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Everything posted by Raunchero

  1. I'm still having this problem. I've refreshed my browser, restarted my computer, cleared my cache, and it still takes about three or four tries at least to log into the game.
  2. I won't make another thread since my issue is pertaining to something very similar to this as well. I go and try to log in to my nation and I click "Log In" after I enter my Ruler and Password. However, I have to click "log in" at least seven or eight times before it actually logs me into the game. Essentially, I click log in and it just refreshes, so to speak, and then I have to click log in again and again and again.
  3. I'm loving the tech change. The GRL change doesn't really matter to me at all.
  4. Definitely agree here. Good post. Personally, I really love this change. Nation Strength always has been non-relevant due to tech being inflated by so much. Now, it's actually somewhat realistic!
  5. If you're looking for a great alliance with amazing members, an excellent community, and want to have fun, join MCXA. We're the perfect alliance for you.
  6. 50 million should do the job. Getting a donation would help as well.
  7. Multicolored Cross-X Alliance 386 308 80% 4,740,477 12,281 395 19.93 We're closing in on 5 million and 400 members!
  8. Come on now, who doesn't want to join such a secksi alliance?
  9. Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Established 23 April 2007 MCXA Forums Membership Registration Diplomat Registration Official IRC: #MCXA If you would like to join MCXA, please go first to our forums and register an account. After you've done that go to our member sign-up thread and post your application. Here's a brief sneak-peak of the application: 1. Name of Nation 2. Name of Nation Ruler 3. Current Team Color 4. Your Resources (the two you started with) 5. Past Alliances 6. Current Wars and Foreign Aid (sending or recieving) 7. Primary e-mail address 8. Where (or from whom) did you hear about MCXA? 9. Past positions in alliances/skills you have 10. Nation Strength By applying for membership, you implicitly accept and agree to abide by the MCXA Charter. Once you've done that, you are then permitted to set your alliance affiliation to "MCXA Applicant" and only when you're masked on the allaince forums (24 hours MAX unless otherwise delayed due to wars, illegal aid, investiagation, etc.) can you change your alliance affiliation to MCXA. Please select MCXA as your Alliance Affiliation. To do this: 1. Sign into http://cybernations.net 2. Select "Edit My Nation" in the options on the left side of the screen. 3. Select "Specify Other" as your Alliance Affiliation and enter "MCXA". (This is located right above your choice of a flag).
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