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Posts posted by Robertraccoon

  1. Wait one minute, he choose to make his first post this, not me he did, a quick review of forum rules guideline wiki's will give you a general idea of whats going on, he joined the forum Today, 02:53 PM and at 2:58 PM, we have this joy.

    One of 2 things is going on, I'll let you choose.

    1 He's a new nation never bothered to read a thing and decided to post...

    2 He's a re-roll trying to be funny, that or he's being guided..

    In either case he just brought a ton of attention to himself, is it good or bad, I guess time will tell.

    Well if he is not in an alliance he is a large landraid target. Other then that I guess its meh. I tried to hire mercenaries myself in the past, like way back. I only made $300 a day though and thats all he got.

  2. Could we at least get a little warning before things get changed?? What does Bob say?

    Bob says we now do. We all got notices on are nations front pages this morning telling about this very feature being added.

  3. It's easy to say "you're a bad player if you can't do good with bad resources". The fact is that people who have better resources than you don't have to put up with your bad resources. This is intrinsically unbalanced. So it makes sense for people to restart the game over and over again until they get good resources. That being said it's not because you have bad resources in themselves that you cannot have good overall trades to more than make up for it. People with eg lead and rubber can still get very good trades because they are both needed for that 8 bonus resource combination. Even so there are still people who have a much, much harder time to get decent trades than others and not due to lack of trying.

    I stand by my belief that the only fair system is to have a dynamic set of resources where once every so often the resources are randomly switched.

    thats a neat idea, you should put that in the suggestion box.

    There definitely though needs to be a balance in the resources.

  4. Still telling people that they should have better trades is like telling a bum on the street to get a job. There are reasons why it may not be working out for them. First there are not enough of the good resources everyone wants, that are available to go around. Then you have people who are unlucky to have the "bad" resources, that still have the rep even though they have been made better.

  5. All this stuff about land being better now is just lies. Land still sucks hard. I just bought 200 land (went from 3600 to 3800) and my income increased by 10,600/day. With a price tag of 29,000,000, that 200 land is going to take 7.5 years to pay itself off.

    I wonder if being able to sell land like tech by aiding it would help. If it does it may help get some people out trouble if they have a lot to sell to other nations.

  6. no, surely not. get your facts straight.

    You import no Uran, you have no nukes.

    The only thing I can see hurting your env is Coal/Oil import, but 1 of these is already equaled out by Water. So, the only thing that should affect you is the GRL and 1 env penalty from your trades. You want to tell me 2 env hurting your nation with -30 happiness. Tell that someone else, thats simply not true. Examples and statements like this make people believe "this update is horrible", while it is in fact not.

    What about people that have those resources, or both it happens a lot, and they are out of luck even if they are hundreds of days old. Most will probably be forced to restart until a change is made to those resources.

  7. This change BLOWS!

    It makes maxing out your soldier count a crap shoot before the "overly strong" penalty kicks in. Here's an idea: Make the environment have no effect on population whatsoever. Make it a pure happiness effect instead.

    That would be nice, The pop change is a huge hit, and will be hard to ever recover from.

  8. The Daily Raccoon

    Recession Hits Planet Bob

    May 19, 2008

    Today Coonasian citizens have gone into a state of panic as a global economic crash takes grip on planet Bob. The leader of Coonasia Robertraccoon has declared a state of emergency, and has deployed soldiers to parts of nation that have been hit worst by this and have been experiencing riots. Plans for improving the work sector, and to build a new stadium have too been delayed do to the crash. The government is currently working on a plan to reduce the damage done but a large some of cash is expected to be lost, and development hampered during the transition to a new economic plan.

  9. Decom nukes, buy land, change trades.

    What about people that have trades that affect environment or don't really do anything beneficial. They are going to be lucky if they get one person to trade with them. This idea really needs to be done away with fast. Things where fine they way before. This is going to make nation growing move way slower like I said before and things where plenty slow.

  10. Wouldn't the main problem be that it could be open to vandalism and various things that the nation whose Shoutbox this is might not want to see in there?

    Well you always have the option to ban, delete and see there IP if they really messed things up. Other then that it is just for fun I don't really take anything in it seriously just like the alliances that use them for there forums should not.

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