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Mighty Wez

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Posts posted by Mighty Wez

  1. What sort of half-arsed communists are you? Even the cutest of you put the hammer down when it comes to arms with all that self-defence against imperialist aggression nonsense. You've set a new low and forever disillusioned me in your ideology. We mine uranium, and I think it would be best if you became one of our client states, thus ensuring a future for your people.

  2. While the Dogs of War think Hasim drivles on far too much and needs to shut up and remember that strong people don't have to justify themselves to the weak, we support him and this push. We hate capitalists, and we especially hate the ones that hide behind religious rhetoric to cover up their attempts to crush our violent way of life.

  3. your general membership doesn't seem ver communist to me. I looked at npo members and saw

    `Police state Heidenreich meant to preserve order and protect nationality

    `Valinor is a new nation that has formed out of the turmoil of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It's primary goals are the establishment of solid democratic and capitalistic principals at home and the defense and expansion of these ideals.


    Proud member of NPO, Imperium Titanopolis is an authoritarian, idealistic nation seeking to build A Better Tomorrow under the Guidance of Grand General Zadrek. The very Earth Itself will be Reforged in the Cause of The Right Order!

    why bother with ideology at all?

  4. What alliance are you in? New. Still figuring out who to join.

    Is your alliance allighned to any purple alliance? No. I'm in red sphere.

    What is your nation strength? 9.51

    How much do you value yourself? Proudly opposed to everything and everybody... including myself.

  5. I keep getting all these offers from alliances... 'we'll give you protection, money, leadership'... not interested. I want an alliance that is unashamedly violent and chaotic with a view for taking over all the world.

    I want guaranteed minimum hours, fixed term or permanent, free time on weekends, paid training and protective armaments supplied.

    I have a motorbike licence, am a competent motorbike rider and safety conscious, motivated, reliable, a team player, physically fit and energetic and familiar with many types of weapons.

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