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General Ulji

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Posts posted by General Ulji

  1. Thanks for posting again B1L!!! It is certainly good to hear you again. I do wish you would stay and continue the good fight, the regathering has already started. Only this time, I think we'll go for nNEAT (nuclear Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism). ;)

    PS: At least change your AA from "NEAT" to "Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism" before you expire into the shadows again.

  2. In the end, NEAT suffers far worse for that war. They get lumped in with an alliance of nuclear aggressors and probably end up with peace terms that would be similar to what MK got for running the same strategy on the NPO.

    Hindsight is of course 20/20, and aside from the sting of losing a few friends, my country is currently in much better shape than it would have been otherwise. Still one has to be careful walking this line of reasoning:

    [OOC] Having traveled extensively to both Korea and Japan, it’s really interesting to hear both sides regarding the occupation of Korea by Japan during the early part of the last century. I think most of the world believes the entire episode was an atrocity (rightly so), but I was in a meeting at a Japanese semiconductor company and not so subtlety told the engineer there that Samsung (a huge Korean memory manufacturer) was seeing much higher yield than they were and he rebutted “Korea would be no where without Japan’s help”. With this sort of attitude, no wonder the North Korea’s keep testing missiles. <_< [/OOC]

  3. I just don't know what to say here, but I'll try. (By the way, I'm just going to write as it comes to me, probably regretting this post later.)

    To be honest, I've trolled every post that had any relation to those events hoping to start a fight (admin, I can't get retro warns can I ;) ), I just thought it would have been horrible to call you guys out on the boards, but tbh I was really hoping I could goad you guys into a open confrontation, where my frustration could be aired.

    I just can't describe the anger and hurt I felt when the whole thing went down. No hate (any more) for the d-bags attacking us (I'll write that off to "just a game" and of course, if they were ever on the receiving end, see Ephraim ZI post, I'd gloat like crazy :P), but I really felt as though I was just kicked in the nuts when our shining knight failed to show up. I didn't care too much about the infra loss, but the net outcome from that whole event is that I've lost touch few cool people I made friends with on this planet; they've disappeared to that strange afterlife called RL. Burn1Love has almost totally disappeared, although Seixas is able to pass notes to him from time to time through some mysterious portal.

    But hey, life goes on and you guys did help us rebuild through Blackwater and I now, (both the lesson from GOD and the continual pushups metal made me do) really understand the value of a warchest!!!

    I still have much love for W_A_R and Blackwater, but here is the real twist (hitch-hikers, don't take this the wrong way, I love you guys), but a few of us have been recently talking about getting NEAT back together for a reunion tour (I know direct democracy and voting for everything is pure fail, but hell it was fun to do!).

    Now first person to post something idiotic, like "Private channels for the win" can just suck it, but wouldn't it be great to have the Rose be our protector again? I still vote for SocCarolina, you know ;) ....

  4. I never heard a word about NEAT being protected, actually.

    We were acutally protected by PLUS up until a few weeks prior to the raid. While PLUS was having internal issues a second alliance who we considered friends and had been heavily buying tech from us, offered to protect us for 30 days. We accepted gladly, all things considered, and began to look for another protector for when the 30 day period expired. For some strange reason, they requested that no posts be made on these forums announcing the temporary protectorate. (Extra credit to anyone who can find the one related public posting ;) )

    You guys came at us about a week after the agreement had been reached. The whole reason I brought this up to begin with (in this thread) was to try and see if your attacks were at all correlated with those events as part of some larger conspiracy. Given the other information in this thread (mostly your statements), I have no reason to doubt that you were ignorant of our protector. In my mind they just acted cowardly and thats the end of the story.

    My feelings of course would be much different if I had reason to believe you had somehow been involved with them and this was a concerted effort to achieve some larger goal.

    PS In case anyone happened to have screen shots of our foreign aid slots during the time, there was another alliance (Grämlins) who had been heavily purchasing tech from us when things errupted. They did far more to help us than our so-called protectors. Needless to say, after the dust settled the Grämlins forgave any outstanding tech owed them. Much love for those guys.

  5. Somehow, the bolded part is where I want more details on this one..Atleast so I know what to look for in the future to avoid being caught in the same loop. As for the last part of that, it's actually a pretty good analogy - but if they were paying "taxes" I assume they had to pay a fee for the protection...doesn't that kinda relate to protection fees used by mafias? "pay us to be protected by 'certain indivuals'"

    - To be fair, the taxation I refer to is extensive tech deals. The alliance prolonged its own aquisition of tech to continune to supply it to the protector alliance. The tech was not in any way related to the protectorate status, but the protectorate status certainly encouraged nations to continue to sell tech well beyond when they should have. (On a side note, I always cringe when I hear microalliances say that they don't need a protector because they are selling tech to this large alliance or that large alliance.)

    - Regarding the bold type, it went something like this:

    Alliances A, B, and C are attacking the LoFN, NEAT, and AHEAD. We have a treaty (mutual non-agression pact) with B, even though your being attacked by A. If we were to help you with alliance A, that could hurt alliance B, so sorry your out of luck, and by the way, despite you guys all being in anarchy, please deliver the remaining tech as per our agreement.

  6. Welcome. Thanks for being polite and respectful.

    EDIT: Not being sarcastic. Seriously. Warmed my cold heart :)

    Don't get me wrong, I'm tracking you infra daily and plan to send jeering PM's on your way down, but no need to get all uncivil about it ;).

    To expand on that, I beleive that AHEAD left the protection of IRON shortly before I joined. Which would mean that at the time of the war, it wasn't too long after AHEAD had left protection, considering I was only in for about a month before that war....so means probably about a month or two out of protection before getting pulled into the war?

    As it turns out, at least one alliance was under a protector when that war started, but the protector managed to evade their duty using a rather pathetic technicality. I personally do not plan on revealing further information on the topic, but they know who they are and I'd actually prefer that opportunities like this thread continue to present themselves so that I can remind them of their cowardice and total lack of honor.

    Tech raiding is a gruesome thing indeed, akin to armed robbery, but when the police (to extend the analogy further, who are paid by the victims "taxes") sit by and watch, that is truly despicable.

  7. MHA from the outside seems to be a perfect peaceful alliance, but when you get involved you find out differently.

    This all depends on your perspective. My first 30 days have been wonderful. Actually a little too peaceful at times.

    Of course I'll always miss metal's "special encouragement" ;). Much love for those gents too...

  8. NEAT o7

    Thank you Thizz, much appreciated.

    My only remaining regrets about the LoFN incident (AHEAD wasn't the only non-LoFN alliance to be destroyed) is the number of NEAT members who left the game in disgust after that incident. Burn1Love and several others are sorely missed.

    How many men must a man murder before we cry for his execution? Is there a point beyond which "reform" is impossible? Why do you people defend a scumbag? Where were all of you when we were getting smashed to the ground? [OOC]Maybe we should have been adding more "color" to the game?[/OOC].

    EZI IS JUSTIFIED. He has essentially EZI'd countless others.

  9. God I hate, "hail-a-thons", but f-ing-A,

    o/ VE!!!

    This is the best annoucement I've ever seen on these boards!!! All we need now is a post from Bilrow, saying he and the Waffle-Lord were actually multis :P.

    PS It wasn't just AHEAD that got dragged down in the LoFN mess. NEAT was obliterated due to the fact that one of our old flags somehow made it onto the LoFn boards. (Not that I didn't wholeheartadley support those guys, but still the whole thing was pretty jacked up).

  10. The only reason you were released to OBR in the first place is because of OBR's diplomacy and their consistent position in global politics. Without the diplomatic efforts of Sir Experimentum, I doubt you would have had a nation to rebuild.

    Hence I gave them credit :huh: ? What's your point?

    In my particular situation (or those of my comrades in NEAT), I think my next post is more relevant, especially with you bringing up the late Sir Ref:

    ... one has to wonder how many of those alliances had protectors that found excuses to avoid helping.

    Maybe if more people kept to their words (i.e. treaties) we would not have been the ones rebuilding?

    But maybe we should grave dig your DoW thread with the snazzy flag page proving your Waffle-Lord conspiracy? Or shall we just get back on topic... <_<

  11. The bottom line ended up being that nations and alliances were more concerned with their infra than with justice.

    Coming dangerously close to crossing lines I've sworn never to cross (don't worry I won't!), but one has to wonder how many of those alliances had protectors that found excuses to avoid helping. Not so dissimilar to many wars today; as you can tell when they're about to start by wave after wave of 24 and 48 hour treaty cancelation notices. Much respect goes out to MK and GR...

  12. And actually, know that I think about it. It's kind of weird that almost none of the alliances that fought in the LoFN war are still around. I guess it really didn't end all that well for anybody.

    Ahh but in some ways it did! Compare my current nation strength to my attackers during that war. I lost about 25% of my infra during that beatdown (although I must admit, I did get a little carried away trying to avoid anarchy for a week against 6 attackers, God I wish I had turtled ;) ). I can hear McGuffy now, "Tech Raiding doesn't Pay"


    Of course I should give credit where credit is due. Blackwater and the Order of the Black Rose are largely responsible for the rebuilding of my nation. Although I wish they'd have just curbstomped GOD and Analdrama instead <_< .

  13. We did too display alliance affiliations. In fact, it was the only way many nations were able to grow past 1000 infrastructure and 100 tech.

    Just to clarify the above comments and prevent this interesting discussion from going on another tangent, you refer to the alliance NEAT (>30 members) as well as the several alliances formed (>15 members each) using the LoFN boards all of which were curb-stomped for the claim of being a "secret organization lead by Walford". Right Erik?

    [begin rant] By the way, back on tangent, that "war" was one hell of a rude awakening as to how prickish people can be. What's more amazing than people who defend "tech raider rights" are people who foam at the mouth at the mention of the Waffle-Lord (sorry can't mention his name). People wouldn't accept his "NONE" because they claimed "secret organization" ok, so he went and formed LoFN, people couldn't accept that either because it was "alliances formed by a person who once formed a secret organization"...[end rant]

  14. PM me in-game. First 3mil comes after donation benefits received. Wait for the go ahead before sending the donation.

    Ill pay $18 mil (6 installments of 3mil every 10 days) with the possibility of unpaid middlemen mixed up in the installments. No guarantees on the middlemen.


    100 tech for each 3mil(In which case I would be paying 15mil and having the tech deals made and delivered to your nation)

    5installments of 3mil x 100tech = 500tech. The time it takes for the tech deal offer to complete will be based on how many aid slots you or myself have available and/or are willing to use. I'll handle any tech scams.

    I'll also entertain any proposals to mix up cash and tech.

    Credit must be given where credit it due, this format was copied from SpoiL.

  15. As somewhat of an outsider to politics on Digiterra, would it be safe to say that a possible tl;dr for this is:

    - Nations can anonymously join/support your cause via anonymous email etc.

    - At some point you will amass these silent supporters into a massive coalition/alliance/what-have-you




  16. Essentially max population with construction. One of the best all around sets.

    We've already got cattle, lumber, marble, pigs, spices, and sugar from core group of previous circle.

    Resources (you need two of them to join):


    Cattle: xx




    Lumber: xx

    Marble: xx

    Pigs: xx


    Sugar: xx



    PM me in game if interested.

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