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Posts posted by BlkAK47_002

  1. [quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1281331858' post='2406633']
    *Golf clap*

    Anarchy, hoo boy. However did we survive such[i] crushing [/i]blows. I'll never know.

    A tip for the future: If you have a warchest, Anarchy is pretty much irrelevant. I know GDA didn't keep warchests as a matter of course, but it's 2010 now. Not 2007.

    Gotta punch everyone's dance card somehow. And they have a larger membership base and more numerous lower tier than us, so CSN could reach out and touch some of you we didn't have the members to get to.

    You thought so, what, that GDA was competent militarily? You made [i]GGA[/i] look like budding Alexanders.


    First off, You putting words in my mouth doesn't make your point stick.

    Second, You admit you needed CSN to beat us

    Third, Your boys that I took down barely had warchests either

    Fourth, Though I agree with your poor GGA joke comment it is a bit exaggerated, I know you're trying to be funny to give more appeal to your post but it was a little much.

    As I said before and will say again since you failed to understand me the first time:

    Due to my performance during Karma I feel I have a right to speak on such matters. I have two beatdowns on you, and you have none on me.

    I'd rather not take it further than that at the risk of derailing the thread.

  2. [quote name='Aurion' timestamp='1281330815' post='2406565']
    It's always hilarious to see ex-GDA trying to talk down about anyone's military.
    Well since I was one of the only people there to blitz at update and, anarchy 2 of your nations a day after update I think I have to right to talk.

    Also if the GDA was so terrible then why did you need CSN to blindside us?

    Yeah, I thought so. It's hilarious that you think you won that war on your own.

  3. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1281328878' post='2406447']
    [color="#0000FF"]What war effort? Are you telling me that haphazardly piling nations on us is keeping you busy? Really? Well, I'm certainly enlightening. For just a moment there I thought there was no coordination going on at all.
    Of course they consider it a war effort.

    The NS gap is smaller than last time. They actually have to focus this time around!

  4. [quote name='agafaba' timestamp='1281040430' post='2401967']
    I would say that Planet bob would be a better place if more alliances fought for their ideals as far as they could, not less.
    If an "Alliance" had been fighting for their ideals over half of them wouldn't have left.

  5. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1279997123' post='2387586']
    The 'target' mentioned were individual nations, not the AA itself. Their AA did not meet specific criteria within our charter and was not considered a valid 'alliance' in our eyes. Now, Sard's use of the word 'rogue' may have been a bit ill-advised here, and although the definitions are basically the same (ie. an unaligned nation conducting attacks on established alliance members), I believe the word has gained enough negative connotations within the CN community that it unintentionally places the retaliating nations in a category they don't belong in.
    That fact that you don't consider them an alliance because of your charter doesn't seem to be helping you arguement.

  6. [quote name='kotic' timestamp='1279925348' post='2386652']
    Well didn't see that coming but when your NPOs lacky I guess it's good to atleast be on the same color. Well looks like invicta is now open for raiders
    I didn't know that moving to a sphere that you feel more comfortable on made you someones lacky.

  7. [quote name='Galvatron' date='23 July 2010 - 07:31 PM' timestamp='1279927900' post='2386688']


    I am Galvatron of Vector Sigma, High council & co-founder of NUF

    Today is the end of a chapter, but so begins another.
    The Nations United for Freedom (NUF) was created on 5/14/2009, 433 days ago.
    Our members were all active military command and government members from our previous alliance, all powerful in their own right.

    Due to irresolvable differences with our previous alliance, our only choice was to leave on our own as many had did, or band together and not let the years of our friendship, as true allies, disappear. We chose to stay together.

    Throughout the year we lost several members whose nations were swallowed by the black hole somewhere on planet bob, I believe near the Bermuda triangle.

    A few months ago we posted looking for merge candidates; we had a lot to offer and just wanted to find the place we could call home and be the most comfortable at, not to mention someplace fun! During this time, Myself and several of our members met many new people and learned much more about several alliances... many of them are people/alliances I hope to have contact with well into the future.

    I thank you all for your time and hope to continue our new friendships.
    I also would like to thank Nueva Vida for all of their support.

    Our search for like minded allies has brought us full circle, and we found an alliance with some of our old friends (Ex-Gda’ers like ourselves) that were willing to bend and slightly reshape their alliance to welcome us in a true ‘Merge’.

    The Nations United for Freedom is hereby merged with The Conservative Underground (TCU) .
    We have opted to keep the alliance name “The Conservative Underground”

    NUF closes its doors with 799,878NS & an AvgNS of 61,529

    Our strength and years of experience will now be combined with that of TCU’s, to help each other become stronger in many aspects - along with the fun it will bring for all.

    Signed by, co-founders & High Council;
    -King Neil

    NUF o/

    As a Lieutenant Governor of The Conservative Underground, I extend thanks to every TCU member that has made us feel at home so far.
    I assure you that I and your new Director of Defense, King Neil shall always keep the alliances, and every one of its members interests first and foremost.

    Hail TCU o/


    With our old home gone, we cannot return life to our alliance. But fate has yielded its own reward: a new world to call home. We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them, waiting....protecting. I have witnessed their capacity for courage, and though we are worlds apart, like us, there's more to them than meets the eye.

    I am Galvatron, and I send this message to any surviving ex-GDA taking refuge among planet Bob : We are here. We are waiting.

    I'll truly miss all of my NUF Comrades and hope that we can be united under the same banner once again someday.

    But for now my path leads me in a different direction.

    o/ NUF!!!

  8. [quote name='Lamuella' date='23 July 2010 - 07:51 PM' timestamp='1279929072' post='2386717']
    oh excellent, everyone! BlkAK47002 is here to entirely misunderstand the thread and jump to a conclusion that 2 minutes reading could have avoided! Now the party can REALLY start!
    Awww man do I love the ones who use the simple "You didn't read the thread!" tactic followed by a poor attempt at sarcasm. Ive seen you GOON arguing in circles about people who have challenged you on this issue that makes up a large portion of these 11 pages.

    You press because people aren't buying it, I am not buying it. And this will continue because people are becoming fed up with your antics.

  9. [quote name='nippy' date='23 July 2010 - 01:06 AM' timestamp='1279861582' post='2385478']
    Arisen? You act as if this were a new thing. People have been complaining about techraiding since its inception. There will always be an opposition to any opinion.
    I meant your tech raiding specifically. You raid smaller alliances who can't fight back because of the risk of being curb stomped. Then to get peace they have to come to your forums and beg for mercy.

  10. [quote name='nippy' date='22 July 2010 - 11:46 AM' timestamp='1279813547' post='2384466']
    Haha...'this has been verified'. You mean, they shared their opinions?

    No matter. We [i]current[/i] techraiders are finding business quite lucrative (wow you called that one). Those fools that 'used to techraid but quit because they sucked at it' are not magical fact factories, and their opinions are no more or no less valid as everyone else's.
    Business will continue to be lucrative....for a time. My only concern is the amount of complaints that have arisen about your raiding habits.

    Inevitably you will piss off the wrong group of people.

  11. [quote name='SiCkO' date='21 July 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1279765639' post='2383842']
    it's the lack of any real tension in CN, the ESA pretty much shattered what remained of NPO's kingdom and so now people need something to scream and yell about.
    I think there's plenty of tension. Not enough to spark a war though :(

    [quote name='Alistair Thorrington' date='22 July 2010 - 12:54 PM' timestamp='1279817653' post='2384509']
    Because my opinion is important.
    Not as long as you rock that Justin Bieber avatar :D

    [quote name='Banksy' date='21 July 2010 - 10:43 PM' timestamp='1279766580' post='2383869']
    No, I'm Spartacus.
    Lies!! We all know Spartacus is a member of the Roman Empire :mad:

  12. [quote name='Alonois' date='20 July 2010 - 11:51 PM' timestamp='1279684263' post='2381983']
    No one "blamed them" for retaliating or said it was wrong. In fact wuss said "which is fine." They then took it to uninvolved goons, thus involving them and the rest of the alliance in the fight. They responded by attacking everyone they could in the alliance, we responded in kind. We also gave them a way to stop the fight.

    The person who was negotiating jumped ship to the Cult.
    Of course they responded by attacking everyone they could, Had it been either of of us when we first joined the game we probably would've done the same thing. That's the problem with raiding young alliances. Most of them don't know what to do or how to respond and when they try, they are beaten down. They people ask you "why?" and you say "because the fought back"

    [quote name='mrwuss' date='20 July 2010 - 11:33 PM' timestamp='1279683169' post='2381937']
    The problem started when U.S.S.R. randomly attacked non offending nations. Which again is a choice they made and the response was to make sure they learned a lesson from it.
    Sounds pretty much like you blamed them to me.

  13. [quote name='mrwuss' date='20 July 2010 - 11:45 PM' timestamp='1279683937' post='2381969']
    What would you do in the same situation?

    Kowtow and apologize while watching several nations that did not have a hand in the original scuffle suffer?
    Yes, If you raid a young alliance that doesn't know the general standards that we go by in these type of situations, Can you really blame them for retaliating?

  14. [quote name='mrwuss' date='20 July 2010 - 11:33 PM' timestamp='1279683169' post='2381937']
    Oh, I see you don't understand the situation but somehow have formed a biased opinion on it!


    U.S.S.R. was a raid target, one of the members was raided and he retaliated, which is fine. Typically we let the person who provoked the counter-attack deal with their own problems.

    The problem started when U.S.S.R. randomly attacked non offending nations. Which again is a choice they made and the response was to make sure they learned a lesson from it.

    Anything else I can catch you up on before you spout uneducated nonsense?
    So basically you attack a smaller alliance, they fight back, and you crush them? Real badA$$ GOONS.

  15. [quote name='Shoofly' date='17 July 2010 - 02:27 AM' timestamp='1279348025' post='2375595']
    This is a great quote. People will always think this because NPO came the closest to actually winning CN. But are they evil? Of course not.
    They actually did, But the game wasn't over when they won.

    It's like playing Civilization, winning a Domination victory, then getting conquered afterward. Hasn't happened to me yet though :D

    [quote name='kriekfreak' date='17 July 2010 - 04:12 AM' timestamp='1279354311' post='2375656']
    How cute coming from a wannabee gangstah :smug:
    Once again your insults fall short. Probably due to the fact that you looked up my nation and insulted me based on an Ingame persona created 4 years ago.

    Good Job. :awesome:

    Keep trying Kriekfreak I'm sure you'll come up with something devastating.....eventually

    I won't hold my breath though. :smug:

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