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Posts posted by Bernardo

  1. MK deserve no props for doing the minimum of what was required to salve the bitter wounds we opened with our conduct. Good friends may have accepted our apology and moved down the road to forgiveness, but the stain of these events should act as a stain upon our memory, to serve as a reminder that our actions are the tools with which we are to be judged.


    I would like to thank the members of the two alliances that accepted our apology. OneBallMan is correct - offering an apology for unacceptable behavior should be the norm in a civilized society, not something which is recognized as an unusual action.

    I have been known to send my bombers to air-drop chocolates on various nations as a friendship gift, but in the current climate such an operation might be seen as the start of hostilities.

  2. Disrespectful and vulgar behavior has consequences. Maybe this matter will convince some of the truth of that statement, or at least compel them to be more respectful in the future. I am sick and tired of the OWF being a cesspit of degradation and assorted crudity. These days, intelligent debate is insulted and degraded rather than encouraged. That needs to change; and those who involve themselves in such behavior need to consider becoming more constructive in dialogue.

    After reading Crymson's comment, my first thought was "Why is he discussing the US House of Representatives in this thread about NpO and \m/?" Then I read it a second time and realized that he was referring to "OWF".

    Maybe that is the problem: too many CN players watch CSPAN.

  3. It's not a war because we only attack once guys come on don't judge athens like that it's only a raid not a war.

    Everyone, we must take pity on Athens. There must be a punctuation and capitalization shortage in the alliance, as seen by Londo's post. They clearly need to tech raid to purchase "A"'s, as well as "," and ";".

    In the interest of peace in the Aqua sphere here are a few "A"'s to help you out, Londo, during your period of need.




  4. A Word About Surrender Terms.

    It's nothing we should be concerned with.

    I very much disagree. A Buddhist or a Hindu teacher would agree with your analysis:

    Let's explore these scenarios: if we (meaning Karma as a coalition) give NPO lenient terms and they decide they will rise up and be masters of their own fate and everyone else's, I think they'll find that everyone else has had enough of that, thank you, and take arms much sooner than they had previous. They may even try a sneaky plan to isolate and destroy the alliances that put them there one by one. It will eventually get figured out, and the longer it takes, the more it'll snowball. (Even if this becomes a problem in 2011.)

    If we disband NPO or offer horrible terms (and I know, no one can 'force' an alliance to disband) then the alliances that are responsible will have to face the mob that didn't really want that to happen. They will answer to it sooner or later. It will balance itself, as the law always does. (There is, btw, a third option, which involves giving exactly the right terms. Which, if that happens, then it'll all be fine anyhow.)

    For Karma is like physics: For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.

    But they would say that your analysis is incomplete.

    By bringing about the defeat of NPO and being in a position to give them surrender terms, Karma (as a coalition) has taken on itself a karmic debt for NPO. The Buddhist teachers would then argue that it is the responsibility of those whom decide on the surrender terms (and in a sense your responsibility and my responsibility through these forums) to create just and fair surrender terms. Those who impose surrender terms on NPO are to some degree responsible for the future actions of NPO.

    This is why many Buddhist or Hindu teachers do not want to accept new students. Accepting a student means accepting a degree of the responsibility for the actions of the student.

    So there is a fourth option: not to impose surrender terms, but to have a peace agreement. A peace agreement in which NPO acknowledges that it disturbed the peace of Planet Bob by it's actions, that it wishes to have cordial relations with all nations and alliances on Planet Bob, and that it makes a set of choices - without surrendering - to do a variety of things. (Such as reducing military forces, providing gifts to other nations, ending wars, and so forth). As this is not an act of surrender, there is no karmic debt placed on the alliances and nations of the coalition known as Karma.

    It is my sense that asking for the members of Hegemony to propose a peace agreement or having the Karma Coalition offer a peace agreement rather than demanding them to accept surrender terms would avoid the karmic entanglements which I personally would prefer to avoid.

    (At one point in my life I desired to become a Bodhisattva, but then I realized that was just another desire. Now I just cook meals, do grocery shopping, teach and play browser games.)

  5. I have spent months building up to finally buy in the last few months a SDI and a MP. The first time someone fires a nuke at me, the SDI let it through.

    I'm willing to bet that when I return fire his SDI will block my glow stick.

  6. socialism? fascism? we might as well be discussing the divine right of kings or the seperation of Church and State in the 15th century.

    too many people still have their minds stuck in 20th century concepts that do not fit an era of transhumanism and the coming singularity

  7. The MHA has friendships throughout Planet Bob. It saddens us when a cataclysmic war erupts among alliances with whom we have cordial relationships. We do not desire to go to war - but we will respond if some Alliance attacks us or one of our closely allied alliances as described in the original post in this thread.

    And then "Harmless" transforms to "Harmful".

  8. Interesting topic, as the "Next Great War" has not even started, no one knows whom is on which sides, no one knows which Alliances will manage to stay neutral, or even what the CB will be.

    Gavrilo Princip did have to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria to get World War I rolling.


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