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Posts posted by busted

  1. From reading the logs provided by Epiphanus, I think we can all see the real reason for this.

    Good luck, Hyperion.

    EDIT: At the end of the day, if it were a bigger alliance than Hyperion, I would assume you'd act with a lot more civility, GGA. Diplomacy would probably have come out on top, and there would be no war. This Casus Belli appears to just be an attempt to rid Bob of Hyperion; as it seems there was a misunderstanding and the hyperion members aiding Chickenzilla didn't know, I'm pretty sure there was another way to handle this.

    This is what happens when people get bored or have a summer holiday, I suppose.

    well said

  2. the king of bustedland Your majesty Busted offers his deep condolence to the citizens of Eggman Empire.

    Busted " i am deeply saddened by this news, i would like to offer my help to the rescue team. the brains behind this attack shall be punished to death.''

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