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Posts posted by Gnome

  1. Causing damage to your enemy in a war =/= bullying

    I doubt NPO members would expect the other side to be anre more forgiving than they are

    Coercing people who are hopelessly outnumbered is bullying. The NPO has people in peace mode but the opposing side can't do anything about it.

    . But to allow those members to sit in peace mode for a long period of time leaves a dangerous opponent as we go further in to this war. The terms to force them out are legitimate and to an extent necessary.

    This peace mode policy is only enforced when the opposing side is outnumbered by a ridiculous amount of nations. They will inflict barely any damage to the host attacking them. To say that nations in peace mode pose any sort of threat is ridiculous. This policy is not enforced for a tactical advantage but to coerce and spite the opposing side.

  2. If this were the case wouldnt there membership get bored from the same old brutal tact? Or am i missing something and their membership is not made up of individual nations?

    Yes, there are many people tired of NPO's bullying. Many people have left the game because they feel it cannot change.

  3. Regarding VoxAmerica's post. You said I should always assume that if my alliance is attacked I should always assume my alliance is in the wrong and my enemies were justified in attacking my alliance.

    Regarding Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz. What? You didn't need to quote VoxAmerica's entire post and then not contribute to the topic at all. In fact I am positive I could beat you in a competition to see who can quote the most comments that support our positions in the thread.

  4. The idea that forcing people out of peace mode is soley for a "tactical advantage" is ridiculous. They don't need any tactical advantages. Thanks to the bandwagon they know they will win through sheer numbers. They don't care about how much damage is inflicted because they have meatshields happy to take the blows.

    This is done just to humiliate and spite the enemy. They want to kick them while they are down.

  5. I'd like to point you in the direction of another member who was ghosting NPO and sending aid scam requests as well, and is still showing VP AA. Still not as good as the one that sent messages telling our members that we had merged with FAN. That was just classic.

    According to francoism it was okay for NPO to use any means necessary to carry out their revolution because they say their enemies used indoctrination propaganda, and brute military force. NPO is using the same tactics they say their enemies used. Why is it not justified for us to use any means necessary?

  6. The King, Vutumo, attempted to stare down the moon. Even to this moment, he hasn't blinked.

    The Gnomeland appreciates the King Vutumo's efforts and sends a bottle of eye drops. The moon has been waning recently and this has been interpreted as the moon being intimidated by the anger directed at it.

  7. You can see these individuals have much support from the community so they weren't alienated from the community. They were alienated from the corrupt international structures. I see this as something positive. You have made an abundance of character attacks on these people. You pretend you can read their minds by saying you know what their emotions were.

  8. So far only two courses have been considered. We attempted to get a cat to play a fiddle so a cow would jump over the moon for reconnaissance. The cat somehow was lacerated beyond recognition. Then we supposed that if the moon was made of cheese as it was rumored that the cold of space must preserve it. Therefore if we reflect sunlight towards it perhaps it will disintegrate.

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