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Posts posted by andymac64

  1. [quote name='Shmeestar' date='07 February 2010 - 02:33 AM' timestamp='1265510026' post='2165765']
    So if Foreign means Europe what is considered not Foreign? Americans thinking they're the centre of the world again?

    And Why aren't we friends with GOONS you seem like cool folk ;)

    Just because someone is in Anarchy now, doesnt mean they wont still fight!

    Surely Foreign means Oz? :lol1:

    I like our smilies better.

  2. [quote name='kulomascovia' date='07 February 2010 - 02:33 AM' timestamp='1265509996' post='2165762']
    I hate to see you guys squabbling over such petty matters such as warchest sizes and anarchied nations. You both came in honoring treaties. Don't lose sight of your mission and start holding animosity towards someone who is in your position.

    And you Sir/Madam are quite right. I will shut up and get on with it.

  3. [quote name='uisge beatha' date='07 February 2010 - 01:24 AM' timestamp='1265505886' post='2165635']
    I dont know i thought this was a great time for you to hit WAPA, I mean they will all be away down the pub or slightly tipsy :P

    WAPA have fun.

    LOL! I have never heard you so polite. Slightly tipsy? :awesome: Awesome? What does that mean?

    12 year old Glenlivet. Now that is awesome.

    Scotland Forever! :mad:

  4. I would be suprised if 10% of WAPA had come back from the pub yet.

    And a random spying mission is no great shakes. I can give you worse stories than that. But then again I can do that for your alliance too.

    Where ever it takes us, whatever it takes.

    WAPA YA HALLIBUT. (Oh aye you are that bad that somebody has crawled off to the mods about our usual reason).

    Get a life.

  5. [quote name='mylife125' date='02 February 2010 - 02:15 AM' timestamp='1265076946' post='2151747']
    Who is this guy...This guy should go a take CN-TE for dummies 101...

    I hope CTA rolls WAPA...

    That guy is the head of CTA

  6. Again.

    The only person that took this decision to go to war was me with NO chat to Aztec at all.

    I pay little attention to treaties in TE (in fact none at all).

    I apologize to Aztec if I put them in a bad place.

    I don't understand the whole argument. This is TE where war is the norm. We expected a short early war so we can all get back to it later in the round.

  7. I have to agree with this, if they were true allies they wouldn't of attacked their allies, allies -_-

    WAPA and TPF go way back to round 1 and developed a strong alliance/partnership rounds 2, 3, and 4.

    Not sure what happen there, maybe its the change of leadership as the Gov in WAPA SE have stopped playing TE.

    But back then they were great allies andf would never hit a treaty partner of an ally.

    Er no. We are all still here.

    Secondly, AZTEC could have hit TFK in defense of CTA and all would still be honorable....Instead AZTEC uses some BS reason as to why SE dictates what AZTEC TE does.

    TFK were right there with us when we went to Aztec defence in TE so I don't think that counts.

    AZTEC is another TPF ally from way back, way back when AZTEC was hit by the very AA's they think are friends today...Back when AZTEC found it useful to have treaties <_<

    Now today AZTEC has become a different alliance, and I have no problem with that and could care less. I do however feel that if you agree to a treaty, YOU HONOR that treaty!

    Owned is a good friend of mine, I have great respect for him...you guys in SE need to stop crossing the two games and let him do his job.

    I understand where AZTEC is coming from by not wanting to hit WAPA, its the lack of any help from AZTEC that puts a bad tase in my mouth.

    This is TE. I believe AZTEC think they owe us for coming to their aid in TE. I'll just mention TE again.

    LOL, your right!!! Its much better to just say out loud that You have no treaties yet just agree to go to war to defend/help a "friendly AA" or to just say we have a close bond but no treaty ;)

    Yeah we at "Insert AA name" have no treaties with anyone, but if you attack our friends at "insert AA name" or "insert AA name" we will defend them ;)

    How about; Hey "insert AA name" Even though we have no treaty, how about you join us in rolling "insert AA name" :lol1:

    No, sometimes the answer is no. I wouldn't go to Aztec's aid a few rounds ago because they were in a fair fight but we would never let them get rolled, whatever it takes.

    This is absolutely EPIC!! Just about evey AA in TE has a treaty with one AA or another, doesn't matter if its formal or not...IF you attack another AA in defense of your so called friend, or roll another AA to help your so called friend....ITS A TREATY, THEY ARE ALLIES!!! OR you could just keep on typing on your keyboard, but call it a typewriter .

    Lets remember kids, the same people that you think are your friends today, may just stab you in the back 'stomorrow if it suits their purpose or their FRIENDS purpose :o

    Nope. Friends are friends.

    For what its worth I would like to apologise to Aztec for putting them in an awkward position.

  8. I know.

    I'm just pointing out to the world that we didn't start this.

    Seems a bit mad so me as I think they have more on blue that the 4 we have on white and they screwing up their own allies too.

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