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Posts posted by Cynic

  1. I really don't know all the internals of your relationship with MI6, but I really hate it when people say their aggression was defensive or "reactive" in nature.  It was done in Disorder as well when clearly it was just because you didn't like NG or NSO and it was politically convenient for you.  The same is going on here.


    You could say MI6 accurately predicted you'd do this.  That's not a self-fulfilling prophecy, it's just an excuse you are using.  You cancelled on them and MI6 didn't force Umbrella to react.  Umbrella acted based on what it felt was the most favorable outcome and MI6 was not apart of that picture.  Lets call a spade a spade.  Umbrella isn't a martyr here.


    Heyyy, someone thats not MI6 finally gets it!


    o/ Steve

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