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Blog Entries posted by JerreyRough

  1. JerreyRough
    The Amazonians form the core of Diberia's religion, the Tome, and follow it to the letter. They are the ones who guard Diberia's secrets and holy places, standing as the first and last lines of defense. Few other rainforest guerrillas can match them in battle, and even fewer match their survival skills. When a babe is born in one of the Tome's holy and ancient temples, they are forever bound to the ways of the Amazonian. Dishonoring this tradition means banishment from Diberia forevermore, and death upon returning.
    The Amazonians have been crucial to the survival of the remaining Diberians. Without these elite men and women there would be no Diberians left alive, at least uninfected by the BIV virus. Each soldier uses their own weapons, but they must find ammunition for guns using non-standard ammunition. They perfer to use the AKM, a Diberian version of the Lee-Enfield, and a variety of other weapons. They are not technological marvels, but they work and the warm climate doesn't jam them often.
    To the outside world, the Amazonians are the elite troops of Diberia whom also control Diberia's air forces. This gave them considerable leverage in Diberia's far-off areas before the wars, and they may yet control the skies once more.
    The Amazonians are very loyal to all Diberians, after they all went through hell and back. However they have never liked the Holy American Empire, especially with their destructive ways and religion of worshiping a mere man. But they are not fools and would still fight for the HAE if called upon; after all, without the HAE then Diberia would have fallen many times before.
    The Amazonians have existed in Diberia for a very long time, perhaps even before the Spaniards landed on South America. But while their origins have been forgotten, their purpose has not: to protect the rainforest and the ancient Tome religion. Unlike the holy books of other peoples, the Tome does not trifle itself with history and historical figures. Instead, it weaves epics and humble journeys of myths and legends alike. It tells what is good, what is right, and how to live an honorable life. It tells one to not ignore the darkness of ones heart, but instead to embrace it and use it to your advantage. Or so the Amazonians would have you believe; the Tome is many things and not everything is the truth.
    When Diberia gain its independence, the Amazonians made sure that the King's council included them. They may not have approved of Vutomo and his cowardly ways, but he brought the people of Diberia together under one flag. And they were sure to not be forgotten as an old and outdated religion; the Tome teaches one to embrace technology, not to fear the strange science behind it. Thus Amazonians were content with their positions, the priests gaining their precious political power and the troops got new equipment. When Diberia got its first military aircraft, the Amazonians were the first to fly.
    The war with the Three Nations tested the Amazonians skills and progress, but they never faltered. Some say that none of them even fell, stitching the limbs of their broken enemies on their own stubs. But as mighty as they were, they couldn't defend the whole country and are not thick-headed enough to not accept international help. And while the war took its toll, it was only the beginning for what was coming. Death falls on the guilty, and the innocent alike. - Proverbs of Jengenstan, Section 5, The Tome.
    [Diberian Civil War, The Dark Era, and the Quiet Era to still come]
    These men are trained from birth in the many forms of guerrilla combat and tactical thinking. Each learn a variety of jobs so they may blend in with local populations better. But most of the time they train and fight deep in the rainforest, under the careful guidence of their older peers. At fifteen they are then forced to live off the land, alone, for four months. Those that survive continue their training. At age eighteen the most agile, fearsome, and intelligent are again forced to live on their own, but for a year and in the most dangerous places of the Amazon. Less than half of them survive this ordeal, but those that do become the most respected and honored Amazonians.
    The teachers of the Amazonian guerrillas say Pain is the greatest teacher, yet no one wants to go to his class. They believe that the militias of the world, and even the Diberian military forces themselves, are too soft and breed men only for cannonfolder.
  2. JerreyRough
    Year 0
    -Venezuela and part of Colombia come together to form Diberia. A temporary government is set up and the people are polled as to what government they would like.
    -Diberia declared a country
    -Out of popular opinion, Vutomo Cobarde declares Diberia a monarchy and takes the throne.
    Year 15
    - Diberian government mysteriously signs a deal with the Gundran crime family, incorporating them into the government structure.
    Year 55
    -OOC: This is the year Diberia is announced a country in CNRP
    -Silvino Gham becomes Grand General, Gundran High Command
    Year 56
    -City of Caracas is destroyed after an Aperture employee accidentally releases some BIV virus, causing the Tahoe republic to nuke the city.
    Year 57
    - The Three States declare war on Diberia, quickly taking over most of the country. Diberians engage in their best form of combat: guerrilla warfare.
    Year 59
    - The Three Sates surrender to Diberia and its league of international allies, albeit with large portions of Diberia and the rainforest destroyed by war and fire. Abandoned equipment is littered throughout the land.
    -Aperture begins construction of secret labs throughout Diberia, mostly in the west within Gundran land.
    Year 60
    - Start of the great Diberian Civil War: northern Loyalists, western Gundrans, and eastern Amazonians. Loyalists have the army, Gundrans have the people, and the Amazonians have the elite and airforces.
    Year 61
    - Gundrans purchase Nord battlesuits, pushing the war in their favor.
    - Amazonians ally with the Gundrans
    - Imperium of Man join with the Diberians
    Year 62
    - End of the great Diberian Civil War, with the Loyalists succeeding.
    Year 63
    -Start of Zombie War, 90% of population infected with 70% of those infected becoming dark ones.
    Between Year 63-Year78
    -Aperture Labs organizes an underground recruitment campaign,
    Year 78
    -End of Zombie War
    Year 81
    -Death of King Vutomo, age 97, first King of Diberia
    Year 100 [september, 2011]
  3. JerreyRough
    Name: Silvino (Woods) Plata (Spanish, silver) Gham (Hindi, sadness)
    Physically styled after this guy.
    Current age: 75
    Current Occupation: Jailed for Crimes Against Humanity, sentenced for life imprisonment. Resides within La Fuerte Esmeralda's jail, with guarded access to public parts of the underbunker and one visit to the city per month; meant to keep his sanity in check.
    Past Occupations:
    Commander-in-training within the Imperium of Man (now the Holy American Empire). Highest honors in his military college, albeit a few years older than the norm.
    Grand General of the Western Diberian Forces, Gundran High Command.
    Aperture Labs Security General, commanding all Aperture forces. Took this post while still Grand General in Diberia, shrouding his private life in secrecy. Commanded all Aperture forces until the very last days of Aperture in the Greatfort of Puerto Rico. He was loyal to the very end, but never killed a man himself; he preferred living and didn't' wish to 'accidentally' get shot.
    Hard believer in the Aperture belief that all of humanity, except for the chosen, must perish or become in flesh the scum that they are. In his and Aperture's mind the world must be purged so that humans can start again, using modern technology to re-invent themselves. Corruption, filth, and politics causes science and technology too many griefs and no gains, and thus must be purged. He would rather humans die than become infected with the BIV disease, at least after living a decade dreading hordes of the mongrels.
    He does not have anything against the Diberian state; in fact, if he could, he would start the BIV disease as far away as he could. But this wasn't his choice to make, and the virus had to start somewhere. Why not beside what may be the strongest nation on the planet?
    He was born in Diberia, but his parents were too far into debit and had to run from the country and into the hands of the Imperium, where no one knew them. He was three when they found a place to settle and serve the Imperium in farmer's fields. He grew up strong, hard, and the wish to return to his motherland that his parents so dearly loved. He remembered glimpses of the forest and its fish-laden rivers, entrenching this love for the rainforest by his parent's pictures. But they were poor and the Gundran mafia would have no trouble finding them in Diberia, so they stayed and slaved in the Mexican desert.
    As he grew, his love to return to his homeland shriveled until it was nothing more than a faint memory. But from this gap in his heart grew a new passion: the science of war. When he wasn't working on the farm he read novels written by war heroes and common soldiers alike. He knew how to design a good supply line, the best tactics to use in any war scenario, and trained himself how to make the best out of what he was given. He got so far into research and practice of military science that he forgot the most important aspect: getting the right credentials. Without them, even the best general who ever lived would never get a command of his own. One did not get remembered from boasting, but from their actions.
    At age 23, he applied to join several Imperial Military colleges. He was invited to join all, so he chose the cheapest: a college far away in the Brazilian part of the Imperium. He did not think of it at the time, but he was getting his wish: he would finally get to see the rainforests and rivers of the Amazon. He said goodbye to his parents and left the farm, armed with books and his mind. Unfortunately this would be the last time he would ever see them (alive), because they eventually found enough money to move back to Diberia. Their oldest son lost contact with them however, and Silvino calls home were answered by foreign voices. He always thought that they survived though, and that they may even be dancing in the city below his captivity.
    After graduating with top honors from the academy, he was offered several commanding roles throughout the Imperium, save for one unique request. The fledgling Diberian government were looking for a young commander to lead in the western territories, and Silvino fit the bill. On the day he accepted their invitation, his young memories suddenly dawned upon him and filled him with childish glee. He was going home. He was now thirty.
    His leadership skills shone in the rag-tag government structure of Diberia in those days, and quickly rose to Grand General of the Western Forces, also known as Gundran High Command. He became friends with the current father of the Gundrans, known as Tydran [i've called this character Gundran before, but Gundran of the Gundrans is just silly], but Silvino's instincts prevented them from becoming great friends. The mafia had now elevated to higher things than the black market and worked towards a greater future, but he couldn't forgive them for what they did to his parents. Whether or not it was their fault didn't matter, especially since his grandparents were killed because of his parents folly. This dislike towards murder, dishonor from killing defenseless elders, and what he seen in the Imperium, planted the seed that lead him to Aperture, and may even be the reason for Diberia's downfall.
    But this dislike didn't prevent him from protecting them from the Three States, an evil axis of power that overran Diberia and caused the great Amazon Wars. Even today, after the zombie wars and countless times men have tried to take the deep, vehicles and forgotten equipment was still left behind. The armies of the world each left their own mark: some destroyed whole forests of old growth to meet with the foe, while others polluted the land with gas and bullet cases. But even in this chaos, the green General Gham stood fast and defended Tome and Country. (The Tome, religion of Diberia, which he followed until his fall into Aperture.) Using the unique airstrip-bunkers hidden in Diberian mountains, he raided enemy supply caravans and undefended soldiers alike.
    He was awarded many honors and loved by many, though he was not promoted to Legend General because of one small thing: he did not stay with the King of Diberia, Vutomo. Although Vutomo was General Gham's king, he hated the old 73-year-old man. Vutomo didn't move his forces to defend the King, leaving the eastern forces to defend him. A lesser general, forgotten by the mists of time, stayed with the old king and followed his every command, no matter how imprudent they were. Vutomo didn't understand the sacrifices that were needed in war, choosing retreat whenever possible. This probably is the reason for the quick overtake of almost all of Diberia by the Three Powers. Instead of promoting Silvino for his sound military victories and choices, Vutomo promoted the other lesser and cowardly general to Legend General. Since then this has always frustrated General Gham.
    After the war with the Three Powers, men spoke treacherous words throughout the land: a civil war was coming to Diberia. General Gham, now thirty six, stayed with the Gundrans, vengeance heavy in his heart. Winning the civil war not only meant getting rid of Vutomo, but the new government would remove the monarchy and replace it with a republic, a place where even the lowest of men had a chance against The Man. General Gham never put much thought into politics, but he figured a more free country would mean more profit and therefore more tax money to fund Diberian armies.
    The civil war was fought for five years and finished on the day of General Gham's birthday, April 21st, 38 years after he was born. He might have lost the war, even with ten thousand battlesuits bought from the Nords at his side, but he had met Aperture in that time and became quite close with them during that time. Only a month after the civil war ended had yet next war had begun: the first and most brilliant BIV virus infected 90% of the Diberian population, appearing like a common cold until it was too late. Seventy percent became zombies from the "Brutal Intoxication Virus" and chaos rippled throughout the land. The western lands hurt the most. But when the military unified to fight this cruel new enemy within their midst, General Gham was no where to be found.
    The General went with the White Suit to one of many Aperture's secret labs within Diberia, overseeing the plans for the next few years and for when the BIV virus infected the peoples of the world.
    [Finished this for now. General Gham then commands Aperture forces and perhaps sends a little too many men to their deaths in Diberia, especially after the underground recruitment campaign. This, along with orchestrating the deaths of millions of Diberians, is why he has life in prison.]
    [something I just thought: this isn't even a main character that I used, I only mentioned the man a few times .]
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