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Everything posted by EmperorDorkness

  1. Hm. Lets see - when 46 out of 47 nations in the alliance agree to put their nations on the line for ML, and 1 out of 47 runs like a coward, I'd hardly call it bad alliance leadership. You lied to us. You ran from battle like a coward. You knew exactly what you were getting in to when you applied to ML. Every applicant is asked in their membership Q&A thread if you are willing to risk ZI for ML. Applicants who answer "No" are rejected. We made our expectations clear from the get go. You betrayed your word to us. You knew the consequences. You surrendered faster than the French. You chose pixels over your alliance. Now we are simply going to remove as many of those pixels as we possibly can. Rots of ruck, chuck. There's only two ways you're going to escape getting ZI'd by ML - eternal hippie, or deleting your nation. As long as your nation exists, it has a big red target on it. We will tighten our screening policy for new applicants though. We don't need another retarded fat kid in our alliance, one was too many.
  2. an aside to the topic at hand I have had the pleasure of battling MK, STA, and NSO - and you guys have by far been the classiest bunch of opponents I've ever faced - and ya'll have a lot of respect within ML - both for the way you handle yourselves in-game and on our forums AND for how you guys fight. Maybe someday we can actually have the pleasure of fighting on the same side, although I'm sure it'd be quite entertaining to have a 2nd or 3rd boxing match. Ya'll should see the war-ribbons you have inspired too :lol: we now return you to your regularly scheduled banter...
  3. The decision of an eternal/perma ZI is upto our elected government - and may be subject to change - but he will be ZI'd at least once for deserting us in a time of war. He took aid and comfort and enjoyed the protections of our alliance before the war, and had no qualms with it until he started getting a pounding. It was only after he found himself loosing money/tech/infra that he decided to make a stink. pixels > friends = fail We had a member leave ML a few days before the war started, he was a member of government. He didn't want to fight on the same side as NPO/Hegemony, because of an incident directly involving him. While none of us were happy to see him go - being an elected official - he did not abandon us in a time of war, and didn't just chicken out because he wanted to keep his pixels protected (he is, in fact fighting on the side of KARMA in this war, and doling out and taking as much damage as he can. For this he has my respect, as well as that of most of our brothers in ML, and is still welcome as a registered member of our forums). ML does not arbitrarily brutalize anyone for simply leaving us. Our charter clearly states that a member may leave, without recourse, at any time they wish DURING PEACETIME. The only caveat with that is that if they have received aid from ML members within two weeks, we ask that they repay it. Leaving during a declared war, on the other hand, is desertion, and is one of the few things we take very seriously. We fight and die as a unit. All members - from our newest probationary members, to the founders of the alliance - make this same pledge. We don't ask a lot of our members, we give aid to them freely to grow their nations, we teach them how to maximize the growth of their nation, how to fight effective wars. We try to make every nation that joins us better. Many people have come and gone - and almost all of them on peaceful terms. Those nations that have not left on peaceful terms found out quickly that abandoning ML to save their pixels resulted in far greater losses than staying and sticking out the fight would've incurred. Regardless of KARMA's acceptance of this or not - this is ML's policy, it's how we roll, and we don't change who and what we are simply because the winds of fortune have changed their direction on us. You either like us or you don't. You agree with us or you don't. We're not going to contort ourselves to try and make friends with everyone. Our viewpoints, our core beliefs will not mesh with everyone else's. Honestly, that's not our problem. We don't seek to be the largest or most powerful alliance in this game. We don't seek to control Blocs, or spheres. Rather, we have purposefully remained a small, close-knit group, of like minded individuals who share common values and beliefs in real life, with CN just being another shared interest. We have purposefully chosen to keep our formal ties with other alliances few and far between - we have repetitively been asked to join one bloc or another, or to sign one treaty or another with other alliances. Most of the time our answer is short and to the point - "No, thanks." Are we glad that RFK is gone? Yes - because if he doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to hang with us in the simple pixel-to-pixel warfare that is CN - he probably doesn't share the same values and beliefs that the rest of the alliance does IRL. Your words are your bond in this game. Straight up - RFK broke his bonds - he lied to us, took aid and comfort from us, then abandoned us when he started loosing his pixels. He's the only member of our alliance to complain or bemoan his lost pixels. The rest of us carry on, and we will rebuild. We do not seek anyone else's permission or approval to do so. If at the end of this conflict ML stands alone - then we will rebuild ourselves, without the aid of anyone else, and we will continue. That's who we are. That's what we're about. And we'll continue to play this game the same way we always have - regardless of what alliances love us, like us, respect us, or hate us. We're not going anywhere any time soon.
  4. He left us in the middle of a declared war. This is a violation of our charter. Had he left before the war declaration was made, or after this war had ended, he would've been free to leave with no recourse. The only time ML takes action against a member that leaves is when they abandon us in a time of war. That's desertion. For it he will be punished.
  5. Just so there's no confusion about things - or denials on his part... here's screenies of both his loyalty oath to ML, and his very last post on our board (his resignation from the alliance. Notice there's not one word about being French in there (no offense to the few Frenchies out there who aren't surrender monkeys) and sorry in advance to anyone stuck on dialup. These are full screen resolution... Unfortunately even the strictest application process doesn't weed out all the weaksauce filled applicants. We do a pretty good job, and have had quite a few say 'sod it' during initial Q&A, and go looking for other alliances more suited to their ideals. We make it VERY clear from the get go what we're about, what we expect from all of our members, and what the consequences are for those who violate our charter, their oath, and our ideals. We don't actively recruit people. We don't make grand promises to people to get them to join. We don't lie to our applicants. They know going in that if ML goes to war, you fight. ML does not subscribe to the INFRA > FRIENDS doctrine, and we all pledge the well-being of our nations to ML during war - even if it means getting ZI'd. For those who would say I'm talking out my $@! - I HAVE been ZI'd in this war for ML. I have no more money, no more infra, and am currently in bill-lock. I fought right up to my last air craft, my last soldiers, last CM and last nuke. I' gladly accepted this - despite the fact that I personally was opposed to this war. When ML goes to war, ML goes to war. The only nations we have in hippie right now are the inactives, or people with RL issues that require their attention (like Atrocities and Sarris.) We all agree that the time to speak up is before or after the bombs and bullets start flying - not during the middle of a conflict. And in response to those who believe that ML is going to be taking any sort of surrender terms that dictate how we, as an alliance can and will act, you are mistaken. You can ZI us. We will rebuild. You may ZI our rebuilt nations. We will rebuild. We will continue on until your will to attack us is gone. In the end the only thing lost is pixels and time. For retardedfatkid - we will deprive him of the thing that he values most in this game - his pixels, and short of keeping him in hippie for the rest of his nation's existance, there is no alliance powerful enough on all of BOB to stop ML from executing his punishment, even if it means the destruction of the nations sent to destroy his. We don't have the same attachment to our pixels as he does. His loyalties lie in pixels, not with his alliance. If KARMA believes they have the fortitude and ability to protect RFK for the rest of his existence on BOB, bring it on. If no one else is willing or able, I will rebuild my nation and hunt him to the ends of Bob, regardless of what alliance AA he flies, even if it means the ZI'ing of that nation. It's only pixels. ~ED - former Minister of War and Defense of MOLON LABE
  6. This thread is just full of win... and hiya Zeke. How goes the battle?
  7. If we can get any of our nations out of anarchy for 30 seconds long enough to declare on NpO nations, we'll surely defend our protectorate to the best of our abilities. There is humor in the situation - the giant NpO stepping onto the playground to give the runty little kid on the monkey bars an atmoic wedgie. I'm sure our DOOM brothers are all wearing clean underwear (if they wear them anyway) today, so it won't be too bad. Not like they'll be smelling week old poop, right? Welcome to the fight Polaris...
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