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Posts posted by Henkie

  1. [quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1300693030' post='2672043']
    If you refuse to believe that there is anything more to it, then you are an idiot. There is no point in replying to you.[/quote]

    Yet you go on...

    Point is, this war was completely unprovoked and for the simple reason that the last attempt to dismantle the NPO failed miserably, because the game doesn't allow for it if you're not willing to commit to a long term tactic of perma-ZI-ing every single nation. So the reality is that somewhere along the line, whether it's this war or the next, some group of people is going to decide that they're willing to go that far. And if they're willing to go that far, this is what it'll look like: a suggestion of peace to draw nations out of peace mode and than breaking their word. And as my PM inbox this morning proved, this strategy is not only not beyond Doomhouse, they're actually applying it as we speak. I, and all other nations this morning, received a PM from Doomhouse where they declared peace had been achieved. Yet Doomhouse is still fighting. What basis do you have to expect us to trust you on your word when you've already shown how little it's worth?

    If the people in NPO wanted to play without war, they should have gone and joined a neutral alliance. I have had every nation I have ever had destroyed in war, and winning or losing it was entertaining.[/quote]

    If neutrality is in commiting no offence great enough to warrant a war, NPO is neutral. If neutrality is in actually not getting entangled in a war, it's not our choice, but yours.

    [quote]Also if 30 days of war makes them unable to do anything for two years, then they are bad at the simple game mechanics that make up CN. My nation was less than a year old and I got to 40k ns with a decent stockpile of tech, as well as being nuke capable. GOONS is almost entirely small, young nations and they have had a large effect on CN.[/quote]

    I don't know to what degree you're willing to commit to the lie, but what makes you think the war will be over after 30 days? Do you honestly expect us to believe that?

  2. Just the way it looks from my perspective, because instead of admitting that it is because the flawed actions of your leaders and your harassment of many alliances over time having resulted in a war, and your subsequent defeat, the people here (including NPO members), are making up excuses saying you only lost sanction due to ghosts and whatnot.

    Completely different things if you ask me.

    As the leaders of Karma have all experienced at one time or another, once your friends are slowly moving away and your enemies are moving together, getting curbstomped is pretty unavoidable. We thought we could avoid this by being bigger and better than everybody else, but it turned out we weren't entirely matched up to everybody else together. The trick of good leadership is not in avoiding the unavoidable, but in surviving a curbstomp and bouncing back. And I know we will.

  3. I am sure that if you fall behind on payment of the reps, something can be worked out to stop another war starting, one that might actually finish the NPO. With people like Londo working so vigorously for the fairest treatment for all concerned, I am positive that a slip-up in payment can be worked out between the people involved, as long as it isn't too obviously delayed.

    The fact that they are in no way willing to renegotiate anything in the terms, and set terms that are extremely close to, if not over the limit of what's reachable, doesn't exactly suggest that they're lenient about the whole matter. Furthermore, you can't honestly expect us to bet our entire alliance on this leniency, with no guarantees what-so-ever.

  4. I cannot see why an alliance famed for its ability to rebuild quickly to pre-war totals, can suddenly not be able to pay back a simple amount over an indefinite length of time.

    An sich an entirely logical assumption, but not entirely applicable to the current situation. I'd like to point out that we've offered to pay a billion more than Karma's asking, if we could get rid of some of the limitations of how it is to be payed. Most importantly is the tech. 300k, to be payed by the larger nations now in peace mode, after they've gone through a serious war, at a minimum of 25k per month. In peace mode right now, are two groups of nations: a small group of bankers and a large group of nations that has allready ignored multiple orders to get out of peace mode and fight, probably because they're inactive for various reasons. The nations that will have to pay the tech are the nations that are known to be inactive and will be ZI-ed before they have to pay. The idea that these nations will achieve an efficiency anywhere close to what our bank on average can get, is absurd, tbh, even if we don't account for nations that may reroll, delete, or disappear, this is a tall order. If at any time we fall below the required amount, we've got another war on our hands, but now with ZI-ed banks with no warchests, no nations with nukes and enemies that have had time to restock. What you seem to think we've gotten is doable and reasonable, what we've actually been offered, however, is not.

  5. You know, I thought about writing a more detailed reply to this post, but I think pointing out the fact that within your short post, you managed to first admit that Pacifica initiated the war and then claim that Pacifica could not be considered the aggressors, will be sufficient in proving that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

    We didn't start this war. We started a small war against a small alliance that had been spying. The current war has nothing to do with that war, except that it was used as an excuse to get revenge for any number of supposed slights.

  6. And that's meant to make us change our minds?

    In every big war, the loser comes up being worse and having the fund their opponents via reps. I fail to see how this is any different, especially in comparison with some of your own wars such as GATO, which you ZI'd and then turned into your personal tech farm for several months under the guise of rebuilding the alliance.

    Because paying the reps won't end the war. That's the central argument. There is no rational reason to accept the payment of reps if the only outcome is yet another war, for which, undoubtedly, new reps will be demanded. When we demanded reps, at the very least we offered the outlook of peace, it's why people pay reps, by not offering the chance of peace, there's no point in accepting.

    At least we're being honest about wanting reps in this war rather than trying to dress it up as some noble act of charity.

    Calling it "reps" is trying to dress it up. The money has no relation to damage sustained and is purely punitive. The fact that you want to continue war before payment of reps in itself proves this point.

  7. Nothing's impossible, it might take you several years to build up the money required but Pacifica will be able to do it in the end. And the only two alternatives you seem to have is either becomming the next FAN, or disbanding the alliance all together.

    Taking several years would be against the peace terms, as they set minimum amounts to be payed each month, especially the tech bit, where 180 nations got exactly one year to pay off the 300k tech (25k per month). Breaking those terms will undoubtably lead to yet another way, except that we'd have let our nations be ZI-ed and we'd have been funding our opponents. Don't make the mistake of considering these peace-terms: they're an offer to speed up our destruction. Untill there are actual peaceterms, we have no choice but to continue the current path.

  8. The problem with individual accountability and punishing leaders is that often their followers have been "convinced" that their leader has done little wrong, so they will try and pick up his/her debt and in the end little will have changed from group punishment. Also, it would be a logistical nightmare to go through 700 nations and determine how much of a hand each one had in "crimes". However, I do agree this is the most fair method. Unfortunately, it's nigh impossible in the foreseeable future.

    I doubt anybody from the NPO will be picking up Ivan's debt, Doitzel's debt, or Electron Spunge's debt. I mean, ES himself has admitted on past occasions to be the mastermind behind FAN's fall, but nobody's taking this out on him. Doitzel himself was a loyal member of the NPO untill somebody talked about maybe needing to punish ES for this. Overall, it's astounding to see the selective memories at work, when deciding that nobody but the NPO was to blaim for every alliance that blew itself up in one war or another.

  9. But as harsh as those reps are, they're only going to get worse as time goes on.

    The longer you hold out and prolong the war, the more damage you're going to take from the fighting and more members your going to lose, making it harder for you to pay off the reps in the end. So as bad as things are for you now, they’ll only get worse.

    They can't get any worse. I mean, reps that can't be payed, won't be payed. Whether we're not paying 7 billion, 8 billion, or 800 billion is of no real consequence.

  10. And you're crying because we attacked you after you attacked. You started this, all we did was escalate it.

    Only if you see a connection between the war we started and the one your side escalated. But since Karma clearly pointed out that the war never was about protecting that one alliance, which ever it was, but about all kinds of selfrightious things, and apparently setting a bad example to you all, it was merely an excuse and it's quite absurd to consider the NPO the aggressors.

  11. Once again read and understand my posts. That part had nothing to do with if 58k tech is alot and I'm not putting any words in yor mouth. What I was saying was that if you're going to compare these terms to the ones MK got and only look at what they forked out to NPO then compare that to the total that several alliances are demanding from NPO you're just doing a bad job twisting the numbers. If you're going to look at what MK forked out to a single alliance then do the same on the NPO terms. Wich single alliance is demanding 300k tech?

    What we're talking about is the punishment of an alliance, it is irrelevant how much alliances are on the Karma side, when only the one alliance is on the paying side. In other words, it's not about what others'd be receiving, it's about what we'd be paying, and we'd be paying 300k tech. which is over 5 times more than what MK'd be paying.

    At any rate, am I the only one who thinks of Orwellian Newspeak when what is clearly punitive payments are labelled "reperations" and when a demand for a minimum of two weeks war is part of the "peace terms"?

  12. The trick'd be to keep your nation growing, or atleast staying at an even NS, while fighting three defensive wars. If we keep nukes out of the equation (because they are the automatic "everybody loses" option), I do see possibilities to do something like that. It'd be hard, and require a very well balanced nation, but seeing as how in 1 on 1 combat the defensive nation has the advantage, it'd be possible if you're a better fighter, more active and have the discipline to stay focussed on the defense, rather than thinking offensively, because the trick, again, is not to destroy your opponent, but to survive a theoretically unending combat.

  13. Nah it's much more reasonable to believe that there is a vast conspiracy against MK/Vox/etc. It has nothing to do with treaties and all that. There were secret payoffs for GGA to take the blame for starting an unjust war so that you guys wouldn't be seen in a negative light. That makes sense right? I mean you guys (NPO) have come out of this without any negative propaganda at all right?

    It's funny because everyone blames the whole thing on the flimsy CB of GGA... and yet NPO seems to be the one considered responsible. A creative approach to reason I'll admit.

    I guess "Death to the Evil Imperialistic GGA!" just doesn't sound as catchy...

  14. umbraehippydj3.jpg

    We will when your military command does.

    The same military command whose discourse on this forum is sadly limited to "come out of hippy".

    The point this time is not that you are cowards for hiding in peace-mode. The point is that you can't really threaten anybody aslong as you all keep hiding in peace-mode.

  15. I quite like the idea that we're all powerfull and can get everybody to do our bidding, but in this specific case I'm afraid it just doesn't make sense. Right now, the people claiming we orchestrated this all just to curbstomp MK, are the same people who are saying that the GGA CB on Hyperion was flimsy. Why the bloody hell, if we were going to accept a flimsy CB just to get to MK, didn't we just get a CB of our own to declare on MK directly? Maybe, just occasionally, we get in a war we didn't orchestrate from the beginning, don't you think?

  16. A trade might be worth 3 million if it was a good trade and the larger nation was really desperate, but for silver+uranium, I don't think you're going to get anything at all. Anyways, this is probably the wrong forum for offering trades...

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