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Pete McCavoy

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Posts posted by Pete McCavoy

  1. I have a littlebig list here. Not in any particular order, but still a list. :P



    Ogden Chichester





    Duncan King

    Anu Drake


    Uralica (aka Jarkko)


    Mick Jones




    ...and probably a few more that I can't think of atm...

    ...but most of all, I have to say: Admin

    Yes, Admin is the nicest person on CN - because he IS CN. If it weren't for him, well, yeah.

    o/ Admin

    no hakai or kry or cataudanes or penguin or drai?

    i dont even recognize most the people on that list.

  2. 01[18:28] <PeteCavoy> it is a word

    [18:28] <&Bob> Pete

    [18:28] <&Bob> you are a retard

    [18:28] <+BlackDragon[GATO]> Everyone get a bucket of chicken and sit down.

    [18:28] <@ZoomZoomZoom> you dumb$%&@

    [18:29] <+BlackDragon[GATO]> >_>

    [18:29] <&Bob> are you seriously arguing that it is fine to use that word

    [18:29] <@SpiderJ> Pete... There is a huge difference between saying the N word and the thing uranium said

    [18:29] <&Bob> because its just a word?

    01[18:29] <PeteCavoy> if it is meant jokingly

    [18:29] <@SpiderJ> but saying that word itself is also !@#$@#$ idiotic

    [18:29] <&Bob> There's clearly no power behind it

    [18:29] <&Bob> and it doesnt offend anyone

    01[18:29] <PeteCavoy> well pork is the one who began talking about racism

    01[18:29] <PeteCavoy> so she probably figured he was ok with it

    15[18:29] * UberSpion (someone@coldfront-702C181A.dsl.hrlntx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #cn-nemesis

    15[18:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +h UberSpion

    [18:30] <+Jotti> What?

    [18:30] <+Jotti> That's the most retarded logic I've ever heard

    [18:30] <@SpiderJ> lol... seriously

    [18:30] <@ZoomZoomZoom> .....

    [18:30] <Sethb[OV]> How stupid can you be Pete?

    [18:30] <+Jotti> Pete to put that in perspective

    [18:30] <Sethb[OV]> Honestly.

    [18:30] <+Jotti> That's like saying

    [18:30] <+Jotti> Since Pork had a gun holstered

    [18:30] <+Jotti> She thought it was ok to shoot him in the lung.

    01[18:30] <PeteCavoy> that is not a good metaphor at all

    15[18:30] * Twizzler (tjuliana@coldfront-B033F31B.cap.east.verizon.net) has joined #cn-nemesis

    15[18:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +h Twizzler

    [18:30] <+Jotti> Yes, yes it is.

    [18:31] <+Jotti> Regardless of the quality of the metaphor

    01[18:31] <PeteCavoy> no, because words only hurt as much as the recipient allows

    [18:31] <%QUIZ> no that's a horrible metaphor

    [18:31] <@ZoomZoomZoom> I thought it was spot on. Anything can be seen as good from what you just said.

    01[18:31] <PeteCavoy> bullets hurt whether or not i want them to


    [18:36] <+Jotti> Well, I find the whole ordeal very humorous

    [18:36] <@Magnum> As do I, good chap.

    [18:36] <+Jotti> And disecting the morals of it is subtracting from that humor

    [18:36] <+Jotti> So I'll stop

    01[18:36] <PeteCavoy> fine

    [18:36] <+Jotti> And enjoy


    OOC conversations on IRC between two people have no place on CN forums.

    in response to penlugue, he is trying to refer to the fact i wrote down the N word, and wrote after it asking if i am now a racist because i wrote that, figured i would leave that out as that word offends people, there you go, i dont see how that changes what was said, only proves that nemesis is so touchy they cant handle someone writing that word when it is being clearly used to prove a point.

    and magnum is referring to me saying i hate normans (in response to a claim that all whites are the same, i said i am anglo saxon, as opposed to caucasian) (btw, i dont hate normans, i was illustrating a historical point)

  3. Sure it was. He called polytheists ignorant in the same sentence he demonstrated his own ignorance in regards to the amount of polytheists in the world. The world's third largest religion is polytheistic. Some 700 million people.

    Well, it's not funny anymore, because I had to explain it. <_<

    funnies are dead nao )):

    also: EW still doesnt think it was a joke

  4. Voted for everything because I am not mature.

    Wouldn't it have been easier to make multiple threads with different polls for a more accurate response?

    If people were able to read/respect the directions, this would have sufficed just fine

    @EoW: was just a joke (well, sort of)

  5. Male, 33-45, Canada, Heterosexual, Christian, Married and (sort of) Employed.

    Is it just me, or does it seem that the OP works for eHarmony?

    I do not work for eHarmony, I am just interested in social studies and economics (and how it applies to this through sociology)

    Pete McCavoy, this poll is much better than the other one and pretty well done, considering the board limitations.

    Don't get too heated for some silly people's jokes: the forums are theirs also and it's their right to have fun according to their ways (and why give them that satisfaction, anyway?... ;) )

    I tried to make this poll better, people having fun at others expense (especially such worthless fun as that at the expense of a learning opportunity) is not something that I appreciate, or see as a right. This is why we cant have nice things ect.

    Male/22-25/West (US)/Bisexual/Atheist/Unmarried + College

    I'm a big fan of you having Humanist as a religious choice.

    Not a fan of you not having Hellenic Polytheism as a religious choice.

    I wanted to make it so agnostics could be more specific with their views

    I was not aware polytheists are still around in copious enough number to warrant that, nor was I aware someone that ignorant would own a computer (though monotheists arnt that different frankly)

    Interesting. Although location is not defined well.

    Sorry, I dont know how europeans define themselves, and I figured people on the east coast could decide for themselves if they considered themselves northern or southern.

    No, no we shouldn't. lol

    Agnosticism isnt a beleif, you should be more specific, what would you categorize yourself as if you are not an atheist?

    also: m/16-18/ohio/hetero/atheist (more to it than no god for me)/high school (obviously)

  6. Nominate Mia and Akasha.

    Akasha is the person who has been meaner to me than anyone else on CN, not even a close runner up. say i deserve it, i have done a lot less to her than i have to others, infact i have done nothing to her but highlight her on IRC and be disliked by an ally of hers.

    Jason8: First person to give me a chance at not being ZI'ed, and let me into his alliance

    Ejayrazz: idk, he has never really been mean.

    Electron Sponge: I expect to get yelled at, but he is really a nice guy.

    EDIT: Kryievla: had no reason to be nice to me as i was complaining to her about her alliance, she still was.

  7. I hate you all; very mature

    I apologize for trying to do something that would be intellectually interesting, and would only require you not be so insecure that you have to go around ruining things like this online. and of course an IQ higher than a houseplant.

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