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Posts posted by Bolak

  1. Ah, the fabulous fall elections. A new High Council begins with high hopes and the thrilled throng shouting out for JellyDoughnut ! (though that might have been more due to the membership just coming off of a fast...seeing JellyDoughnut on the ballot kind of kicked off a feeding frenzy ! ) :lol1:

    Congradulations to all of the Council Members. Lead us well brethren, lead us well.

  2. May I recommend that VE, in the surrender instrument, strongly recommend that GDI install a Minister of Foreign Affairs for mercy's sake (think of new nations who inadvertantly joined his AA).

    Props to VE for;

    1) actually Protecting NPO as promised.

    2) trying to come to a diplomatic solution...even with RyanGDI

    3) providing individual surrender terms that clearly show your intent is no "glorified" tech raid.

  3. Individual responsibility for individual actions.

    Just because someone bears the title of "Leader, President, Dictator, etc" does not mean that EVERY action they take is approved of and supported by their alliance, every alliance has had the occasional "wing-nut" slap on their AA and then commit acts that are not sanctioned by said AA. Sometimes these people get into .gov (go figure).

    The reaction towards any particular offense should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Especially on PB, where the alliances vary so dramatically in style and form.

    That being said, I also have absolutely no problem with Red Dawn's treaty language regarding their forums. It seems pretty straightforward and they are letting their position be know aforetime. If someone where to cause an issue I'm sure they would still maintain the ability to handle the situation diplomatically.

    The only problem I can see would be if they placed a plant in another AA specifically to use such a policy to "drum up" a CB for a war of aggression, but that kind of action would not be tolerated on PB if it became a pattern of CB manufacturing.

  4. o/TSC


    Glad to see this treaty come to fruition. B)

    To those with less than a favorable view toward ODP's, ya gotta remember that an MDP is the highest treaty that CCC signs, so when the CCC signs and ODP the "O" part is rather, well...optional :P

  5. Iron Maiden - The Trooper

    You'll take my infra but Ill take yours too

    You'll fire CM's but I'll run you through

    So when your waiting for the next attack

    You'd better stand, no peace mode for you.

    The bugle sounds as the charge begins

    But on this battlefield no one wins

    The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath

    As you plunge into nuclear death

    The horse he sweats with fear, we break to run

    The mighty roar of the Phoenix' guns

    And as we race towards the human wall

    The screams of pain as my comrades fall

    We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground

    And the Phoenix fires another round

    We get so near yet so far away

    We won't live to fight another day

    We get so close, near enough to fight

    When a phoenix gets me in his sights

    He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow

    A burst of rounds take my horse below

    And as I lay there gazing at the sky

    My bodys numb and my throat is dry

    And as I lay forgotten and alone

    Without a tear I draw my parting groan

    (lyrics only slightly modified :awesome: )

  6. Sorry to interupt the argument with a post that actually pertains to the OP and DoW and all...

    Best of luck on the battlefield to The Forsaken Ones. You may be a small alliance, but you fight with alot of heart and it has been a pleasure to fight beside some of your men on our mutual front.

    PC is fortunate to have such stalwart friends.

    0/ TFO

    much respect -_-

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