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Posts posted by Elegarth

  1. 1 hour ago, Audustum said:


    Every post your alliance makes lately leads me to the conclusion that RandomInterrupt failed immeasurably in training you people to be flamers.


    And every post from NPO is actually making me physically pine for Ivan to be in charge again.  The new generation leaves a lot to be desired.

    Grow up, man, this isn't the 2000's anymore :P

  2. 23 hours ago, Hime Themis said:

    Death Adder


     Really more damage? I will bet nuking for a 100 days does more damage. Three on one is worthless If I have nothing to steal. Thus nice one on one nuke war. Guess who wins that.

    No buffoon but you cannot attack without deploying some of your troops. You were aware of that right?


     Brilliant you knew Karma was coming and really had no option to prevent yourself getting rolled. We knew Umbrella was eventually coming after us and we had equally no options so maybe your stupid point was just that stupid. This is the end of BOB the reasonable nature of past wars goes completely out the window so your posturing about how to fight a war is about 3 years out of date. There is no 5 more years with 4300 people left, this is the way wars will now go no peace and dancing around the maypole. You peacing out NADC anytime soon?? Stop being a hypocrite.


    Dame Hime Themis



    As the guy who drove the NPO academy for a while, former bankers, tech expert, etc etc etc I would explain you how hardly ignorant you are showing to be, but I'm also lazy and retired.


    Let's just do this... Say you are able to nuke once a day for 100 days and each nukes does 1000 damage. The numbers are not real. After 100 days you did 100000 damage.

    If you also happen to keep your infra and get a couple GAs in once and then, in the say first 10 or 20 days, each for a 100 damage, after 100 days you'll have the 100000 damage from nuking PLUS the 2000 damaged from the days you were able to GA.




    That is math bro.

    Also quick advise: proof read your posts. If you proof read it and it sounds like you, just scrap the draft and go get a cup of coffee while your nation burns down.

  3. I've been saying that Letum is the embodiment of wordy incompetence since 2007. It's about time someone started to listen to me. If you don't believe me, just ask TPF. I'm sure they can tell you a little something about his leadership style.


    Also, running scared NPO? Back in the day you could at least say you had a spine. That NPO wouldn't have backed off due to an idiotic stunt from BONES. Then again, each successive emperor of yours has embodied your steady decline. I would say you've hit rock-bottom with Letum, but I know your membership all too well. When's it going to be Branimir's turn 

    No, Rock Bottom was when we had you. Thankfully, you and your unstoppable whining left!

  4. If you people believe two alliances that were allied for years end up on separate sides of the deal by the actions of solely one of them, you people are trying to stretch reality to much to accommodate a dumb incomplete argument just for the sake of doing it. Is quite childish and even a little sad, but if that's all there is to it, I guess you people are free to do so...


    Now well, I do must say that I was saddened when the treaty was canceled and I'm also saddened to see TPF and NPO now in a war... The fact that someone is a war target does not means it is my enemy... Good luck, TPF. Godspeed!

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