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Posts posted by foxfire99

  1. [quote name='Zeta Defender' timestamp='1299223835' post='2652243']
    Or VE is the puppet master and turning wF into another OV which they had to coup and put back Sethb when they were to disband to get every drop of blood tech from Pacifica. Maybe they need more blood tech from NV or they just want to demoralize Polaris and cause them to fold.


  2. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1299216692' post='2652043']
    My people have a saying: "Reading comprehension FTW."

    I've no idea what it means, but they tell me it's quite appropriate at times like this.

    FYI, those terms were crafted by representatives from Nordreich and a Doomhouse alliance. I'm actually somewhat surprised nobody noticed the implications before now.


    Me too. I usually do read through terms, but this time I stopped a few lines in because of the formating...

    You crafty people you.

  3. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1299121032' post='2650508']
    I've been thinking about reps the past few days, and I'm prepared to make an offer of what Sanitarium [i]might[/i] be prepared to pay at the conclusion of this war, whenever we feel it prudent to conclude our involvement in the war. (Which is not right now, nor do I expect it to be soon.)

    But anyway, my offer is... not a damn cent. I'd rather disband then pay GOONS anything. There will be your chance to prove that Doom House is a benevolent coalition and that they don't "force alliances to disband". I'm counting on you guys to live up to your rhetoric, because you can rest assured that I will live up to mine.

    I'm pretty sure disbanding if you don't get what you want is a far cry from them forcing you to disband, but congratulations on sounding like a spoiled toddler.

  4. First of all, you aren't doing that much damage. We hurt far more in Karma, the last war we fought in a central front. We lose stats because everyone is taking a nuke every day. You, on the other hand, are being kept afloat by peace mode and recruitment. I've heard the whole "credit FOK and iFOK" routine before, and a lot of it they deserve, but at some point you're going to have to accept that you're being beaten down by VE.

    [OOC]You should try arguing with the Polars. At least Viridians all have shift keys. :rolleyes: [/OOC]

  5. [quote name='Roi Loup' timestamp='1299112315' post='2650132']
    mn declared war on us and koh declared war on them. what other wars was mn in during this conflict? (i know ive asked this before but got no response) keep in mind we were hardly targeting them before this.

    I know firsthand you Polars aren't big on fighting back, but you still count as a war.

  6. [quote name='Roi Loup' timestamp='1299111421' post='2650107']
    if you mean all the alliances fighting us, then i suppose that could be correct. but we werent fighting a 1v1--nowhere close.

    By that logic(ignoring all counters), Misfits were far more outnumbered by you than you were at the time.

  7. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1298683451' post='2645082']
    VE had an ambassador who insulted them on their own forum.

    Any time you want to provide evidence on such allegations would be great. Unless you accidentally inverted that sentence, in which case, don't bother, I've seen it. It would probably get you banned anyway.

  8. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1298586580' post='2644178']
    For all the moaning about how Viridia has changed, nobody ever fails to bring up an event that occurred in 2007 and how it is clearly representative of the alliance.

    That is because we only ever change for the worse. Also whatever math you used to find that the Viridicide was the same odds as the current war, you should probably check that.

  9. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1298515193' post='2643401']
    People are already getting rolled, if Duckroll decided to help ML it would just change who's getting rolled. IRON has been treated badly by Doomhouse alliances before, as their past crimes will never go away for some of these Doomhouse alliances, so its pretty obvious to me who their next target will be to keep from getting to strong if IRON sits this war out. Its also obvious that most of the alliance that would fight alongside IRON in such a war are already fighting in this war now. So it would just be smart thinking for IRON to help ML and declaring on Doomhouse to assist, as the other option would be to wait until they're attacked next time Super Complaints Box gets bored.

    IRON entering against TOP? Seems unlikely. Even if they did, DH and company are so top-heavy it would have little impact. Their upper nations would get annihilated and their lower one would get in line for GOONS defensive slots.

  10. [quote name='Ragashingo' timestamp='1298267542' post='2640308']
    After out last encounter I'm giving you one reply per thread, unless you surprise me and happen to make an intelligent counterargument. You blew this time, heck you didn't even attempt a counterargument. Better luck next time though.


    You just called him dumb and denied his observation with no evidence. What kind of counter-argument could he give?

  11. [quote name='Mirreille' timestamp='1297904853' post='2636156']
    Ask and ye shall receive!


    ...Oh, was that not what you wanted? ;)

    I laughed so hard at this. Not only did he come in his own bowl, he prepared himself as well.

  12. [quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1297834458' post='2635267']
    A lot of the propganderp I am seeing sucks, doesnt make sense, or is awful at getting a point across. I have low standards, but taking your alliance flag and MS painting into some irrelevant picture is not good proganderp.[/quote]

    You won't like this...


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