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Bill Wallace

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Posts posted by Bill Wallace

  1.  VE was throwing their ridiculous weight around in a coalition that didnt even really want them in the 1st place. 


    Not sure if you realize it or not, but you just nailed the very reason why VE has been a pain in yours and some others asses for a long time now.  The general membership of VE has always felt the disdain that you, MK, and a few others have had for us.  There's always been a vibe from you guys that you consider us your lessers; that we're not worthy of being in the same room with you.  Your expectation that we'd sit idly by and let MK hit our oldest ally after Ardus spent weeks on the witch hunt circuit drumming up support reeks of the highest form of arrogance and absurdity.


    So yeah, the general membership of VE, me being one of the more vocal members, was radically adamant in holding our ground and doing the right thing.  It was bad for us politically, put our leaders in a bad spot, and isolated us after the dissolution of Pandora's Box, but after seeing the hatred by some of you in this very thread, it only confirms that we did the right thing.  Getting on board just for the sake of getting on board because the so called 'King Makers' said we had to only made us want to be a bigger pain in your ass.  If you guys had ever treated us with respect and as equals, maybe history would have been different.  From your perspective this seems a bit immature on our part I know, but at least we're not doing tricks and spinning in circles balancing a treat on our noses waiting for our master to tell us when we can eat.

  2. There was a time when the Viridian Entente and Ragnarok were brothers in arms and the actions of the other was never questioned. Whatever the issue or reason for war, we did it together. Somewhere that changed and depending on the point of view, either Ragnarok betrayed VE or Ragnarok was unwilling to back an old friend that was drifting away from the Super Friends. It doesn't matter any longer and it hasn't for a long time.

    Some in VE may be disappointed that their dreams of vengeance will not be realized, but the majority of us have moved on and personally, this Viridian is disappointed that we were never able to reconcile our differences. I'll look back on the life of RoK with a smile as I think about the two or three times we both kicked the crap out of the NSO.

    Good luck old friends.

  3. So say you get a rogue that IS a member of a well known alliance. Perhaps they do a spy op that does very little damage...maybe destroy cms and they kill a CM or two...perhaps they do an op that does no damage at all.... Whatever... the actual damage done is only in the few thousand tops. Do you accept the cost of damage or do you shine on that and say its a waste of a slot and only take $3mil minimum? Say your on the other side do you only offer to pay damages or do you pay the $3mil so its not a waste of a slot? Are you ruthles and demand the attacker's head? Do you just chalk it up as no harm really done and move on?

    What if the spy op(s) have done a lot of damage?
  4. If you do not see your favorite leaders listed in the above posts then most likely they have not made a career out of being a jackass. With that being said, I'd like to see Impero's name mentioned for Minister of Defense. Before he was Lord of the Entente, he played the MoD role very well.

    Also lets add Asawyer as Minister of IA. He was the perfect balance of dickhead and brains. And I say that with absolute affection.

    Also Smooth for FA.

  5. Like I said, TPF knew before they signed this. So, they must either be willing to put up with it or plan on cancelling on us soon. Either way it doesn't factor in to whether or not I want to destroy CoJ. I don't care if they have a treaty with Polaris...just a nice grouping. I don't care how close they are to AI...hell aren't we as close or even closer.... I don't care if they sign a low level treaty with an ally....hell I don't care if they MADP ODN or TLR or INT.....I will be looking to their destruction until I get it....and I will. No matter how long it takes. Schatt wanted to play....we'll play.That said...No, I do not speak for GATO..... I am just a member of Congress who has the voting power to go to war but only the AC can ask for us to vote on it. However, I know there is more than enough public sentiment to rally for a war against CoJ if the opportunity ever presented itself. Hell, even I had to talk some people down after Schatt posted his screenshots of the GATO forums. So, I may not speak for GATO but don't think I'm the only one with a fervent hate where CoJ is concerned.

    Threats based off of demonstrated ability is one thing. Threats based off of continued hot air is another. In my 5 years here, I have yet to see what GATO brings to the table and yet I applaud the great General Majicninna's attempt at comedy relief.

    May the paper mâché volcano that we know the GATO military machine to be erupt with the force of 100 boxes of baking soda and food coloring (optional).


  6. PZI/EZI wasn't all that prevalent by Karma.

    Ardus had come up with that anti PZI/EZI open treaty of sorts prior to Karma and many alliances signed it, but it did cause some friction between allies in some corners of Planet Bob. I'll agree that while the idea of applying that type of punishment was becoming taboo prior to Karma, it was still used with regular frequency.
  7. Karma hands down. PZI was prevalent, you had major spying happening (Vox Populi) and that led to some epic threads on the OWF, great characters in all corners of the political spectrum, and the best bad guy Planet Bob has ever seen in NPO who took their role very seriously.

    Also a lot of people forget, most alliances had a no first nuke policy when it came to wars prior to Karma and all of that was thrown out the window 24 hours after the first declarations.

    Good times if you were on the side of Karma.

  8. The cancellation of this treaty for me is probably one of the biggest surprises on Planet Bob in several years.  I applaud IRON for ripping the band aid off so to speak and just being done with it instead of keeping a treaty with someone who's goals don't necessarily align with theirs.  Obviously it's not easy for either IRON or NPO as there are no doubt many close friendships that have been developed throughout the years.  Best of luck going forward.


    Also, o/ GATO!





  9. Late but shout outs to 



    Bill Wallace / Ozarkana of VE - who really knows how to blow the snot out of your infra against all odds and with a bigger warchest



    WorldConqueror of MUSHQAEDA KOMMUNE



    LuisQ of TOP - for withstanding the horrible pain his nation received this war that my nation initiated (if he ever reads this)


    Hey same goes to you.  You definitely gave me fits and were one of my toughest opponents.


    And also Bud's proxy war against me by way of aid slots was probably the highlight of my war.  Thanks Bud.

  10. 32 wars and 41 nukes over the last two months - I'm ready for a break.


    A big tip of the cap to IRON and AI and a few others from NPO who fought well.  Most have been classy and I think everyone had a good time.


    And to our allies, Umbrella, GOONS, Mortal Wombat, Deinos, and OTR, it's been fun and great job to you all for fighting hard.


    I'd also like to say thank you to two alliances that we are not allied to, but did a hell of a job this war - UCoN and ODN.


    Great job everyone and I'm predicting we do this again in September.  See you then.

  11. Hereno, I think it's important to put some things in perspective.  Yes VE went all in on our initial blitz as we have in every war we've fought.  The difference this time is NPO, IRON, and AI did a hell of a job in staggering us.  So what do you do when you're staggered?  Well if you have the war chest or the will, you keep attacking.  And yeah some of us did in those rare times when we found ourselves out of anarchy, declare more wars instead of going into PM, but that was because being in PM is boring and I hate being bored. 

  12. What is it with everybody ITT having VE's nuts in their mouth? There is no 'honor' in being stupid and bum-rushing into a beat down that could have been partially mitigated with a basic use of tactics.


    Haha what the heck man?  Aggression in war as a good thing and we'll buy more infra and tech when this is over. 



  13. The IRON guys have been great and so have a few of the AI dudes I've fought.  Also, if you're a member of Equilibrium and you find a spy op has been run against your nation and we are not at war, please don't take it personal as it's the only way I can get your attention while I'm in anarchy.


    Also that Sweaty Roney Deee guy is awful and more people should declare on him.

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