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Posts posted by lenard124578

  1. Halsa is still recruiting, and now has a re-vamped mentoring program, where new members will be paired up with a senior member and learn the game in more detail.

    As nations progress, we have dedicated members who will audit your nation, as well as a friendly government who is glad to answer any questions a new member may have

  2. I have come here today to tell Planet Bob that I have resigned from my position as High Magistrate. Good luck to our new government.

    High Council

    High Magistrate: General Sonlar

    Vice Magistrate: Rarunner91

    Minister of External Affairs: Bossface

    Minister of Defense: Calixo

    Minister of Finance: I fubu I

    Minister of Admissions: Assyra

  3. ARESsmall.jpgTOHNewFlagFANCY3dshieldsmall.png

    [19:17] <PattonsDog> While we spent quite a bit of time working on this treaty, the most time was actually spent deciding what to write for the intro. We came up with some hilarious one-liners... most of which we can't post here.

    01[19:17] <Lenard|TOH> lol

    [19:17] <PattonsDog> But trust me, they were funny.


    The Order of Halsa (TOH) and The Ascended Republic of Elite States (ARES) as the signatory alliances of this treaty, in the hopes of future friendship and cooperation, do hereby sign this treaty in good faith.

    Article One: Respect

    Section One: Both signatory alliances will respect the other, whether it be in public or in private.

    Article Two: Sovereignty

    Section One: The signatory alliances agree that they will, in no way, attempt to compromise the other's sovereignty.

    Article Three: Non Aggression

    Section One: The signatory alliances agree that no sanctioned agression will occur between them. Aggression includes, but is not limited to, declarations of war, spying, and other actions intended to inflict harm upon the other signatory alliance.

    Section Two: In the event of unsanctioned conflict occuring between the signatory alliances, they agree to promptly handle all issues in private channels.

    Section Three: If the offender of Section Two does not cease agression within 72 hours of the meeting in private channels, the offender will be deemed a rouge and delt with accordingly.

    Article Four: Intelligence and Aid

    Section One: In the event that either signatory alliance requests aid from the other, be it military or financially, the other is encouraged to promptly furfill said request.

    Section Two: Both signatory alliances are encouraged to share useful information with each other.

    Article Five: Mutual Defense

    Section One: In the event that one of the signatory alliances is the victim of unprovoked aggression from an outside force, be it nation or alliance, the other is bound to help to the full extent possible.

    Article Six: Optional Aggression

    Section One: If either signatory chooses to wage a war where they are the aggressor, they are encouraged to request assistance from the other signatory if necessary. The assistance can be political, financial, or military, but may also include aid in any other form.

    Section Two: Should either party choose to engage in an offensive war, they are obligated to give the other party at least 48 hours notice.

    Article Seven: Termination

    Section One: Both signatories agree it would be totally uncool to terminate this treaty.

    Section Two: In the event that either signatory sees it fit to terminate this treaty, they will notify the other within 72 hours of the termination.

    Section Three: Articles One, Three, and Five will remain in effect during the 72 hour termination period.

    Signed for ARES,

    Joe Stupid-President

    Pattonsdog- Director of Internal Affairs

    Barix- Director of Foreign Affairs

    Kresden- Director of Defense

    NoName- Director of Recruitment

    v0.0v- Director of Finance

    Signed for TOH,

    High Magistrate: Lenard

    Vice Magistrate: General Sonlar

    Minister of External Affairs: Cosmo777

    Minister of Defense: Legend

    Minister of Finance: Rarunner

    Minister of Admissions: Assyra

    [19:19] <PattonsDog> I will just end on saying how much of a pleasure it has been to work with Halsa on this treaty, and we look forward to a long and fruitful friendship.

    We feel the same way, ARES :wub:

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