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Asa Phillips

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Posts posted by Asa Phillips

  1. From what I've gathered, WTF indeed does not seem to care one way or another about winning or losing. At this point, it appears all they care about is causing as much damage to DBDC as they can, for as long as they can. It does not matter to them how badly they perform against individual nations such as Cuba, as impressive as his performance may be.

    What we care about? Is sticking to our word. If we prove a few people wrong along the way? That's swell. But no one can ever say we didn't carry though on what we said we would do from the start.



    Everyone can talk damage all they want, and for the large part they are right. Cuba [i]had[/i] the highest tech in the game when this began. Hime being number two I believe, also got involved with harming WTF membership. But the alliance vs alliance damage total is obviously going to be seriously out of whack, because DBDC only had so many nations to damage, with nukes being the largest impact and nations only being able to receive one per day. Strictly on a nuke basis, 50 nukes on 50 nations will do more total damage that 20 nukes on 20 nations.


    The Scarface reference was intentional because it fits.  You need people to call the bad guy so you can sit back and call yourselves good.  Perhaps not WTF as much as the anti DBDC crowd who is only supporting you because its anti DBDC. 


    Nobody is calling WTF evil.  But just recognize that the only reason you get any support in this war is because its against DBDC, the most hated, respected, and feared alliance here right now.  Without them you'd simply be another page of stats that nobody cares about because you never use them.

    I would HOPE it was intentional... no one could possibly come up with dialog THAT bad on their own a second time I would think. After all, it's just a retread of the whole idea of if there were no devil, could there be a god?


    I'm not so sure "feared" should be in that description, peacocking or chest thumping is a fine thing... but it has to have some believability to it. If DBDC we as feared as you might want to believe? Everyone in the top 250 would just sit in peace mode and shiver in their boots. WTF certainly doesnt fear DBDC, after all, this is just a game. We knew you were coming eventually, and when your offer of peace came at the ten day mark it was made clear then that we didn't fear you.


    And we've always been completely fine with no one caring about us, apparently not everyone gets the fact that being told so for the 400th time means just as little as the 1st.

  3. You need people like us. You need people like us so you can point your fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So what does that make you? The good guy? You're not good. You just know how to hide.  Your morals stretch and allow for anything to be done against the "bad guys", even things you previously have spoken out against, anything is allowed as long as its against the "bad guy".  You don't have a standard of behavior that everyone follows, you have your standard for "good guys" and anything goes against the "bad guys".


    "Good guys" and "bad guys" is a childish reference, the real world is much more grey.

    This would've been more impressive if it wasn't largely borrowed from the movie "Scarface". Then I just read the rest of the reply in the ramblings of a drunken Cuban and wondering if the odds were higher than 90% that you have the poster on your wall somewhere at home. Much like all the wannabe thugs that were always on MTVs "Cribs" series. Scarface is a terrible movie... quote Goodfellas, quote The Godfather (but not the third one, its as bad as Scarface) quote anything else that isn't an insult to acting or anyone of reasonable intelligence.


    I take their silence to mean the opposite, to be fair Dajobo, I suspect even ODN would have difficulties passing the necessary vote to attack a WTF defending themselves against a tech raid.

    All depends on how the story is spun and if the truth is told, WTF is quite evil after all.


    Or maybe they feel that a throwaway comment made by an ODN member in private requires no public response.

    Our diplomatic forums are public to anyone willing to create an account and look. We've never refused anyone we weren't at war with before this incident. And this time? we even accepted Cuba himself while at war with DBDC.


    I don't see WTF as Suicidal, they merely have no intentions of a round 2, DBDC wants a fight and so WTF is giving them one.

    Not to mention the fact they were warned this would be the outcome well in advance, yet refused to believe it. If you tell someone you are going to set their house on fire? And they don't listen to you? Whose fault is it?


     so I had no idea WTF has only 4 wars.

    This is because many of the DBDC targets ran off to other alliances when they realized they were in a bad spot. Ran to peace mode. Or kept burning WC to buy up in attempts to stay out of range of the WTFers dragging their friends down, mysteriously even when prior war declaration we only made in game.


    Or, maybe we're just waiting for ODN to make their move to see if they ignore the same warning DBDC was given.


    That very much seems to be the case here, with what is clearly a not-so-subtle threat being earnestly defended as a TRUE ATTEMPT AT DIPLOMACY

    Yes, because ODN feels that DBDC needs their help. Because the evil WTF apparently refused to make peace with a nation that has never asked for it, which is lie.


    The fact he ran off to ODN of all alliances? is very... interesting. Yet ODN wasn't previously prompted at all to come sniffing around, nope.


    ODN's one chance to start a new govt off successfully, apparently rests with them trying to take on what they view as a group of battle weary infra huggers who many say have never contributed anything significant to all of CN their entire existence. In all honesty though? We probably would allow their nations to surrender... if they asked nicely.

  4. You guys told me to leave on the 6th, my last post was on the 7th. And peaches posts are almost all made within a 24 hour period. Apparently this thread has emboldened WTF to play the political game and try to spin things the way most alliances do but the fact of the matter is none of us were there for any serious length of time after you told us to leave. 

     My original reply was: "Especially when ODN members kept posting for days after initially threatening war that provoked the replies you have since apparently obliged. And for at least two full days after you yourself said you were taking your leave."


    You showed up threatening war? Mar 4 2015

    You post saying you were leaving? Mar 7 2015

    Peaches last post? Mar 9 2015



    What is puzzling is why CT was accepted back onto the WTF AA on 1/31 after going rogue against a SPATR nation and allowed to launch further wars against SPATR while on the WTF AA, in addition to his history of attacks while on the DBDC AA over the past two years. It seems that such behaviour is implicitly endorsed by WTF so long as it serves WTF's interests.


    This was covered already. A page or so back. Its not puzzling if you find the reply made addressing it.


    What did you do for RIA when we were in WTF's position? I don't recall you offering much assistance in that prolonged conflict, mock me all you'd like for calling DBDC out on their !@#$%^&*, but when someone hits my allies, I actually stand with them.


    This has been asked multiple times already, both on our forums and here. I would suggest not holding your breath waiting for it to be addressed.


    Schatt,  did you ask World Task Force if you could take some of the posts made on their own forum and transfer them to the OWF or did you just decide to do it on your own?


    I realize that you took from a public area on the World Task Force forum.  I'm not suggesting otherwise.  What I want to know is 1) Was World Task Force aware that you planned to screenshot some of the posts made there and post them on the OWF with your comments and 2) if they were aware of this was it because you aked them if you could do so or was it something else.


    I just want to know the process (if any) that happened between your signing up on their forum and your above OP being made.


    This is why our embassies are public, we have never had anything to hide. It's been done before and we have never cared about anything being shared that an application and a few keystrokes could produce for anyone interested.


    We were told to go away by several of your members. We have obliged you. 

    I've always respected you and your semi-bold participation on the OWF, this reply is certainly disappointing. Especially when ODN members kept posting for days after initially threatening war that provoked the replies you have since apparently obliged. And for at least two full days after you yourself said you were taking your leave.


    Asa seems to care...

    Of course I do, about your situation. I sent that message in game pointing you here after reading what others from your group posted here about CT being incorrectly labeled as a Nuke rogue... and before seeing your reply that I quoted above about you looking for vengeance, and not declaring for the reason of the him being a nuke rogue.


    We went to bad for CT, and he ended up betraying us.  This is the type of person you accept into your alliance.  He has a long history of doing that, betraying alliances, I'm suprised he's still in yours to be honest.  He has burnt every bridge behind him. 

    So, he was good enough for you... but not good enough for anyone else? We know the answer, and why you feel that way. Its ok.



    Use your pixels in whatever way you deem fit, you are your own AA and can make those decisions for yourself.  But all decisions have consequences.  DBDC's raids have consequences, as does dragging out a war that is all but won by the other side.  There comes a point when a defiant act against an agressor becomes a pathetic excuse to continue a conflict that you have been soundly defeated in.  While you could continue the fight for months, is that really what you want to do?  Lay low for 7 years, never fight a war, then fight a long multi month war?  Multi month wars are boring.  If you really want to make up for missing every war by a marathon war now, go for it, but that decision could have consequences too.


    It was made absolutely clear to DBDC how this would go if the two sides came to blows. It was inevitable and it only seemed to fair. This was shared well ahead of time, probably close to a year in advance if I had to make an off the cuff guess. It was even shared about our dormant members who would come back from inactivity when called. None of WTFs actions hadn't already been foretold. In politics and pixels there are winners and losers. We see ourselves as neither, and dont care much what others label us as. After all, for 8.5 years we've been called hippies, infra huggers, cowards, whatever cn-cool buzz word the masses want to use their pack mentality to apply when the time comes.

    For Asa: the question is whether CT left while there was an active war between DBDC & WTF or immediately prior to it when war was all but certain and planned, and then attacked DBDC. He also has leaked several war planning sessions, which Non Grata has also been a victim of in the past. This is based on the dates I have available, which are limited. That is our issue with CT. Treason and betrayal. Not whatever old stuff that happened before I was around. The older actions are merely a sign that this behavior is not new, and CT will not receive peace simply because WTF sends an 18,000 infra 8,000 tech nation to get EMPed into the ground.

    Treason and betrayal... yet neither of those is "rogue". Again, CT was a WTF member twice... with a stop at DBDC inbetween. Only now any of this comes out. Last I knew, CT was sanctioned on most spheres at DBDC request, being labeled as a rogue, yet he wasnt.


    Stewie hasn't complained once. The rest of us are a little protective of him since he's the only guy that keeps us out of trouble.


    At least the dates line up as I thought they did. CT made his choice and we will consider him a rogue until WTF pulls his keister out of the fire.

    Incorrect, already outlined it for you that he isn't. It was pretty clear I thought, but theres been a ton of crap here in this topic, so I imagine its easy to miss.



    As apt a description of WTF as there has ever been.

    ZING! Very clever. Do you feel better now?


    All this time, you guys really dont get it do you? Everything that makes you important, means next to nothing to any of us. So CN insults dont matter. Youd have better luck making fun of our moms.



    Vengeance does not have an expiry date.  I've been working my way into his range for well over a year.  I'm getting my pound of flesh from this.


    THIS RIGHT HERE? I respect and can admire.


    I'm big on honesty, and many of you who have come to know me over the many years know there is no facade or character I use when playing or interacting with others. My remark is as genuine as you can find.

    If WTF want to throw more nations at me, sounds great.  If they want to grind my nation down until it's dust.  Then I look forward to rebuilding it in a year again.

    Barring anything over the top game-changing, you won't have to consider this. To be told ahead of time that sticking your hand on the stove when its on, is one thing... to feel what you're doing is the right thing only to really have been misinformed? Is another. We are not an unreasonable group by any means, and have never been out to ruin anyone's game.



    And if things did go badly for some strange reason? You could always run to ODN, and they'll save you. beljise1.gif



    Speaking of ODN, my questions to them on our forum went unanswered. Can anyone tell me if ODN intervened on DBDCs behalf when they were at war with RIA? Or how long that war lasted before there was peace?

  8. That is ultimately up to each alliance to decide for themselves, but there are consequences for all choices, don't whine about an escalation if you act like a dick to people trying to mediate a solution. 

    You mean acting like a dick, to someone acting like a dick... right?? No one reading with half a brain really believes ODN didnt come around trying to strong arm a group into making peace with their friends. The very friends who will be free and clear while they potentially take their spot in the grinder instead.




    From looking at the stats, it certaintly looks like suicide is your endgame, but I am not privy to your private discussions because you have the decency to keep them private.  Unlike CT who loves to take things out of context and years out of date.  Why you associate with traitors like him is beyond me.


    Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and as said countless times again and again... the only ones who care about OUR stats? are those outside of WTF.


    To all readers: Is that really that far fetched of a thought? That WTF doesnt play CN to have the most pixels? That an alliance that kept to themselves for 8.5 years should have 10/15/20 billion bucks saved up even though they never cared about their rank?

  9. As much as I dislike participating in wars of words, three things need to be cleared up factually.


    1- Noobcake. Noobcake has NEVER EVER EVER come to us about peace terms, instead hopping from AA to AA in an attempt to get peace. The first one was SPATR, who did NOT allow him into their ranks because he was at war. Everyone else recognized the shady BS going on and refused to be bothered with him.


    2- Reps. Serious official reps were never discussed. A) DBDC, after taking losses they certainly couldn't have expected, would be foolish to them turn around and PAY WTF for an end to things when fewer players on both sides are still taking losses. That's just poor business. B) Anyone who took a request of Cuba selling all of his tech, or Lander Clan baking everyone in WTF cupcakes as REAL reps? Is either trying to do some serious spin doctoring, or not terribly bright. I have a screen cap to share if anyone cares enough to to want to see me post it and doesn't want to wander over to the WTF forums.


    3- CT. Of this I am about to share I am 99% certain and will be bothered to do all the digging at a later date if need be if REALLY necessary. CT dropped the DBDC AA, switched to WTF and then declared war on Cuba. His war results screen show this to be true. CT found himself disappointed in friends from SWATR and declared on Bones while dropping the WTF AA. His war results screen also shows this to be true. If he was a rogue against anyone? It should have been against them. I posted in another topic a screen cap from Bones himself that SWATRs issue was with CT and not WTF. It has since been determined that the Bones/CT issue has calmed down and SWATR has satisfied their vengeance on CT. So, hes not a Rogue to DBDC, and his issue with SPATR is settled for now.


    Now this, when I WTF member comes to CTs aid as a member from Non Grata attacks: [quote]To: Tapley    From: Stewie    Date: 3/9/2015 11:02:54 AM

    Subject: RE: War Declared!

    Message: So you declare war on me because I'm hitting a Rogue, former member of Non Grata who left acrimoniously during a war.

    Well, fair enough then. God speed.


    The question has to be asked, if there was any issue with NG prior? Why now? Why not the last time, which well over a year ago when CT was in WTF for quite a while before he left for DBDC? And why, if he left NG in poor standing? Was he allowed to join their ally in the first place?

  10. Actually, the pips haven't been touched at all in months.

    Incorrect. Sometime around the beginning of February, WTF's was removed. Further suggesting what many have said to us from the start to be true. No idea on the OOC/IC whatever "C" rules are here. So I'll just say to PM me instead for anyone who wants to know.

  11. What he's arguing is that WTF worsened their political position by unnecessarily by accepting CT into their alliance.



    I highly doubt WTF cares that they worsened their political position.



    Where in the blue blazes has anyone ever gotten the idea what WTF cares about politics or political position at all? Does the fact that WTF purposely excludes itself from the political realm of CN still become lost to anyone anymore?


    I'll just leave this tid bit here. Since it seems to be hotly debated. WTF regards Bones, who is a former member, as someone we respect and whose opinion we value... someone who we made sure was ok with the CT/SPATR matter that was going on when CT was accepted. I personally consider Bones as someone I genuinely give a CN crap about, he's a good guy and genuine in his intentions. CT and SPATR would soon after make peace all around as you can see by CTs war history.



  12.  The tongue-in-cheek jab at me signing up on WTF forums to notify them that Rota was on our ZI list (thanks for deleting my account btw, WTF -- stupid !@#$ like that is why GPA is the only neutral I've ever interacted with and respect) should be proof that he made this topic just as a jab at other people instead of an actually sad story.

    Everyone who isnt a current WTF member, or is one who has fallen inactive and disappears from game, or applies and is approved as a diplomat? has their account deleted once its purpose has been served on the forums. While the heads up was greatly appreciated, just like all the messages we received from other players in game about this... you werent applying for membership, nor to be a diplomat. This has been the case since Jul 31 2006, 10:04 PM EST.


    You are literally the absolute very first person to ever get their feelings hurt over this, or even to care... as most say their peace and never return anyway.


    Rotavele was deleted as well obviously.

  13. i dont see how you were gonna go to  war your top 3 guys didnt even read a single message of our blitz

    Many of us have schedules/lives, or live in time zones that dont provide us the opportunity for sitting around for update and wearing out our F5 buttons, that hardly means we don't follow our alliance mates into war the following day regardless of NS.


    You don't really think we sit around with a pre-made declaration, waiting each night just so we can post it 4 minutes after someone hits us do you?

  14. I attacked you because you weren't active

    I don't think anyone reading would think you are whining, you reaction is much like anyone elses would be if on the wrong end of the situation.


    Again, only speaking for myself... we've been there before, more than once, my reaction has been the same as yours. I was inactive and in defcon 5 with no military because of the previously mentioned lack of having free time online, when I was last online yesterday a target hadnt been decided, nor a time for attack. When I logged in this AM and saw I was attacked but not in anarchy, my first impression was that I myself had been raided lol.

  15. Understandable, seems like some internal issues as well considering how shocked some of you with this war. Now how is Fishguts a noob though... he is the 2nd biggest nation in SE. 

    Speaking for myself, and myself only, I'm not active enough this round or recent ones to say I pay nearly the attention to the goings on's on TE that many others do. I knew a poll went up of who to attack next, and when I logged in this AM and saw I had been attacked by yourself. I figured you either were attacking us first or it was a counter attack on your part to a war that we had started with a popularly concluded target. Never once did it occur to me that Hellas wasnt the/an acceptable target to hit, as I had you in my war slot and didnt look how the two groups lined up prior or currently. So I proceeded to operate as I would in any other other war. Not offering an excuse, merely insight that reflects me personally.


    Yes, I too am not a "noob"... I'm trying to show that the the size of someones pixels doesnt reflect the online time they do, or dont, have to invest in the same things everyone else does, and sometimes we make mistakes that stem from that.


    I would think our previous track record from playing nearly every round on TE shows this to be an exception, not the norm. No consolation to the offended of course, but the non-effected peanut galley can hardly say to the contrary.


    Color me guilty... you as well as the two others I'm at war with know the steps I'm willing to take to at least make our wars on a more level playing field until everything is sorted out.

  16. I would call this a downdeclare, but correct me if I'm wrong, Cath. already had a war and Rat Basterds haven't, so RB should have more Warchest.

    Correct on both points, But to be honest our first war was against NaO, who turned out to be vastly over estimated on our part. I think they ended up with half the membership that they started with when the last days attacks were over.


    I personally won't be nuking anyone who can't nuke me or hasn't earned the right to make me change that stance.

  17. Blitz or no Blitz.... The nuke difference is massive.

    But, both alliances are tough little midgets(lol) and i see this being a good fight :) it will surely drop the 5% ;)

    good luck to both sides!

    Its tough to find opponents to square off with correctly unfortunately. The two alliances closests to us in nukes? One has over double our membership, while the other has over triple. Thats just asking for an ass beating lol.

  18. going by the dow from what i have seen in the many wars here on planet bob is the official start to the war. and again it states it at the top of your war and battle page wars expire after 5 days so unless admin is trolling us about the wars it could not have been 6 days. and if the war did start on the 22nd and not the 23rd like the dow states i appologise


    How did the dow matter at all when I showed you proof of when my wars started and ended, and counted them off for you to see how long they last?


    Have you been drinking again? :mellow:


    6 days it is.


    EDIT: My apologies. Didnt refresh the screen for new replies before I typed this out. thanks Thomasj_tx, I guess your Cybernese is more fluent than mine

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