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Lucky Shot

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Posts posted by Lucky Shot

  1. Hmmmm, maybe CN could build seasons into the offensive/defensive totals for warfare. It could also then add new bonusses to the fray, such as winterizing troops, etc. Bonus for summer warfare, neutral fall and spring, minusses during the winter, unless you are winterized or some such....

  2. "Nuclear weapons may not be launched until after 24 hours after declaring war. "

    That kind of defeats the strategy of surprise attacks, doesn't it? I mean, I understand the idea that Nukes are devastating, and a one two punch overnight could screw your nation up, but personally, if I have nukes in my arsenal, I would want them to go in the first wave of attacks, not after my enemy has had an opportunity to build one and perhaps toss it my way simultaneously.

    I could see doing something like, say, giving the attacker a minus to his population's happiness if they initiate a nuclear attack, to reflect the protests that attack would invoke. But if you are really trying to simulate a world conflict, first strike plays an important role in building strategies.

    BTW, I do not have nukes, I'm just a teeny country, just thought that sentence really stuck out on the description page.

    If you declare war at 11:59, does this imply that you could then toss a nuke at 12:01, or would you have to wait until 11:59 of the following night?

  3. Thanks for all the replies and helpful suggestions. I have had several alliances contact us via pm here and in game, so we will have something in place for a nice, safe, and tech raid free switchover.

    With a bit of luck, by year end we will be large enough that we will not have issues such as this. We are just over 80K NS in size, cumulatively, now, larger than some of the other alliances around.

  4. If i check the war screen for your alliance, there's another member who's about to find out.

    Can you change your color after you are attacked? Just wondering because I looked earlier today to make sure he had not tech raided an alliance, and I didn't catch that.

  5. Your forum name does not match your in game ruler name or nation name, according to forum rules it must. You need to go to the moderation section of the forums to post a forum name change request. Be sure to follow the pinned instructions and format EXACTLY!

    Thanks for the info. At namepros dot com, our cybernations forum is hidden, and open only to those who join the cybernations group. Once you become a member of namepros, you click on 'user cp' to see the list of groups you can join, among which is 'cybernations'. Once Arizona adds you to the group, you can see our various postings within the break room / cybernations sub forum.

    I will see if we can make the link more obvious, thanks for the input.

  6. 16 Nations is usually enough to keep raiders off your back, so don't be hasty in getting a new protectorate. Just take on board the reasons VE dropped you as a protectorate, as you wouldn't be dropped for no reason and chances are other alliances would be hesitant to take you on as a protectorate for the same issues.

    Main thing is the completed charter, which we are working on. We are trying to structure it in a manner that relates back to domaining, i.e., the board will be The Registry, etc. VE should have shown a little patience, IMO, but we are of course still happy to have known them.

  7. Lol, numberQ, okay, benefits:




    ( crickets chirping )




    hehe, no, really, here it is:

    1. tech trades with your buyers

    2. self defense treaty

    While number 2 may seem laughable, keep in mind that, once we start an organized recruiting drive, we are pulling from a pool of 40,000 forum members at namepros. So, in 2008, maybe we're small. In 2009, maybe we are twice your size. The key is surviving until we become large enough to notice.

  8. Thanks, mrcalkin, I appreciate your response. Yes, posting this openly might be a risk, and I was aware of that, but then, only having a forty eight hour period within which to find and negotiate a new deal necessitated some risk, imo, and frankly there seems to be a fair shortage of tech sellers, and we can bring 16 to the table. Not a huge number, but not insignificant, either.

  9. This is not the best way to go about trying to find a protectorate.

    Brilliant political move...

    Sarcasm also noted, but the need for it is not particularly understood.... why is discussion not a good thing? As stated above, we are contacting friends in game as well as here, giving every allaince interested in growth an opportunity to contact us.

    Certainly no need for condescending sarcasm, imo.

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