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Posts posted by LtSoX

  1. The League Lithograph

    Date: 30/Mar/2008


    We have had a bit of a bumpy week this week. We have had a difficult time attracting the new members that we would have liked and we have lost a few nations because some people have decided to abandon the game and move on to pastures new. This means we have slipped back a little bit in terms of membership numbers.

    SoX is now back from his holiday and is a welcome addition back into our foreign affairs and we should have a major announcement in that area to make quite shortly.


    We have been making some adjustments to our aid programme based upon membership feedback lately and we are still planning on being flexible depending upon what our member nations eventually want. We altered it a while ago to increase forum activity but it hasn't really had the overall effect that we might have liked so we need to make a few alterations.

    Although our total alliance strength is still climbing we have lost a few smaller nations as people leave the game and a few members have been remaking their nations for resourcing issues so our membership numbers have dropped by 5 even though our strength has still increased.

    Foreign Relations

    We have had quite a big announcement this week introducing our bloc with -AiD-, OFS and OTF, called The Nexus Agreement.

    The announcement is here.

    Other than the bloc we have had quite a quiet week diplomatically.

    Military News

    Darksun has unfortunately resigned from the post of Tribune for War due to time pressures and he will be sorely missed because he was the best person we have had in that job for quite some time. The search for a replacement is well underway and he has left the section in good shape.

    We had another round of spying attacks on a few of our nations this week by some moronic cowardly toad who thinks themselves above the law. This time the flatulent piece of !@#$ got a big surprise when the attacks started to fail because we have armoured ourselves against them and almost discovered who the attacker was. We look forward now to them attempting it some more so we have an even better chance of discovering who they are and the pursuing the matter further.

  2. The League Lithograph

    Date: 16/Mar/2008


    Well, the political situation in the brown sphere has livened up somewhat in recent times with senate seats at a premium and the race to hold on to them becomming more and more competitive. So far the League seems to be quite quick out of the gate at senate voting along with our partners OTF and we even manage to keep our vote ahead of GATO for quite a lot of the time each month. Our surprise voting success will hopefully lead to an enlivened race in the future and lead to more organisation and political maneuvering on the brown sphere which all just helps to make it a more interesting place to live and a better option for new nations to choose.

    The League has had a very succesful week trading with the general public, internally and with CSN. TSully from CSN and Yamin have been very industrious setting up tech stars and organising deals. Vast quantities of tech and money have been changing hands and the initial feelings are very good that both sides are getting the benefit they want out of it. Well done to both! Undoubtedly this is something that will expand as its succes becomes more widely known in both alliances.


    We have started recruiting again as we try to push past our target of 100 members by Easter. We are so close but still just a tiny bit short. We have managed to expand out total alliance strength somewhat in the last week. After crossing into Tier 1 for the first time a week or so ago we are now well over 800k in total alliance strength and continuing to increase rapidly as our tech deals yield huge benfits to the younger members of the alliance leading to large and rapid increases in nation strengths.

    We now have trading forums as part of the League web site to tech deal with members of the public if anyone wants to drop by, register on the web site and then trade the address is: http://z3.invisionfree.com/LEN_Alliance/index.php?

    Our aid programme continues to give good benefits to the young members of the League and we are collecting more and more League Donators to help out on the programme. So far everything internally seems to be going according to plan.

    Foreign Relations

    Nothing particularly significant has happened in foreign relations over the last week except the odd diplomatic rumble about senate voting. Astro has started routinely reporting major Planet Bob events as newflashes to the League members which helps to keep everyone 'in the loop' as far as international events go and this is a very welcome addition to the facilities on our forums.

    Otherwise we have had a reasonably quiet week with no major incidents, no treaty's coming up for ratification and no emergent situations. We are running on quite an even keel which undoubtedly makes SOX's job a bit quieter for a change.

    Military News

    This is another section that I am quite pleased will be reasonably short - Darksun continues to advance military organisation and keep the boot camp running. We haven't had to go into battle at all in the last week to deal with any rogues. Mercifully we are not plagued with ghosts or muppets.

    Written by Daemon

  3. The League Lithograph

    Date: 09/Mar/2008


    We have passed a bench mark this week in League history - we not only managed to leapfrog over two alliances in the alliance statistics list posted on the big board but we also made the transition into the Tier 1 of alliances from Tier 2 because we are now officially above 750k alliance strength.

    Things inside the alliance continue to run very smoothly. We are setting up more and more trade arrangements with alliances like CSN because we are big enough and at the same time young enough to be top heavy in tech sellers so we are quite a good source of tech for buyers. Trade is our next big target to get organised well and Yamin is, so far, doing a very good job of staying on top of all the arrangements.


    I think most of the nations that are going to arrive from the League of City States to merge with us have probably done so and not many of the remaining nations will switch in the remaining couple of weeks of the temporary protectorate agreement. This means we now stand at over 90 members and over 750k alliance strength. We are quite a young alliance with plenty of members just starting out but that just means we are growing at quite a rapid rate and leap-frogging over other alliances regularly in the official lists.

    Our aid list continues to serve the needs of the League well and we have started recruitment efforts again now that the majority of the League of City States members have switched over to our alliance tag. We have a target of 100 members to reach at Easter that we set ourselves in the new year. We should be quite close to it either way but it would be nice to achieve it.

    Foreign Relations

    DeadMetal has finished paying his reparations to the League for poaching our members so we consider the issue now closed.

    We are now trying some new tech trading with CSN and the help of TSully. So far it seems to be working out for the benefit of everyone so we are very enthusiastic about the opportunity this presents to everyone in the League. Hopefully the system will be smoother and more efficient in future trade arrangements.

    We are pursuing negotiations with several alliances about treaty's at present so expect to hear more in future Lithographs as agreements are finalised.

    Military News

    Darksun has kept up a good work rate with his boot camp and military organisation. There have been no reasons to employ our military yet but they are ready to go and sharpening their knives as we speak and looking quite mean and threatening. Personally I always eat at a different table from the military boys because they scare the !@#$ out of me... and they are supposed to be on MY side!

    written by Daemon

  4. The League Lithograph

    Date: 02/Mar/2008


    We have had quite a bumper week really. The merger of the League of City States into the League of Extraordinary Nations is well underway and half of the members have made the transition boosting numbers and strength while maintaining our average nation strength at the same level as before.

    We have had several new members joining up due to good member references and the recruitment rewards scheme so we stand overall at 83 members and nearly three quarters of a million alliance strength. Hopefully well before Easter we will make the transition into the Tier 1 of alliances between 750k and 1M alliance strength and leap frog over a few other alliances. We have a friendly competition with our friends in OTF about who will get to 1M alliance strength first and it looks very close.

    I am finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with everything that happens daily on the forums now due to the overwhelming level of activity there. The trading forums are alive with tech deals going off, the discussion forums are a hive of activity and the general guest spam forums always provoke interesting debate and it is a real struggle to get around everything and keep my finger on the pulse.

    Moneyman from Pacifica continues to be a frequent visitor and welcome friend to our forums and is therefore worth a special mention in dispatches for his contribution.


    More members arrived from the League of City States increasing our members by over 10% and boosting our alliance strength by more than 125k. There are more people who will hopefully make the switch to the League alliance tag in the near future and we welcome them all.

    My new colleague in the Ministry of the Interior, JewelAngel has taken to the job extremely well and is beating me to admitting many of the new members, sending out welcome PM's and all manner of procedures. She lives in Australia so we pretty much have 24/7 coverage in the Ministry now which is very welcome given the active alliance we live in.

    We have suspended recruitment again due to the amount of people finding their own way to our doorstep. We have a target of 100 members by Easter and we should be pretty close to achieving that without great effort.

    Prodigal Moon, the ex-leader of the League Of City States has been ratified by the League in the position of Tribune for Education to capitalise on his obvious leadership abilities after maintaining his own alliance. The Lithograph welcomes his appointment and wishes his the best of luck in his new position.

    Foreign Relations

    DeadMetal of Sparta posted his official apology for poaching League members. We hold Sparta blameless in the whole issue and have nothing but respect for the way Sparta conducted diplomatic relations with us. They were extremely responsive and understanding and treated us with courtesy at all time.

    DeadMetal joined Sparta after being refused entry into the League (he was never a League member) and immediately sought to get his friends inside the League to switch to Sparta with him. DeadMetal is now in the process of paying his personal reparations to League members.

    There are attempts to get a mutual tech dealing arrangement going with CSN at the moment and both sides are working hard to get a system up and running for the benefit of all.

    On the treaty front it has been a quiet week, not much more than routine diplomatic contact has been maintained.

    Military News

    Darksun's boot camp continues to deliver benefits and he has updated the League military corps. More developments will surely come from his initiative. The League needs these enthusiastic and proactive Tribunes to drive innovation and change. Luckily we have not had to put any of the military to a serious test yet and hope not to have to for a long time to come.

    written by Daemon

  5. I think we (LEN) are starting to get known for not coming up with good treaty names...oh well! :P

    PIAT with Optional Defense


    In the interests of mutual peace, prosperity, friendship and cooperation, the Mighty Armed States of Honor, also known as M*A*S*H, and the League of Extraordinary Nations (LEN), henceforth known as the Signatories, do hereby declare the following agreement to be in effect as of [date] at 12:00:00am.

    Article 1 – Sovereignty

    A. Individual Nation and Alliance Sovereignty

    Both signatories recognize the quality and merit of the other. Therefore, they are to remain self-governing, in order to grow and prosper in separate but equally suitable directions. Both alliances remain sovereign and independent of each other, as do the members within each alliance.

    B. Treaty Sovereignty

    Both signatories recognize the value of treaties and respect the independence of the other signatory and their right to actively or passively seek and sign treaties with other alliances. The Signatories further agree to inform the other Signatory if any new diplomatic agreement could cause possible conflict with this current Agreement, and to do so at the first opportunity.

    Article 2 – Peace

    A. Current State of Peace

    A current state of peace is mutually observed and agreed to be in effect between the Signatories and that each Signatory joins into this contract of its own volition with the intent on preserving and maintaining peace.

    B. Diplomacy

    In the present and future, the Signatories will use diplomacy wherever possible to solve any disputes that may arise and dedicate themselves to preserving the peace between their alliances.

    Article 3 – Intelligence

    A. Information sharing

    It is the mutual desire of both parties to remain in contact in order to achieve the highest quality of diplomatic relations. They vow to do so on a regular basis with ambassadors, visits to offsite forums, and through the use of IRC Channels.

    In the spirit of teamwork, the signatories pledge to share all information that may be relevant with each other. They will not refrain from disclosing information to the other signatory provided that said information does not compromise the security of the originating alliance.

    B. Forum Security

    Forum security must be ensured so that any potentially sensitive information can be provided between signatories. Regular testing of the forums should occur

    C. Communication Channels

    Any official signatory alliance IRC channels shall be identified and provided to the other signatory for their reference and ease of use. Although this is not a requirement for the treaty, it is recommended for prosperity and efficiency.

    Article 4 – Prohibited Acts of Aggression

    A. Espionage

    That the Signatories agree that Espionage is a clear and present danger to lasting peace and they agree to prohibit it’s use against the other.

    Also, if a sovereign nation of a Signatory indulges in any form of espionage or spying against the other, it will be the responsibility of the offending signatory to inform the other of the event, and to discipline its member according to the rules and regulations of the Sovereign Nation's alliance.

    B. In-game spying

    If a sovereign nation of a Signatory indulges in spying against a member of the other signatory, it will be the responsibility of the offending signatory to inform the other of the event within 48 hours, and to discipline its member according to the rules and regulations of the Sovereign Nation's alliance.

    C. Acts of War

    The Signatories agree that their membership shall not indulge in tech raiding or any declarations of war on the other's membership.

    No member nation may aid the aggressor so long as that state of war exists. The victim of such attacks may not retaliate in any way for twenty-four hours following notification to their alliance of the war, to allow time for diplomatic resolution.

    Violators of this portion of the Agreement must immediately stand down from all attacks and prepare to pay reparations for damages caused as defined in Article 5. section F

    D. Taunting, flaming, baiting or inter-recruiting

    Taunting, flaming, baiting or recruiting members of the other signatory’s alliance, via in-game pm, on open forums, via IRC channels or during open conversations are examples of unacceptable behavior and these actions are prohibited by the signatories.

    Member nations who conduct in this behavior may to be ordered to provide a public apology upon request from the offended alliance and may be disciplined as determined by their home signatory alliance.

    Reparations for recruitment from another alliance are to be paid by the offending alliance in the value of no less than $3Million and 50 tech per nation recruited and the recruiting nation is to be evicted from the alliance.

    E. Rogue nations

    Nations that go rogue on a member of the other signatory alliance are to be held individually accountable for their actions, their nations expelled from their home alliance and tried accordingly. The offender’s original alliance cannot be held accountable for the actions of the rogue nation, however in the interests of peace, they are requested to provide financial support to the defending nation as defined in article 6

    F. Reparations

    Where necessary, reparations will be provided to the defending alliance by the offending signatory for 100% of all losses, at the victim's current costs for replacement of land, infrastructure, military, and technology. A reduction in the amount will be granted with the return of stolen technology, but only to the extent of the cost of said technology, not in he quantity.

    At the option of the payee, reparations payment can be made in combinations of cash and derivatives of technology, the amount to be calculated at the fixed rate of $1.25Million per 50 tech.

    Article 5 – Peacetime Aid

    A. Financial, Military, Diplomatic and Technological Aid

    The Signatories agree that in times of peace, they may ask for military, economic, diplomatic, political or technological aid from the other signatory through official channels and that these requests will be carefully considered and where possible provided. This may also include agreements in principle to form voting blocks for senate races.

    Article 6 - Wartime Aid and Optional Defense

    A. Financial, Military, Diplomatic and Technological Aid

    The Signatories are under no compulsion or obligation to come to the Other's defense in time of need, although this Agreement does not rule out that possibility.

    The Signatories are under no compulsion or obligation to provide aid, whether of military, economic, or diplomatic, to the other in time of need, although this Agreement does not rule out that possibility.

    A Signatory shall have the right to ask military, economic, or diplomatic aid in time of need of the other, however, ability to provide this by the other is not a guaranteed right, nor the inability to supply is grounds for cancellation of the Agreement.

    The Signatories agree not to aid enemies of the Signatories in times of war, whether mutual or individual enemies of the Respective Signatories. Such aid is defined as economic and military aid.

    Signatories shall be free to give such diplomatic aid that does not endanger the growth, prosperity or sovereignty of either signatory. When requested, any mediation activities by either signatory between alliances and their opponents shall not be perceived as aiding an enemy, but in deriving peace.

    Article 7 – Cancellation

    A. Reason

    Should one signatory wish to cancel the treaty, advance warning shall be provided as specified below and the detailed reasons for the potential cancellation shall be provided to the other signatory upon request. Any cancellation postings on Open World forums must be completed in a respectful manner.

    B. Treaty Failure

    Failure of either party to comply with the terms of Articles 4 may be considered just cause for immediate revocation of this treaty, at the other party's discretion. Should this treaty be so revoked by either alliance, a seventy-two hour grace period begins in which neither alliance may declare war on the other, after which no such rules apply.

    C. Advance Notice

    That this Agreement shall be in effect until cancelled or when superceded by a stronger treaty between the two signatories. Official cancellation requires 72 hours prior notice.

    D. Mandatory Non-Aggression period

    After cancellation of this treaty regardless of reason, a 3-day auto-terminating Non-Aggression pact, mirroring articles 2 & 4 comes into effect.


    For M*A*S*H:

    Flonker, Commanding Officer

    Tweak1029 and <--Chase-->, Executive Officers

    Colin Myrhh, Foreign Affairs Officer

    Col. Fitswilliam, Senior Drill Instructor

    PewterPirate55, M*A*S*H Senate Representative

    For LEN:

    Danish - Consul

    Illuminatus - Consul

    SoX - Tribune of Foreign Affairs

    Darksun - Tribune of War

    Daemon - Minister of Interior

    TheTemplar - Lord Chief Justice

  6. o/ LEN!! Congratulations guys, I know you'll give the newcomers a warm welcome :D
    Congratulations on the merge. May it be swift. ;)

    Thanks both of you, we are trying to make this a quick process, the 30 day protectorate is just a safety clause for the more inactive members of LCS.

    Ro! :awesome:

  7. is that an OOC attack ?

    not a good idea, For your information i was not trolling just pointing out something i found funny.

    Oh, so now your pulling the innocent card? Good one, please just let this topic be, and don't post anymore Timeline.

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