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Posts posted by b3x

  1. The difference is we hope that individual learns from them and betters him- or herself rather than taking a stance of expulsion from this world as you can see our opponents believe in by the quotes you can find in my signature.

    as many of you saw to cleanse planet bob of the "lulz alliances", that cleansing is now being pointed in your direction ... turnabout is fair play. sorry, but having been on the receiving end of that gun myself, i have little sympathy for those who once pointed that gun at me.

    a lot of men find god on death row, but that doesn't mean they should be let free ...

  2. ...which legitimizes your criticism of Vox how? We at Vox have a simple war of words surrender policy. All you have to do is say: "I concede," and you're free to move along with your life, maintaining perhaps more respectability than you did prior to such a statement.

    my criticism of Vox is this: The perception right now is that your nothing but an extension of Polaris. A sour grapes effort to make certain people uncomfortable before Polaris disbands, or is reduced to a tech farm. Yes, a lot of people are also unhappy with the politics, but your growth is slowing, as a lot of people now see it for what it is: a perma-zi list with no chance of doing anything but making a lot of noise on the forums.

    i wish you luck in your endeavor to change the political culture, but even if you succeed, certain elements of your membership will fall right back into the same old pattern of behavior that they showed in the past.

  3. Times change. People change. People should not always be confined to their sin's as long as they show remorse and attempt to fix their mistakes. That is what all of Vox is doing. Fixing our mistakes and doing something we should have done before.

    I have yet to see an ounce of contrition. Given the circumstances, it would be difficult to consider any words to that affect as sincere. Signing up for perma-zi isn't showing remorse, it's giving up.

  4. The past is the past B3X and no one can change that but that does not mean we should just sit by and not do anything about the present and future. As far as Sponge, regardless in his role in creating this climate he now wants to change it and that is all that matters right now.

    he only wants to change it because he is gonna be someones tech farm in the near future.

  5. again ... as long as Electron Sponge is in Vox Populi all this whining about CB's, and one side piling on ... doesn't hold any water. You all owe him thanks for creating the current culture. this is his doing. Just wait til surrender terms ... then you can really thank him for setting the standard.

  6. late me make something clear. no where did i say i supported the current culture, i was merely pointing out the way things work, and that people ought not complain about things that they had previously used to their advantage. given the previous affiliations of a lot of the Vox Populi membership, it is surprising to hear that they don't like the "might makes right" system, as they flourished under it. seems like many people don't mind things as long as it is working in their favor. considering my previous affiliations (an original Fark greenlighter, and later \m/ during UJP) I have been on both sides of the massacres that are called wars around here, and i think the alliance/nation politics are horribly broken.

    in fact i make it no secret that i don't care for it one bit, and thats why i have been labeled "anti-orders". while i wouldn't say i was anti-orders, i can understand why that label is used: it is to instill a fear of repercussions for vocalizing my opinions. like i said in many of the Nor threads ... there is no freedom of speech, and OOC is only off limits if it suits your agenda. Destroying fascists for being fascists is fascism.

    hypocrisy and fascism are the rules of the land ...

  7. And our point is that many of the people of planet bob do not like that form of "politics" and are now making a stand to try and fix it.

    Just because you are content to sit by and do nothing about a bad situation does no mean we should do the same.

    oh, earlier it was said that you didn't have a plan, and the perception is that the plan is to bring down NPO, because they aren't covering the checks that polaris likes to write. so, in actuality, you are trying to change the entire culture of planet bob? ya, well good luck with that. once you get to 15 times your current size, you might have a shot at it. i wait with anxious anticipation.

  8. Despite what you may prefer in a Casus Belli, without justification for your actions, you deserve no respect or support. That's the primary message that you need to understand. You can declare war on whoever you want, but at the end of the day, it shows us what alliances have a sense of justice and which ones have a sense of treachery.

    wrong, or very naive. if i want to roll you, cause i don't like you. and my friends don't like you or are indifferent, then we can all roll you. anyone who doesn't like it can either shut up or get rolled too. this is politics in CN. trying to complicate things with "real" reasons for doing things is silly. these are not adults, there are no long term consequences considered here, this is all high school level cliques and behaviors. you guys and your "legitimate reasons" , how about this: you sat in my seat in the cafeteria, so me and the rest of the football team are gonna kick your $@! in 8th period study hall.

  9. Except that I will just refer you to every last one of the various logs showing the completely inane nature of Casus Belli, and then I'll sit back and laugh as you continue to try to justify this war to us. (Obviously we're understanding folks, we know there's such a thing as a difference of opinion. There's also such a thing as a completely absurd argument, and that's exactly what you're dealing with when you think about your CB).

    when are people going to wise up ... a CB means nothing, and they are all fabricated BULLSH*T when it comes down to it. Finally we are starting to see some intellectual honesty, and people are just saying, "we want to roll you, we can roll you, so we are going to roll you". Personally, I find this much better than 200000000 million lines of irc logs, and screenshots of private forums.

  10. ...because some things are more important than pixels.

    Polaris , or specifically Sponge, is directly responsible for the current political climate. For members of polaris to claim they are victims of oppression is ridiculous. what you are victims of is your own actions. Killing off the alliances that maintained balance, and created hatred for polaris was stupid. by trying to weaken pacifica, you only made them stronger. all those members of the disbanded and defeated alliances went were? everywhere but polaris. the untrust that was once contained, and easily monitored, was transformed into outright disdain and spread throughout every other alliance.

    after this fails ... whats your next move? have admin do a reset?

  11. and to think .. most of these people were part of the "lulz alliance purge", and here they are lulz'ing it up. while, i rather miss the lulz in this game, i find that any group of people standing up to tyranny which includes Electron Sponge cannot be taken at face value. no one person in this game personifies tyranny, intolerance, and oppression better than Sponge.

    i applaud your ideas, but the execution of your plan is seriously undermined by the lack of integrity. to defend polar, and attack pacifica under the guise of defeating tyranny is hypocritical, and just plain stupid.

    with that said, my take is that all you wanna do is create headaches for NPO, and basically create a perpetual state of war for your members. so far, i would say that you are much more successful in the latter, than the former.

  12. That's something called preparation for a war. Maybe that's not in your vocabulary. XD

    We ride to war to honour the treaties of our friends, not to make our name heard by means of testing the big guns' ammunitions. Our decision is a logical one, and anyone here who knows what an MDAP is will know that in the state of war, that must be honoured for the sake of the alliance.

    In light of our declaration, we shall fight to the bitter end.

    I know I'm goign down, it's no secret, but I'm gonna go down fighting damn it.

    o/ GLOF to the very end.

    looks like a lot of nations appreciate you adding your defensive slots to the pool ...

  13. Actually our casus belli in the Unjust War was rock solid. Genmay attacked one of our protectorates. Were we planning for the possibility of war? We'd be idiots if we didn't.

    Please continue to expound upon subjects which you have absolutely no knowledge of though.

    or maybe we ought to delve in territory that you don't know much about: vertebrae, they usually form spines...

  14. Bizzaro is a comic book reference though, superman to be exact, so his statement is perfectly valid.

    could also be a Seinfeld reference, or a cartoon reference. i personally have never read a Superman comic book, yet i know of, and understand the "bizarro" concept. So, no it is not a valid statement. reading comic books has nothing to do with it.

  15. I'm trying to understand the "Bizarro JT," part but my guess is I would have to read a whole lot of comic books to figure that one out.

    understanding pop culture doesn't make someone a comic book geek. your mumbling innuendo is in a word: weak.

  16. I have never had more trouble deciding which quote of yours to sig.

    you are a bizarro JT ... every time you post it negates his genius. like a black hole sucking up all the matter .. leaving only dark. it's an amazing thing to behold,

  17. What's that lassie? Some little nerd doesn't have a life but has nerd gaming skills!!

    this is CN it doesnt require gaming skills. it does however help if you have a puffy shirt and a hat with feathers in it.

  18. effectively doomed your inevitable re-roll for less than one-fifth of one percent damage to us

    so confident you will be able to sniff out his re-roll?

    don't ignore me sugar, you know how sensitive i am.

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