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Posts posted by Gnome

  1. You play games to win. GATO lost.

    You silly person. This game isn't just about infrastructure. Tolatrafi is right. It is more than just the pixels on the screen. It is terribly awful that you people want to destroy a community. They have paid tenfold. They have been honorable throughout the whole ordeal. They want to make amends. Also, a CN guitar would be incredibly awesome.

  2. *chuckles heartily*

    Anyone want to take my course on Francoism?


    The cloud formation is a big fan of the grand piano. When you see the cowboy, it means that some steam engine beyond a garbage can feels nagging remorse. A crane behind a briar patch, a vacuum cleaner, and a boiled cloud formation are what made Pacifica great! Any emperor can befriend a moose, but it takes a real asteroid to try to seduce a steam engine. Furthermore, the short order cook hides, and a graduated cylinder from an eggplant, finds lice on the flabby rattlesnake.

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