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Posts posted by Pakkk

  1. the organge defence network is a alliance with bad leaders ganging up on sum one 6 on 1 so every one needs to attack them intell they give up

    Brother i am with you

    I hate oranges my self

    I like mandarins though

    SO togather we shall defeat the ebil power of ODN

  2. I will give you a treaty. what do you say to a MDAP++++

    if you get attacked come to me, give me some tech and i will ask your attackers to stop and give them half of the tech as bribe :)

    I am from the alliance : No One Now Exists [NONE]

  3. No reset, all we need is more improvements in CN, and give the newer nations more advantages. However, it is not our problem that some of us are passing other players because we had better strategies.

    Also, make it much harder and costly to hold down enemies, and you get more global wars.

    most of that can only happen with a reset

  4. 1) I am pretty sure Kevin (admin) have other resources to gain income. such as advertisements.

    2) I do believe that there will be an increase in donations, however it may take a while.


    What we can do, which will get us a reset and keep all players happy is that; we make another virtual world (server).

    I got this idea from "lunar-wars"

    We keep Beta version "Planet Bob" however we close registrations.

    another version is created, and all players have a chance to start all over.

    and players from beta version can transfer their Cn accounts (not nations) over to this new world.


    this way everyone remains happy and a new challenge is created.


    I am a 65,000 Nation strength Nation (586 days old), I wouldn't mind a reset. In fact I will love it, and all the experience and knowledge i have learned can be put to a great use in my new small nation (if another server is ever created, or a reset takes place)


    I know Cn:TE is a substitute, but i dont like the idea of a reset every 90 days.


    A new server will greatly make a difference, because a lot of people know about Cybernations now, and many will register and not give up

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