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Posts posted by Tautology

  1. Congratulations on the new government, NATO.

    [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1304438248' post='2705235']Schattenmann, it's really sad that an intelligent individual such as [b]yourself[/b] ...[/quote]
    I know grammar is always evolving but using "yourself" instead of "you" is a good example of choosing bigger words over smaller words. It's often done to try to make what you're saying sound more impressive.

  2. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1300491775' post='2669563']
    I have no idea if RoK actually chose Polar over SF this time around...[/quote]
    RoK didn't choose Polar over SF in this war. VE decided to declare war on NpO. Under the circumstances, RoK had to defend NpO. If the roles had been reversed and NpO had used a similar CB to declare on VE, we would have defended VE.

  3. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1299803404' post='2659196']
    The delusion of a 'set up' has been debated ad nauseum and I don't really want to rehash any of that in this thread, but [b]the facts remain[/b] that not only did Rok's first and second in command (i.e. the true decision-makers in the alliance) inform VE of their support for us before we went to war, but they also told their allies in SF that they were going to be supporting us, further confirming what we ourselves were told.[/quote]
    I was the emperor of Ragnarok at that time and I have a suggestion for you. Ask Impero whether I told him RoK was going to support VE. He has the logs of our conversations. Ask him to show you where I said that. Then ask Delta and EgoFreaky whether I told SF that RoK was going to support VE. I'm sure they have the logs too. Then tell me if "the facts remain".

  4. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1299798877' post='2659140']
    I'll echo Goose's comments here. I was asked by Ragnarok last night what I would like to see of them, and my bloc-mates concurred that it was the only possible course of action to get SF [b]firing on the same page again[/b] and not acting divided.[/quote]
    Gotta love mixed metaphors. The image of Xiph pushing SF to fire on some poor guy in a medieval page costume, then getting them to do it again, is perfect.

  5. [quote name='MikeTheFirst' timestamp='1299796351' post='2659095']
    I think one of the problems was that Rok was the world champion in signing treaties. At one point, they had 22 of them and that had to backfire one day. You just can't keep everyone happy in a world war when you have that many allies. You have to make difficult choices then and if you end up on a different side than your bloc mates, it's not that weird that it ends in tears.[/quote]
    That wasn't a major issue in this war. We were faced with an attack by one MDoAP ally (VE) on another MDoAP ally (NpO). Whether we'd had 2 or 2000 allies, keeping everyone happy would have been impossible. The reasons why we chose to defend NpO are no secret and hardly a big surprise. Our other allies acted according to their treaty links or their internal alliance goals; again hardly a surprise.

  6. I'm disappointed that a thread which was meant to investigate why SF is so terrible has degenerated into petty squabbles between other alliances and other blocs. How are we going to find the root of SF's terriblenosity when other groupings are muddying the waters with their own brands of terrible, ghastly, atrocious, fatuous, trite, naff, and fluffy? Is this all the future holds?

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