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Posts posted by jackyseto123

  1. To be honest, I don't know what makes me play CN. The Community? The LOLitics? The Infrastructure? I do not know. But what I do know is that I spent 5 months of my life, sneaking into my sister's room when she is eating dinner, logging onto my Nation and collecting my taxes. 5 months, of just that, every week. I had thoughts of simply quitting, maybe leaving a little message or a big good bye message, but I didn't. I kept going. Why? That's for Admin to know.

  2. Well seriously though. What have you done with all this growth to make the world a better place? What stand have you made? What stacked odds have you faced down? For all the bragging and cheering, what have you won?

    My question is, What stand is there to be made? What stacked odds is there to face down? What we have won is a continuing future, every Point we make in our score is that much closer to the top, which is what we all want.

  3. Your ability to delivar news in ample quantities to the masses is comparable to my ability to suck.

    Wait...is this like a radio show or something Good Sir Mogar?

    I haven't been online in the last few days so I have no been informed of this development in the International Crisis Assistance area of CyberNations.

  4. In my own opinion, FAN shouldn't even be on that list.

    Yeah, sure their "personality" isn't the type that would be loved by the masses(but I could relate to them in so many ways personality wise), their CN'ing skills are one of the best, so if you were to put FAN on a scale of 1-20, with 10 points being dedicated to Personality and the other 10 points to CN'ing Skills, they would probably get a 0 for Personality and 10 for CN'ing skills which makes them 10/20 but still far better than a lot of other alliances.

    Also, too few options.

  5. I am an explorer, and I wish to see both sides of the curtain before I make my decision on what I think is right and what I think is wrong. Make me feel like I'm Blackwater and you can feel like you're UN + Allies. Come on, you know you want to. Even though you're too big. But you want to.

  6. Not going to say who I voted for but come on, Moo? Are you kidding me? Yeah he is the Emperor of the alliance that might win the most loathed alliance on Planet Bob award but he certainly isn't loathed by that many.

    As it stands he has Defeated 2 people so far.

    The people have spoken.

  7. To be a coward is to submits to fear, and asking for some Stagger Getters isn't submitting to fear as I've seen, when a Large Alliance attacks a small alliance and requests back up from her allies, there usually isn't anyone for the back ups to attack but only people to stagger on.

  8. Don't push yourselves too hard, you've got your own wars it seems. Shouldn't have to defend a hundred member alliance from a 30 member AA anyway :lol:

    "My honor is called loyalty".

    Lack of supplies, lack of men, lack of life, no matter, I will honor our Treaty, and I will charge with my UN Brethren, if I do not charge ahead that is.

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