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Charlie Manson

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Posts posted by Charlie Manson

  1. I vote yes because I like borders and maps and stuff 'cause I think they're interesting. Although I think there should be a whole nation or several nations to represent all of the smaller alliances not included as they are part of the game too. A CN-risk or diplomacy would be fun to play in Starcraft.

  2. Wow. Maybe it's just cause I don't spend much time on the CN forums (and considering the amount of stuff like this, small wonder why) but it's absolutly incredible that this particular horse was killed, beaten, flogged, run over, trampled, etc. untill the bones are nothing more than dust.

    1. TPF led TC in declareing war on NoV.

    2. NoV calls the TPF/TC CB a bunch of BS

    3. Everyone has point/counterpointed this thing to hell and gone.

    4. There are a few threads and a few hundred pages deicated to this now.

    5. No one is swaying anyone anymore.

    The arguments having been made, remade, reremade and everyone having a name or two thrown at them, can we please just get on with the war and find something else to yap about?

    If you wage war and utterly destroy an alliance for bogus out of game reasons (with crappy evidence for your out of game reasons to boot) then the least you could do is have the courtesy to not to tell them to shutup.

  3. Ok, sorry about being nubs about this, but I have run into another speed-bump. I attempted to reroll my nation only to keep the bad-rep-name I was trying to escape from in order to start off with a clean slate (thinking the nation-name space was ruler-name when I rolled). I know that it is possible to get a new name because I did a while ago, but I don't remember how. Can I please have my ruler, nation, etc deleted, so I can start over with a clean slate? I beg of you there's no point in being stinky 'ol Charlie Manson and continuing to exist in CN.

  4. I'm getting real sick of alliances attacking people for being rerolls of former enemies and for RL beliefs and out-of-CN forums. It's ridiculous and it's turning a once awesome simulation game into a personal attack on real life people. Please stop attacking people for RL things or this will soon no longer be a simulation game at all, but just a place for RL drama and character assassinations. :gag:

    Doesn't mean you have to stop the war just make peace and redeclare war and change the CB to some roleplaying reason and carry on, although it'd be cool if you ceased your attacks and apologized for making CN less enjoyable than it potentially could be. <_<

  5. Ok, so what if it isn't a fake and NoV lied? So what? It still doesn't justify the OOC reason for war. And if an alliance made a bogus declaration of war against me I'd lie to avoid the utter annihilation of my alliance too. Lying is not as bad as dying.

  6. I really liked this point that was made by Shatt on another thread and I think that it is relevant in this discussion.:

    (Schattenmann @ May 13 2008, 09:46 AM)

    Just like TPF and GOONS; NPO knew who they were in bed with in their ties to NoV and didn't drop it for months and months. Shall tC expel and declare on NPO for holding up NoV for so long? For supporting them and therefore the NAZIs they "harbored?"

  7. I really liked this point and thought I'd bring it up again incase people didn't want to read or missed Shatt's entire post.:

    Just like TPF and GOONS; NPO knew who they were in bed with in their ties to NoV and didn't drop it for months and months. Shall tC expel and declare on NPO for holding up NoV for so long? For supporting them and therefore the NAZIs they "harbored?"
  8. That is something to speak to the mods about although I doubt they'd take too kindly to nations rerolling to dodge in-game warnings.

    No, not to dodge the warning, but I'm curious just because rerolling was something I was planning to do before the warning, and I won't be able to claim that I'm a new nation with a fresh slate if I have that ugly thing sticking out on my extended page.

  9. From a practical stance it would have to be. If they delete and we can't figure out who they are, we can't very well continue attacking them, can we?

    You and your alliance's whole viewpoint has really taken the roleplaying outta this roleplaying game. Bummer.

  10. Then do you care to explain all of the OOC nonsense that TPF has posted in its channel with the title of "think the war against NoV is unjustified?" The one that is then followed by screen shots that supposedly prove that NoV is infested with Nazis. You and I both know exactly what this war is about. Don't try to spin it otherwise.

    Oh thank God. What a relief. :rolleyes:

    GATO is old news, so why don't you switch your AA to NoV already?

  11. Although I do not agree with the length of his post I feel that zzzptm may be a real visionary (out of character).

    EDIT: I also sorta float in the whole "Unbalanced wars are immoral" boat, so a problem there too.

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