VE stated that we have 48 hours, we intend to have something in place by then to discourage, ahhh....opportunists.

    As we have 16 nations willing to tech trade, I believe this should be seen as an opportunity, regardless of the alliance size - there always seems to be a shortage of tech sellers....

  2. Given that the Viridian Entente has stated it's intention to end our Protectorate agreement of not so long ago within 48 hours, the United Domainers alliance is now entertaining inquiries from interested parties regarding the formation of a new protectorate agreement. Reasons given seem to be that we are not growing as quickly as VE wants, nor are we as structured as they wish.

    Currently Consisting of 16-18 countries, UD has the potential of becoming quite large, as we are based out of namepros.com, home to over 40,000 forum members worldwide.

    All of our nations are still interested in tech trade deals.

    All alliances interested in joining into a mutually beneficial agreement should contact Arizona, Ferberland or Engrand.

  3. -sigh-

    You know, the funny thing is, I thought to myself, "Self, going it alone just gets me tech raided by a buncha people. So, let's just join an alliance, where we can sit back and grow a bit without being attacked." Wandering aimlessly, I came across Murder, Inc., and thought to myself, "Self, these guys sound pretty clever."

    So, I joined, got bushwacked immediately, and have been fighting 4 or more nations ever since, lol. Someday, self and I are gonna meet and I am seriously gonna kick his ---.

  4. (for those of you outside the USA such a restraining order is reported to the Transportation Security Administration and the US Department of State and is grounds for denying visa's and entry into the USA for the rest of your life)

    Ouch, what a horrific effect getting too fanatical about the game can be!

  5. We're just trying to get United Domainers off it's feet, 27 nations in so far. Not, perhaps, what you are looking for, but we need some veterans in our midst to help finish up our charter and help us expedite growth.... You might find an easier alliance to be in, but if you are looking for an alliance that could, actually, use your input, well, you can find us in the break room at namepros dot com.

  6. Thanks once again, VE, you've already come through for UD once, someday we will return the favor!

    For anyone just wandering by and wondering who we are, United Domainers members are, well, domainers, mostly culled from namepros dot com, a forum for domaining. We are -hoping- that the size of that forum will allow us to recruit a fairly hefty quantity of new nations into the game over a short period of time.

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