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Posts posted by Aurion

  1. snip

    Which means what, exactly?

    It's hardly STA's fault people couldn't execute their staggers correctly. It's well-documented that Peace Mode is an excellent way to re-arm for another round of wars.

    On topic: I hope STA gets good terms as an alliance, and cannot help but express my surprise at the people who don't seem to get this announcement.

    Really, how many alliances would be willing to throw their members to the wolves?

  2. ~Snip

    Why hello there! This was certainly worth its own thread.

    Oh, wai-

    Edit: BAPS was one of the first alliances involved against SOLID, too...

    * Aurion facepalms so hard he loosens a tooth

    Uh oh, guys. Bart Simpson has DEMANDED AN APOLOGY. Better heed his words BAPS, he is very powerful and super cereal.

    He's super duper cereal, guise!

  3. You guys do know that =LOST= is a signatory to the Complaints and Grievances Union, right? You should already be at war with them, at least I think you should be <_< Damned massive war web.

    That said, you need to better control who your members attack if you want to avoid war. Or at least get them to stop when you tenatively get a ceasefire.

    That would work too.

  4. This is kind of amusing, how people seem to think we have some sort of ulterior motive :blink:

    The reasons are there. Hell, you shouldn't even have to look all that hard to get at least part of the picture.

    Edit: Oh, wait. This is the Open World Forum. Disregard my commentary then <_< Forgot how rare people actually bothering to think is, instead preferring conspiracy theories.

    Please, continue. You're amusing.

  5. I don't see the problem with sending links to pornographic images as long as they don't have malware. I'm pretty sure i would pay more attention to recruitment messages if they came with free porn :awesome: .

    PS: Just joking :blush:

    Someone is going to attempt that eventually as a legit recruiting tactic(if it hasn't happened already). It's only a matter of time :v:

  6. Right, so when we send recruitment messages it's terrible, but when one of your members spams song lyrics, when another spams stupid videos it's fine. And encouraging other nations to spam us is also fine. So much for double standards.

    I think he meant more in that he's sick enough of being spammed that he supports NPO spamming y'all, or something along those lines.

  7. Wow those are some really good terms. You're not even making them pay anything.

    What would be the point?

    Demanding reparations for an aggressive action seems kind of silly to me.

    When you choose to attack someone, you tacitly accept the possible consequences. Demanding money to cover any losses in this situation just seems really stupid and petty.

    Also, it isn't like CCC was behaving like a bunch of !@#$%^&*. Quite the opposite, really.

    Edit: Grammar is good.

  8. OP: Do you speak for any members flying the Confederacy of Imperial States in-game AA, or just yourself?

    Call me curious. I know CIS government is long gone, but are you acting as any kind of semi-official spokesman or something?

  9. Well, gee, I mean it isn't like NPO has been collectively saving the asses of Red Team nonaligned nations for a while now by way of the Revenge Doctrine or anything.

    Oh, wai-

    Seriously, asking the nonaligned nations they protect by virtue of merely existing to vote for the Pacifican candidates for Red Senate really and truly is a non-issue.

    After all, they should expect to get some form of repayment for protection from evil game-ruining tech raiders like me amirite? :v:

    Edit: Typing fast is bad for my spelling :\

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